X35 Earthwalker Bright Memory Infinite

Bright Memory: Infinite is a fantastic game. X35 Earthwalker declares that right of the bat. Matter of fact we won’t make you wait. It’s a 10/10 under one condition. The fact that it’s got one developer! Many know by now that Bright Memory: Infinite was developed by one guy. The developer FYQD-Studio. For one person, yes, Bright Memory: Infinite is easily 10/10. bigger developer groups have made games not as good as Bright Memory: Infinite. We just wanted to do a quick G-Blog out of respect for this game. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker always was interested in Bright Memory: Infinite. X35 played the platinum version of Bright Memory: Infinite. This game is all about action. Players control Shelia, who wields multiple guns and a sword. On top of that she has special tech that allows control over her enemies. For example you can pull enemies towards you and have them stuck in the air in slow motion for you to finish off or blast away. You can do a repelling blast also. Your sword allows for quick and strong slices to destroy foes. Let’s get more into it.

X35 Earthwalker Bright Memory Infinite

Bright Memory: Infinite has combos. You can do a sliding rising slice to launch enemies into the air for you to dice them up before they hit the ground. Unlock skills for more abilities like charging up your blade to release a flying slash attack. Leap into the air to do a powerful electric charged downwards strike. Charge up your fist for a shocking electric punch. Upgrade that same skill for the ultimate power as it becomes a literal flaming explosive punch that one shots everything except big bosses. That fire punch blasts through shields as well. 

The gun play in Bright Memory: Infinite is fantastic. Hit registration is clean allowing for accurate shots and quick dealing with enemies. There’s the assault rifle, shotgun, automatic pistol and sniper rifle. A weapon for all situations. Each gun has alternate fire modes which are all powerful. Assault rifle has tracking mini missiles, Shotgun has incendiary rounds, Automatic pistol has a massive explosive shot and sniper rifle has sticky bombs. Again, more layers to the combat. Some enemies truly get destroyed by certain weapons. For example, even big bosses get stunned and interrupted by the explosive pistol bomb shot.

X35 Earthwalker Bright Memory Infinite

Some dumb reviewers wanted to deduct marks from Bright Memory: Infinite because of how short the game is and how simple the story is or lack thereof. Well of course it’s going to be a short game without an expansive story. Bright Memory: Infinite wasn’t made by 343 industries or Fromsoftware. It’s made by ONE GUY. Bright Memory: Infinite obviously took him a very long time. Of course it’s not going to be a massive game with tons of deep lore. Review and judge games taking into consideration what the game is. Context matters. 

Bright Memory: Infinite isn’t all action as there is a stealth section because your equipment stopped working thanks to the anomaly. You find a nearby lethal weapon and get to work sneaking past enemies soldiers and assassinate whoever you please. There’s also a part where you get support with a vehicle. You have a drive sequence with a powerful rocket launcher to take out enemy vehicles and escape a collapsing cave. Shelia also has excellent mobility. she can double jump, evade dash and even run along walls. Again, it’s all action. You can time your block to help stagger enemies and even reflect certain projectiles back at opponents. For example you can reflect shotgun fire and flaming arrows back at enemies.

Overall Bright Memory: Infinite is a fantastic Xbox exclusive game. Bright Memory: Infinite Platinum Edition shines best off course on the Xbox Series X. There’s the option to play in either first or third person mode. There’s different skins for Shelia as well from casual clothes to her default combat gear. Bright Memory: Infinite especially with the affordable price is worth playing even today. No regrets over here. The developer FYQD-Studio did a fantastic top tier job. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to what’s next for this game and the developer. Now Bright Memory: Infinite may be fantastic but not on the same level as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Earth Defence Force 2025

X35 Earthwalker has played so many games over his gaming adventures and some games clearly try to stand out with a certain factor or whatever. What many inferior reviewers and lower intelligence youtubers/streamers fail to understand when reviewing games, is the purpose of games in the first place. Entertainment. Games are suppose to entertain the players. It’s suppose to be fun. Fun sums up Earth Defence Force 2025. Let’s take a look.

Earth Defence Force 2025 is pretty much the embodiment of fun. This game is so silly and stupid in many good ways. It is clearly aware of that but its main focus and goal is fun. Plain and simple. That’s why Earth Defence Force 2025 is better than many games out today,. even the newer and far shinier games. Earth Defence Force 2025 hasn’t got great graphics or animations. It’s far from the most polished game out there even at its time. That’s not always what matters though. Lethal company went viral and so many played it and had so much fun and that game looks bad on purpose. Earth Defence Force 2025 is like this too.

X35 Earthwalker Earth Defence Force 2025

The simple story of Earth Defence Force 2025 is that there’s giant insects attacking the citizens, army and the world basically and off course they are mainly underground but come up to attack… just like the Locusts of Gears of War. The EDF (Earth Defence Force) are out here to combat and eliminate the insects. Off course, they are losing. It’s giant insects after all. Insects breed and reproduce like crazy. Giant ants are here. Ask yourself, “How many ants are in the world?” Now you can see the problem. 

There’s giant ants, jumping spiders, orb web slinging spiders, wasps and giant red ants. Have fun with that… and you will. On top of that, there’s an old alien enemy that’s come back too. The Ravagers. So expect flying robots, giant cannon blasting hectors and transport ships who drop of giant insects. Yes, the ravagers are using the giant insects. We have written and spoken about these enemies before so read them to know more. We will say that the enemies add to the fun. Hectors with the giant blasters have launched players far into the sky and far away, to then land, receive no fall damage and get back up and run into the fight screaming at the top of their lungs. It’s hilarious. More funny thanks to the rag doll physics.

Giant red ants chase you down to grab you and fling you around in its jaws. Wasps fire their stingers at you from the air, jumping spiders will annoy you the most. Enemies even will flank you and go around to split your attention. Don’t fear though as the EDF has the tools to fight back… believe us, they do. Let’s talk about the most fun thing in the game… all the weapons. There’s soooooooooooooo many weapons. More than you know. Been playing for a long time and semi-recently got an xbox achievement stating I got 50% of the weapons. What?! Only 50%?! Yeah. There’s more I haven’t unlocked and seen yet. Pay attention.     

There’s weapons for everything and Earth Defence Force 2025 doesn’t believe in being realistic. If Japan had these weapons in real life they would easily be the world power no contest. It’s what Japan wish they had. There’s assault rifles and many versions of them. There’s machine guns, machine guns with bouncy bullets, machine guns that shoot lasers. Flamethrowers have crazy reach and truly fry things. There’s shotguns of different pellet amounts and spreads. Sniper rifles of different types and ranges. Grenade launchers. Grenades. Lasers. Decoys, anti-air set ups, sentry weapons, mines and traps. Electric firing weapons, alien blasters, acid sprayers.

What? You thought we were done? Nope. There’s the crazy big powerful weapons that the Fencers have. Yeah, what we mentioned before was weapons mainly for the Rangers and a few for Wing divers. The wing divers, fencers and air raiders have a whole bunch of their own weapons. Fencers have giant hammers that have big aoe. They have chain guns which are loaded with so much ammo. Also Fencers can dual wield. So that’s two chain guns spraying down an entire area. Mortar launchers which fire big mortar shots that destroy all buildings and foes. they have shields to block damage with one hand and shoot giant harpoon like spear blasters with the other hand. Wing divers have the sci fi weapons and alien tech stuff, so expect laser lances, laser shotgun repeaters, homing blasters, electric snipers, super big bomb blast and more.

Air raiders are the most unique. Yes they are the support class who can shield allies and vehicles, repair vehicles, set up traps, anti-air, turrets, bunkers and even guide missiles from allies. They also call in powerful attacks like air strikes, salvos from a navy ship, satellite lasers, bombing runs and what feels like an artillery nuke. Kill enough foes to charge up these abilities and then use them on an army of enemies and watch them get nuked. But wait… there’s more. Air Raiders can call in vehicles. They can call in bikes, mobile missile launchers, tanks, mechs, super tanks and even helicopters. Yes, and there’s multiple variations to them. The vehicles do get crazy. We unlocked a literal super tank with ridiculous firepower, tons of armour and multiple weapons. This game is crazy.

Like we said, this game is crazy fun. You can literally destroy all the buildings as long as the retiarius spider hasn’t got web on it. It’s so much fun to demolish everything in sight in the name of defending the earth from giant insects and aliens. You might accidentally blow up your team mates and send them flying too. It has happened before. We forgot to mention that Earth Defence Force 2025 is multiplayer. 2 players for local co-op but 4 for online. It’s crazy good fun. Inferno difficulty is too hard for the most part unless you have the right character class and specific weapons to combat the threat. Hardest difficulty though is a good match overall.

Overall Earth Defence Force 2025 is just an excellent game and one of the best games ever. It’s stereotypical in a funny way with the characters speaking and even the soldier singing an encouraging patriotic song to keep the spirits high. The combat is over the top and the enemies are not scary but a giant problem which needs giant weapons. It makes sense and still brings entertainment to this day. X35 Earthwalker will continue two face giant foes. Earth Defence Force 2025 is a must try even by todays gaming standards.  

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X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

Flashback 2 is an action platform shooter game developed and published by ‘Microbe‘. Flashback 2 is said to be coming out the 16th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has never heard of this or the first gamer before. Flashback 2 is aiming to make a big show off. Let’s take a look.

Flashback 2 is set in the future. The 22nd century. The solar system is quite peaceful. The united worlds are all across it. The peace of course is ruined by the Morph invasion. General Lazarus is behind this invasion. Our main guy Conrad B. Hart is getting back into the action. His main focus is finding his lifelong friend Ian. Conrad will be working with his allies and an AI powered weapon called A.I.S.H.A. Your enemy? The Morphs.

X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

Definitely looks like a lot is going on here. Of course we are most interested in the combat. It’s a full on battle for survival. The maps and locations are proper 3D and have room for exploration. What’s even better is that it’s not just facilities and buildings. There’s the environment and outside world too. We got a whole jungle area and it looks very good.

X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

We checked out some Flashback 2 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. The enemies aren’t playing around. The technology is definitely futuristic. The shields you can deploy to protect yourself. The projectiles the weapons fire looking like blaster lasers. Were hope Flashback 2 does get kind of crazy. They keep saying it’s been 30 years but it’s actually 31 years. Strange.

Overall Flashback 2 looks like a very good game. Visually things are good. The details are very good too. The focus is there. The Morphs don’t seem that intimidating which is disappointing. They better be a major threat. We also hope that Flashback 2 makes use of the whole invasion by Morphs thing. It needs to be visually clear and used effectively. The developers ‘Microids’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how gamers deal with this. Now Flashback 2 may have waited a very long time but it’s incredibly short from the perspective of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

AK-xolotl is a top down rougelite shooter developed by ‘2Awesome studio‘ and published by ‘Playstack‘. AK-xolotl is said to be coming out the 14th of September 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker does like Xolotls. AK-xolotl is out here not joking around, except they are joking around. Grab your AK-47. Let’s take a look.

AK-xolotl is a funny game. Literally. AK-xolotl has players control a Xolotl who is cute but turns out is very dangerous. This Xolotl is armed with weapons. Its main is the AK-47. That why we mentioned it earlier. Now the story… well it’s more like you just go on a rampage through the different biomes facing all kinds of foes and dangerous beings. It’s an adventure for sure. 

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

This game is actually funny. AK-xolotl is all about that action. The bosses are crazy. There’s even a hello kitty… oh sorry, we meant hell’o kitty. We are sure you see the reference here. Giant knife wielding Enemy Crabs and even sock snakes There’s many enemies who are natural predators and if you give them the chance, they will destroy you… unless… you destroy them first. You can even go full akuma from street fighter on these foes with the raging demon.

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

Now during your adventure in AK-xolotl you will come across different baby Xolotls. Find them and help them. Bring them back home with you and nurture and raise them. When they grow up, they become Xolotl characters for you to control and play. Treat it like the binding of Isaac. Different characters, different effects, maybe some abilities. So yeah there’s some variety for sure.

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

Now of course, AK-xolotl as a rougelite crazy shooter, there’s random generated rooms, random layouts and getting jumped by foes. So make sure to grab the food you find. Feed your xolotl children and hopefully get a bite for yourself. Besides that you are going to need some help. That’s why you can purchase things like at ‘Small Paws Dealer’. There are other friendly beings out there who are willing to help… for a price etc. 

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

So yeah, you should know what to expect by now with AK-xolotl. You can either choose to play with a melee style or ranged shooter. There’s many enemies, many weapons, upgrades are off course available. Don’t forget to cook ‘permanent, stat-improving recipes” for the xolotls. Eat everything you can find. We hear even mjolnir is in the game.

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

We checked out some Ak-Xolotl gameplay and it’s what we expected. Run, around, keep moving and fight your way through it all. It’s a rougelite for sure. Just straight up fun but additional elements like the whole rescuing and raising babies thing to become fighters. Ak-Xolotl is not playing around. 

Overall Ak-Xolotl looks like an excellent game. There’s lots to like here. It’s silly, fun, straight action, references, lots to do and multiple mechanics going on. More things need to be examined. Cute shooter. Sigh. The developers ‘2Awesome studios’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Ak-Xolotl may have cute dangerous creatures but they aren’t on the level high enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Exoprimal

Exoprimal is an action shooter game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Exoprimal is said to be coming out the 14th of July 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. Exoprimal is trying to be the game that stands out. X35 Earthwalker likes to see games like this… but is it done right?

Exoprimal is set in the year 2040. the planet is in danger. Basically dinosaurs are showing up “from thin air” and they are doing all kinds of damage to the cities… across the world. so everyone basically looks to ‘Aibius Corporation’ for help. They are described as powerful and have AI technology. They got one called Leviathan which lets them know where the dinosaurs will roll up on the scene. They then send out fighters to take them down. Exofighters. 

X35 Earthwalker Exoprimal

Exoprimal gets players right into the action. As an exofighter you are armed with the Exosuits which are the so called “state-of-the-art” mechanise combat suits. So yeah, if you fail, then humanity is doomed. So go fight dinosaurs… or maybe not… try to take a selfie with them… or not.

Now Exoprimal does want to make things tactical so there are classes. Assault, Tank and Support. It’s obvious what these roles do. What’s not so obvious are the loadouts. Pick these to fit the situation or your style. There’s also rigs, which are additional equipment adding abilities. Here’s an example. The zephyr exosuit is excellent at close range but off course struggles with long distance threats. The cannon rig will give you a long range laser. Problem solved.

X35 Earthwalker Exoprimal

We checked out some Exoprimal gameplay and it’s what we expected. There’s different dinosaur types, with some being big and require attention while there’s the raptors swarming like zombies. Players have good mobility, certain classes have more. The tank classes got big weapons and stand against the horde. Speed in attacks and strikes. Hovering, thrusting, sword strikes, transformation and more. It’s heavy action and looks like things can get intense. The difficulty is in question though. This is a team focused game but is it balanced for solo players?

Overall Exoprimal looks like a great game. We like the graphics. The animations are very good. The details are weak though. As in the armour design and details on it. The focus was clearly all on the combat. Cutscenes are good. Good dinosaur games are rare. The developers ‘Capcom’ have done a very good job so far. X35 Earthwalker will have to see in full what this game brings. Now Exoprimal may have dangerous dinosaurs but they are just baby lizards if they ever faced… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Gungrave C.O.R.E

Gungrave G.O.R.E. is an action shooter game developed by ‘Iggymob Co‘ and published by ‘Prime Matter‘. Gungrave G.O.R.E. has come out on the 22nd of November 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Gungrave G.O.R.E. wants to be about that action. X35 Earthwalker likes action. Let’s take a look.

Gungrave G.O.R.E. has a very simple story. There’s a drug called Seed. Seed is incredibly dangerous and ruining the world. El-alcangel is an organisation that trying to destroy Seed. Raven clan is the organisation that wants to spread seed everywhere. Beyond the grave and Mika, thanks to quartz, learn that raven clan is in scumland. So they go there to finish them off. That’s it.

X35 Earthwalker Gungrave C.O.R.E

Forget about elegance and fancy stuff with this game. Gungrave G.O.R.E. is all about the action. The name even suggests this. So just get out there and start shooting. Many players love to be powerful, shoot and story whatever is in their path. Sort of like Doom Eternal. Gungrave G.O.R.E. just lets’s players have fun and shoot. Your character Beyond the grave is superhuman and invincible because after he died, he was revived using necrolization. Just accept it.

We won’t go into all the details but there are multiple significant characters in Gungrave G.O.R.E. and they stand out from each other. They certainly don’t behave the same way. Turonty, Ganpo, Yensen, Zell and much more.

X35 Earthwalker Gungrave C.O.R.E

We checked out some Gungrave G.O.R.E. gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. Fire and blast away. There’s a simple system for everything in Gungrave G.O.R.E. The shooting system has auto aim and it applies to both enemies and destructible objects. You have shields. Shields work like shields in Halo Infinite. They can recharge if you aren’t taking damage for a while. There’s a beat count which measures how many times you have shot enemies. Keep the beat score high. The higher beat. score means more rewards after beating the level. You can knock on, dodge shoot, dodge, melee attack (funeral strike), death tornado which can be used to reflect missiles back or knock back enemies. There burst mode and storm barrage too.

Overall Gungrave G.O.R.E. does look like it’s a good game. There’s lots of mechanics in the game, special abilities and moves. It’s all about the action and it delivers action. There’s chains, slams and ultimate specials like Fury mode and demolition shot which allow for complete destruction and damage buffs. The game does look good, the effects like particles are very good, the action isn’t lacking and the main character Beyond the grave acts very stylish and relaxed about everything. Almost reminding us of Dante from devil’s may cry. Gamers like those types. The developers ‘Iggymob’ so far have done a good job. X35 Earthwalker wanted more action, hopes for more creative enemy variety and one more thing that we won’t mention. Let’s see if the developers can think good like X35 Earthwalker. Now Gungrave G.O.R.E. may have loads of action but it’s too stale for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Counterattack

CounterAttack is a side scrolling shooter developed by ‘Relative Games‘ and published by ‘Relative Software‘. CounterAttack is said to be coming out the 5th of November 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One. counterAttack is already a released game on Linux, Mac and pc. CounterAttack is coming to consoles… the Xbox Series X. X35 Earthwalker is the best in the gaming industry. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Counterattack

The story here in CounterAttack is simple. Earth is under attack. So defend it. Basically. The enemies this time are ‘Automations’. Created by humanity themselves. They have rebelled against us and now we got a problem. The solution is to fight back with the ‘Experimental Space Fighter Program’. Basically pilots who pilot powerful space ships made for combat. Blast away, evade incoming fire and try to survive. You know the drill.

CounterAttack has an amazing feature that many other games don’t have and that is… local co-op! So locally you can do 1-4 and online you can do 2-8. The amount of good games that don’t have local co-op is pathetic. A game like this does need local co-op. So  gather friends and family and go blast some ‘Automations’.

X35 Earthwalker Counterattack

Each pilot is different as they have their own ship and unique ultimate weapon. So check them all out first. Carl has the Plasma Strike, Biff has the Big Biff Laser, Joe has Overcharge, Jinx has the Hack Wave, Ayumi has the Tactical Nuke, Sarah has the Quantium Shield, Marcus has the Mesonwave and Sloane has the Fighter Squadron. So yeah, Looking forward to finding out who has the best ultimate weapon and who is the most versatile in use.

X35 Earthwalker Counterattack

We checked out some CounterAttack gameplay and it’s what we expected. The graphics and visuals are not very good though. It’s the simple style that they went for. Gameplay is more important though and that’s definitely there. You can unlock upgrades to make you more powerful. Enhance your ship and maybe do it your way. Equip attachments to basically create new weapons as in how they function. We hear there’s over 500 attachments concerning your ship. There’s even 3 endless survival modes. Sounds like quite a semi packed game.

Overall CounterAttack sounds like a very good game. CounterAttack is cross platform for multiplayer. This means Linux, Mac, pc and now off course, the best, Xbox. The story mode has 32 levels. There’s even a level editor, so players can of crazy with that. Medium high levels of customisation. The variety of enemies is a big factor that we need to see. The developers ‘Relative Games’ have done a good job with this game. X35 Earthwalker himself will see what becomes of this being on console. Now CounterAttack may have 8 different pilots but all of them together accomplish nothing against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Arcadegeddon

Arcadegeddon is a cooperative multiplayer game developed and published by ‘Illfonic‘. Arcadegeddon is said to be coming out the 5th of July 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. Arcadegeddon wants to bring a wild gaming adventure. X35 Earthwalker will be the judge of how good it is. Let’s take a look.

Arcadegeddon has a pretty cool story. Basically there’s a local arcade. It’s about to be put out of business due to a mega corporation called ‘Fun Fun co’. Massive competition. One sided. The arcade owner, Gilly, has a big plan. He took all the top games in his arcade and connects them all into one… big game. A super game if you must. Problem solved… not really. Fun Fun co hacked the game and put in a virus. So yeah… it’s time to save the game.

X35 Earthwalker Arcadegeddon

Don’t forget that this is a cooperative multiplayer shooter game. This means you can enter the game with your friends and fight your way through these levels. There’s a mix of PVP and PVE in Arcadegeddon. This opens doors. Expect to face other players (hopefully not try hards) and off course enemies and threats. The levels have been described as ever changing. So players should expect some freshness in the gameplay. There’s 3 biomes right now but another on the way. There’s: Aftermath, Mystic Isles, Nerve centre and Downtown is on the way. We expect to see big variety in the biomes then. 

X35 Earthwalker Arcadegeddon

We checked out some Arcadegeddon gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. Use guns, guns and even more guns. There’s quite a range with different functions. Explosive, rifles, snipers, sub machine guns and more. Definitely more. There’s hordes for you to face as well. watch the trailer we placed here to see what we mean. Looks like it’s going to get crazy in here. By the way, there’s local gangs that chill in Gilly’s arcade. they will give you challenges. Completing them will earn you street cred. We won’t say more.

Overall Arcadegeddon is looking like it’s going to be a straight up silly fun game. Nothing serious. Just run around with your friends or family and gun down the horde. Bring out explosives, shot gun blast and more. We need to see more about how the biomes function and those changes. The gangs are plentiful and got lots of variety for sure. We hope they play a bigger role than just challenges. The gameplay looks nice too. The developers ‘Illfonic’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open concerning how much fun it is. Now Arcadegeddon may be many games connected together but even together it’s too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

Asteroids: Recharged is a action arcade shooter game developed by Sneakybox and Adamvision studios but published by Atari. Asteroids: Recharged is said to be coming out the the 14th of December 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Asteroids is back and it’s coming new stuff. Let’s take a look.

Let’s keep this simple with Asteroid: Recharged. It’s Asteroid. Like come on. If you don’t know what this game is then we don’t want to help you. Just open up another page on your search engine and type in ‘asteroid game’. You’re welcome. Now concerning the rest of y’all who aren’t uncultured swine, read the rest of this G-blog post. Asteroid is back and modernised. This includes new, better controls and off course superior graphics.

X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

Asteroid: Recharged is not just controls and visuals. There’s new gameplay mechanics and features too. There’s new power ups and weapons to help you. There’s rail guns, spread shots and even reflector shields and more. There’s not just asteroids. There’s these annoying  UFOs that have some anger issues. They are after you. So take them down… if you can.

X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

We checked out some Asteroid: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. You are the computer cursor arrow thing. You move around, dodge, stay alive and blast everything really. The UFOs look stupid but they don’t care. They want to kill you. The best thing about Asteroid: Recharged is that there’s local co-op… unlike Halo Infinite. Every mode gives the option for local co-op. Excellent decision.

Overall Asteroid: Recharged looks like an excellent game. Simple game but seems to work well. The action can get serious when asteroids start closing in from all around. We like the visuals of a destroyed large asteroid. Looks excellent. Modernising old retro games is an easy job and are mostly done good. The developers ‘Sneakybox’ and ‘Adamvision studios’ have done an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to just wait and see what Asteroid: Recharged will do. Now Asteroid: Recharged may have been modernised but what’s always modern is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Blackwind

Blackwind is a hack n slash shooter platformer game developed by ‘Drakkar Dev’ and published by ‘Blowfish studios’ and ‘Gamera Game’. Blackwind is said to be coming out January the 20th 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Mac and PC. We enjoy a good mech game. Let’s take a look.

Now just the genres alone should give experienced players a good idea of what to expect. In the world of Blackwind, humanity is off course advanced in technology and ideas. Humans have a mining colony on a planet called Medusa-42. Aliens known as Raknos have invaded. Now off course you realise, this means war. Take control of James Hawkins (lame name) who is the definition of a rookie. “No formal training” and “finds himself in a Battle Frame”. It’s a start at the bottom and make your way up. Become powerful and feared. 

  X35 Earthwalker Blackwind

Hack and slash which means it’s safe for players to dive head first into Blackwing and have fun. Start smashing everything you come across. It doesn’t matter. There could be a mother pushing a baby buggy. It’s her fault for being in a battlefield. Blast em all. Blackwind has melee attacks and moves. There’s off course ranged attacks for blasting foes. There’s also “special attacks” too for those more fancy kills and maneuver-ish like stuff. So don’t worry. Just fight and fight.

You can upgrade your Battle Frame in Blackwind across three branching paths. So really decide how you want to play. Either upgrade and become the mech with energy blades for ripping and tearing close range combat but you can then get tactical by backing up real fast and launch missiles to blow stuff up from the comfort of safety. Then you can combine these tactics with your more special abilities. 

X35 Earthwalker Blackwind

We do like the platforming parts of the adventure in Blackwind. It feels like exploration. Parts like this in games have room for secrets and collectibles and stuff to find that are off use. We know that there is a drone you can send out. It’s much smaller than you are so it can go into and search places that your oversized self con’s get into. Lose some weight. So players would be wise to not ignorer and rush the platforming and travelling parts of Blackwind. You could end up missing some good stuff. 

We checked out some Blackwind gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like the movement of the mech. We like the versatility of the weapons and definitely like how the energy blades look on the mech, especially when slashing. Definitely liking the graphics and visuals. The environments and levels look good. The animations and frames seem very good as well. The gameplay seems simple but good and fun. We do hope too gain more information concerning the upgrade tree branches and the weapons. Not enough info right now provided.

Overall Blackwind just seems like a good game so far. Nothing special though. We have to see and know more. Jump in, fight, slash, shoot, blast, dash and explore your way from being trash to becoming a powerful known fighter and defeat the invading aliens. We hope there will be co-op features. A game like this should have co-op action. The developers ‘Drakkar Dev’ have a done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now blackwind may have mech blasting action but this whole invasion would have been stopped before it started by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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