X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

Sonic X Shadow Generations is an action 3D/2D Platformer game developed by ‘Sonic Team‘ and published ‘SEGA‘. Sonic X Shadow Generations is said to be coming out the 25th of October 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4 and PS5. X35 Earthwalker played Sonic Generations and had a good time. Sonic X Shadow Generations looking like it wants to bring the upgraded sauce. Let’s take a look.

Sonic X Shadow Generations isn’t playing around. The story is simple. It’s Sonic Generations but with Shadow and the shenanigans he brings. The so called ultimate life, who’s like 3 feet 3 inches tall, is here. So expect all the excellent action from Sonic Generations but add in the additional levels and whole new story side for Shadow on top of everything and that’s Sonic X Shadow Generations. Very simple to understand.

X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

Shadow isn’t just dropped into the game but he also has his own thing going on. In Shadow’s campaign he faces off against an old foe… Black Doom. He’s trying to take over the world again… like they always do. Things are different this time. Shadow isn’t the same bummy hedgehog we all love. He’s going to become stronger… that’s right.

Shadow will get new Doom powers. These dark powers will shake things up for sure. So look out for the new stuff. Shadow may have to travel to the past, put together the timeline and even revisit some painful memories but on the lighter side shadow will get to surf on water, soar over those obstacles and you’ll like this one… stop time. That’s right! Chaos control is back. 

X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

Sonic X Shadow Generations also has a “complete” remaster of Sonic Generations. There’s a system to let players go back to those levels, only now they have bee upgraded, especially visually. There’s also “new bonus content”. Fighting hordes of enemies as shadow is definitely a thing here and there’s suppose to be platforming challenges “like never before”. Definitely like to see what that’s about.

The white space has also been upgraded. This “all-new hub world” was inspired by the “open zone gameplay of Sonic Frontiers”. As you acquire new powers you will be able to go further, explore more and discover secrets and hidden stuff. So there’s clearly more to do. By the way, if gamers buy the Sonic X Shadow Generations Digital deluxe edition you’ll get a bunch of stuff but also get to play the game early.

X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

We checked out some Sonic X Shadow Generations gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s sonic. It’s Sonic Generations but with more. There’s a lot of speed. There’s combat. There’s Shadow. There’s also a chao to rescue in each level, there’s also the casino for players to rack up the score. There’s a museum for your viewing pleasure including behind the scenes type art. A lot of good stuff so far in Sonic X Shadow Generations.

Overall Sonic X Shadow Generations looks like an excellent game. Graphics are top tier for sonic style standards. The music is going to be crazy. There’s so much options thanks to time travelled remastered previous levels. There’s more to do and find. Shadow gets upgrades as well. Good stuff right here. The developers ‘Team Sonic’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye not his game. Now Sonic X Shadow Generations may have shadow in there but he’s not ultimate enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Teared

Teared is an action platformer arcade style game developed by ‘Juanmod‘ and published by ‘Jandusoft‘. Teared is said to be coming out in the first quarter of 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has played so many games and recognises many factors. Teared wants to bring some familiar arcade action. Let’s take a look.

Teared is all about the action and less of the story… just like old school games. Players control a hero apparently who is on a journey and will face all kinds of threats and foes. The trailer makes it clear that players must get the knife. Seriously, Teared reminds us of Ghost ‘N Goblins. Using the daggers. Games like this can go in real hard when done right.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

In basic arcade style, Teared has 9 levels and we hear there are 2 bonus stages as well. There’s also bosses. Said to be colossal. There’s also supposed to be a range of enemies to face like spiders, even dragons, cyclops, skeletons and more. Teared has room for precision with your attacks. Players might have to aim for some spots.

Apparently there’s 3 weapons that you have to find. Teared states that these three weapons are distinct, providing their own advantages. We can easily see how to make multiple distinct weapons in a game like this. Based on the visual style and the animations, we don’t expect much from the bosses… hopefully this games proves us wrong.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

We checked out some Teared gameplay and it’s what we expected. Teared is all about the action. You jump in and start throwing daggers at foes while progressing to the right. As a platformer there’s jumps, gaps, water, magma, elevation, bridges and more. There’s things or should we say monsters active in the background. 

Overall Teared seems like an alright game. At the base and core this is a straight up arcade style get your score for your actions. It’s combat and killing foes. See a variety of levels and beat the game. Visually and animation wise Teared doesn’t look that good. So what matters here is how good the core is. The developers ‘Juanmod’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see honest games do well. Now Teared may have arcade action but it’s not on the level of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

Sonzai is a 2D action brawler platformer Role Playing game developed by ‘2 Odd Diodes’ and published by ‘Top Hate studios‘. Sonzai is said to be coming out the 29th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mac, Linux, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker has to be in the mood for mysteries.  Sonzai apparently has some mysteries going on. Let’s take a look. 

X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

Keeping things simple here. Sonzai takes place in Kumotoshi. Kumotoshi is a magical town. A place that numerous young mages go to. Other for a big adventure, to learn, opportunities, whatever. It’s nice too but the outsides are not so nice. Dangerous even. We hear there those places are infused with magical energy. Players control a new student who just showed up in town.

Sonzai is going to be a magical brawling adventure. There will be new people to meet and friends to make… hopefully. What’s more certain though is that Kumotoshi has mysteries and secrets confirmed. What’s not so secret is that there’s a bunch of people and Sonzai has placed good emphasis and focus on the relationships you build with characters. Each character is said to have their own lives and stories. Hopefully that will be clear and strong in the game.

X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

Basically Sonzai has made it so that your relationships affect both “the scope of the player’s skill” and even the story itself. So yeah, get more powerful through those relationships. Some characters like to see a new person in town while others don’t. Keep that in mind. All this is happening while you still got to handle your high school life here at Kumotoshi. We trust that the ,ore of this magical place is deep enough. 

The biggest factor has to be the combat. It’s combo based. Really about the combos. We hear there’s lots of customisation when it comes to the combat. There’s runes and modules. Active runes are the big magical attacks to use against foes. Passive runes grant sweet buffs if you meet the conditions. Modules are what causes the modifiers. Get creative with them to adjust your loadout. We see some crazy combo potential from staying airborne, to dashing around to pulling enemies in, to melee and to ranged. Things looking real nice.

X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

We checked out some Sonzai gameplay and it’s not what we expected. Let’s start with the visuals. The graphics style we don’t like at all but we see the work that goes into it. This style take a lot of effort to pull off. It’s described as inky minimalist with “precisely choreographed animations”. All hand drawn. Respect the work that went into it. We do, even though we don’t like it. It’s apparently quite a big world with different locations that have their own main stand out. Like an underground civilisation, what looks like a  mystical forest. There’s even a burning town.

Overall Sonzai is looking like an excellent game. Most likely top tier. X35 Earthwalker always respects the hard work that goes into these things. So the developers has to prove us right concerning this respect. Don’t fail us. From the art style, to the mechanics, to the combat. This does look real deep for sure. The developers ‘2 Odd Diodes’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep our eyes open for this game. Now Sonzai may have deep customisable combat but it’s far too basic in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Unlife

Unlife is an action survival platformer game developed and published by ‘Diedemor studios’. Unlife is said to be coming out the 1st of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. Unlife is already out on PC though. X35 Earthwalker has conquered many ruined, destroyed post apocalyptic worlds. Unlife trying to create a scary world here. Let’s take a look.

Unlife is a post apocalyptic world basically. This world has been destroyed by nuclear war. Now there’s a black ocean and it’s full of all kinds of monstrous creatures. Players control a dude who is trying to survive in a submarine, in this black ocean. The situation looks grim for sure. Survival is the main goal. Believe us when we say there are big threats out there.

X35 Earthwalker Unlife

The submarine is the main base really in Unlife. Guide and navigate the “ocean platforms”. There are locations to explore and check out. In the hopes of finding supplies and maybe… just maybe… find other survivors. Who knows, maybe there’s a way to escape or even resolve the situation. These explorations are dangerous as there be monsters in there.

Unlife has multiple threats. There’s weird shaped wriggly humanoid monsters in the ocean itself. There’s mutated humans also. Nuclear crap and all that. There’s fast scrambling spider monsters. Unlife even seems rot have what looks like a discount kraken. These aren’t the only threats out there but they are out here and looking for some meat.  

X35 Earthwalker Unlife

We checked out some Unlife gameplay and it’s what we expected. The graphics are good but we don’t like the animation style though. We like the whole shooting and scavenging for supplies. We like the monsters but we hope there’s better variety. The difficulty is in question as it doesn’t look clear. Also what’s the level of scarcity concerning the ammo and supplies.

Overall Unlife looks like a good game. We like that there’s two endings. One has to be a submarine gets destroyed thing while the other has to be survival and maybe a solution. The battle with these creatures. has to be the highlight, especially the big monster and kraken. We hope the submarine moments are where things get kind of horror game like with suspense and thing show up in the water. The developers ‘Diedemor studios’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what this game does. Now Unlife may have a black ocean with monsters but that ocean would get cleaned up real quick by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

Flashback 2 is an action platform shooter game developed and published by ‘Microbe‘. Flashback 2 is said to be coming out the 16th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has never heard of this or the first gamer before. Flashback 2 is aiming to make a big show off. Let’s take a look.

Flashback 2 is set in the future. The 22nd century. The solar system is quite peaceful. The united worlds are all across it. The peace of course is ruined by the Morph invasion. General Lazarus is behind this invasion. Our main guy Conrad B. Hart is getting back into the action. His main focus is finding his lifelong friend Ian. Conrad will be working with his allies and an AI powered weapon called A.I.S.H.A. Your enemy? The Morphs.

X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

Definitely looks like a lot is going on here. Of course we are most interested in the combat. It’s a full on battle for survival. The maps and locations are proper 3D and have room for exploration. What’s even better is that it’s not just facilities and buildings. There’s the environment and outside world too. We got a whole jungle area and it looks very good.

X35 Earthwalker Flashback 2

We checked out some Flashback 2 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. The enemies aren’t playing around. The technology is definitely futuristic. The shields you can deploy to protect yourself. The projectiles the weapons fire looking like blaster lasers. Were hope Flashback 2 does get kind of crazy. They keep saying it’s been 30 years but it’s actually 31 years. Strange.

Overall Flashback 2 looks like a very good game. Visually things are good. The details are very good too. The focus is there. The Morphs don’t seem that intimidating which is disappointing. They better be a major threat. We also hope that Flashback 2 makes use of the whole invasion by Morphs thing. It needs to be visually clear and used effectively. The developers ‘Microids’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how gamers deal with this. Now Flashback 2 may have waited a very long time but it’s incredibly short from the perspective of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Rooftop Renegade

Rooftop Renegade is an action platformer game developed and published by ‘Melonhead games‘. Rooftop Renegade is said to be coming out the 17th of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has the best written gaming content. Rooftop Renegade looking like some casual fun. Let’s take a look.

Rooftop Renegade has a simple arcade story going on. Basically you are on the run. Evading capture from what looks like a police pursuit squad or whatever. They will even use weapons and their firepower to make escape difficult for you. Players must race through the “futuristic skyscrapers” all with the help of your hoverblades. Simply put they are roller blades but futuristic and you move sort of like shadow the hedgehog.

X35 Earthwalker Rooftop Renegade

Rooftop Renegade is more of a casual fun game. If you know about temple run or the subway run game then think of Rooftop Renegade like it but bigger. It’s all about speed and getting a flow going on. There’s multiple paths you can take and you have to decide quickly where you want to go. There’s boost rings like in sonic which zooms you forward. There’s a dash ability for that extra distance or air time. There’s rails for players to grind on and feel the wind in your hair… unless you are bald.

X35 Earthwalker Rooftop Renegade

We checked out some Rooftop Renegade gameplay and it’s what we expected. What we didn’t expect is that Rooftop Renegade has a multiplayer mode where your friends or family can try to gun you down and ruin your run. Yes you can race through the world while your friends or family take on the role of the pursuers and give you some trouble. We like the skyscraper locations and seeing the background in the distance. Really shows that you are up in the air. 

Overall Rooftop Renegade looks like a good game. Like we said. Arcade–ish style casual fun. Getting the best score you can is like the biggest goal here. There’s also a “seed-based generator mode” so players can get a different experience each time. The visuals are nice and quite colourful. The game is simple and players can get right into it. Hopefully the music is god enough and matches the situation. The developers ‘Melonhead games’ have done a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker have always been the fastest. Now Rooftop Renegade may have speed and a flow but it’s far too slow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Darkest Tales

The Darkest Tales is an action adventure platformer game developed by ‘Trinity Team‘ and published by ‘101xp‘. The Darkest Tales is said to be coming out the 13th October 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. The Darkest Tales is not about to have it easy. X35 Earthwalker will tell it as it is. Let’s take a look.

Let’s keep this simple. You are in the realm of dreams. This place is distorted childhood dreams as well. You are a teddy bear, a stuffed bear. No joke. You must save your owner, Alicia, from this place. This mission is not going to be sunshines and rainbows although you can expect some of that though. Dreams can be anything after all. Get ready for a fight.

X35 Earthwalker The Darkest Tales

Only the stuffed teddy can save Alicia in The Darkest Tales. Alicia is a grown up and only something from her past can do it. The Darkest Tales has aimed to be a deep and complex story. The games description said “you’ll have to come face-to-face with the difficult questions of life more than once.” Now this does get our attention a bit. Brace yourself. 

The Darkest Tales is a game full of danger. So there’s going to be enemies. This nightmarish and distorted world. The fairy tail like place has recognisable locations and beings. Rubber duckies who are blood thirty, the little mermaid but she looks more like a sea witch than friendly, sleeping beauty is here too and she ain’t friendly or sweet either. Worse of all… there’s… there’s… violent gingerbread men! Not the gumdrop buttons!

X35 Earthwalker The Darkest Tales

Good thing this teddy bear ain’t no wuss. He built melee weapons and a bow. His arrows are needles. Even got a grappling hook too. Combat is a part of this game. You will need to time your attacks, get sort of tactical and deal with the obstacles. It does seem like there’s more than. one ending. We hope so. We don’t think The Darkest Tales has a deep combat system. Must be simple for what the game is and it’s style. We do lie the different types of enemies, including the big threats you have to avoid and run from. This game will need loads of surprises and some glimpses of dangers to come.

We checked out some The Darkest Tales gameplay and it’s almost what we expected. You are travelling from left to right, limbo and side scrolling style. The animations are very good though. This game has got good attention to details as well. The teddy bear can gain experience and get skills. Which suggests a skill tree. The combat is actually active and it isn’t the same but it reminds us of Ori and the Will of the Wisps. There’s got to be secrets in The Darkest Tales and maybe that’s what links to the multiple endings. There’s even a giants’ castle in the clouds… which needs exploring.

Overall The Darkest Tales seems like a cool and maybe freaky experience. A dream world that’s a nightmare. Traps, obstacles, enemies, evil forces and a way to fight back. The fairy tales will be distorted and ruined for you. How tough can one stuffed teddy bear be? The developers ‘Trinity Team’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for this game. The Darkest Tales may have a hero teddy bear but it’s not enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Moonscars

Moonscars is an action adventure platformer game developed by Black Mermaid and published by ‘Humble Games‘. Moonscars is said to be coming out then 27th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Moonscars is brining in that dark tone for sure. X35 Earthwalker sees many games try to do it right. Let’s take a look. 

Moonscars has a weird story going on here. Basically players control a weird dude named Grey Irma, who’s described as the ‘fierce clayborne warrior’. You strike under moonlight. Your purpose? “Finding the Sculptor, and unravel the mystery of her existence”. Yes. That’s it. That’s definitely lame and we aren’t impressed right now. Obviously when you play the game you will get more information. What’s not lame is how Moonscars looks. That’s more interesting. More on that later.

X35 Earthwalker Moonscars

Moonscars is set in a 2D dark, sad world filled with shadows, evil and despair. The darkness here wants to destroy you. Like seriously. Nothing here wants to sit down and have tea with you. It’s one of those games where the difficulty is said to be high and so the player is expected to die… a lot. With each death, the player is expected to learn from it and become better. In Moonscars, death is an opportunity. To “mold yourself into a master warrior”. We will leave that there.

Moonscars does look good. Not very good but good for sure. The world looks depressing, sad and dark. You don’t want to be here. Even our character looks the opposite of positive. The background fits well with the game and the location. The animations are very good for the graphic style. The attacks look well defined and very clear. The running animation isn’t good though.

X35 Earthwalker Moonscars

We checked out some Moonscars gameplay and it’s what we expected. Run around, explore, slash, jump and die. You can parry strikes and create openings for yourself. Time your dodges and be patient for some enemies. Moonscars will not be a merciful game. That’s the expectation but we wonder about the amount of hand holding in this game. We do want to see more though. 

Overall Moonscars is a good game from what we can see so far. We do want more information. Beises your slashing players can also use special weapons. There’s also magic that you can use. A game like Moonscars definitely needs magic or some sort of mystical power. There is room for bosses of variety in this world. The developers ‘Black Mermaid’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open concerning this game. Now Moonscars may have darkness and death holding but it’s all weak stuff in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Infernax

Infernax is an old school adventure platformer game. X35 Earthwalker himself has beaten this game twice with two different characters. We can straight of the boat say that Infernax is a very good game. Infernax is suppose to be like the old games. It’s suppose to remind gamers of the old days with those old games. Like NES games. They did a very good job of this. Infernax is successful. 

If you wanted more information on Infernax and the plot then read our previous G-blog on this game. simply put you are the duke. Warrior duke who returns him to find that demons and evil is around. A specific book brought these evil things here. Many are dying and being slain all around the place. So yeah. Time to fight. 

X35 Earthwalker Infernax

It’s definitely old school. Pixel graphics, little health, many enemies, experience points, side scrolling, bosses, areas and more. It felt good to play a completely different style of game from what we usually have in these days. This game also has more going on in it than you’d originally think. Multiple side quests and even some secrets. It’s not a simple mash a button game. Infernax has multiple endings as well. 8 we believe. Simply put there’s the good ending, pure good ending, evil ending, pure evil ending and then there’s 4 more extra endings, including one where you are evil but then turn good in the end. So the replayability is definitely here.

X35 Earthwalker Infernax

There’s many enemies in this game. Quite a lot. So much that there’s a whole catalog of them. It’s the demonology. It keeps track of how many of them you have killed. We definitely liked this as it also showed how many more enemies we haven’t encountered yet. Most enemies aren’t a problem in our opinion. This leads a to a problem in Infernax. Like those old games, Infernax is tough. There’s some difficulty to the game but not that much. We can think of many old games that are harder than Infernax. The only time we really lost lives was through instant death falls like pits or landing in the water. The water castle dungeon’s whole gimmick is water everywhere and you can get kicked into the water easily. Just like some old games. That’s not difficult. That’s just annoying. The game was too easy for us. So we was disappointed in that. 

The upgrades and magic system was very good. We liked that when you acquired a new mace or armour you actually see it on your character. A colour change and the design. We appreciate that. Always good. Bigger games need a toggle feature for that. The magic is excellent. The magic actually matter in this game. Infernax did good with that. Magic for fast travel, changing the time from day to night and vice versa. Magic to summon birds to fight alongside you and gather coins. There’s magic to give you a projectile. There’s magic for full screen damaging thunder strike attack. We like and have used all the magic in the game. Very good job with the magic.

X35 Earthwalker Infernax

Now this is our last real complaint. Sure we hated the water castle level. Sure we wished there was more useful npcs and better social interactions. Our other complaint is the a bit funny but false warning/disclaimer. This thing lied to us. There’s no “saucy language”. There wasn’t “copius amounts of gore”. Worst of all… there was no “half clothed demon people of varying degrees of attractiveness.” The closest we got was the final boss who has breasts. That’s it. If you are going to give this much of a warning and attention… YOU BETTER DELIVER! We thought this game might be more extreme with the dialogues, the gore and the half naked demons but whatever.

Overall Infernax is a very good game. The combat is good. It’s definitely old school. Has some difficulty. Good variety of magic. An upgrade system and many bosses. All pretty much looking ugly and clearly demonic. We like that there’s different characters to play as. You have to unlock them. There’s a wizard who uses mana for his standard attack, which is a long beam with multi hit potential. There’s four that we know of in total. They wield different weapons too so give them a try. This is a short review so don’t expect much details here. Play it for yourself. X35 Earthwalker himself had a lot of fun. 

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X35 Earthwalker Moo Lander

Moo Lander is a 2D platformer game developed and published by ‘The Sixth Hammer‘. Moo Lander is said to be coming out the 27th of May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. We heard it’s also coming to Nintendo Switch. Moo Lander sounds very funny for sure. X35 Earthwalker is intrigued. Let’s take a look.

Moo Lander does sound silly but the story is sort of serious. Basically you are the last hero of a dying cosmic civilisation. You control a  lander. What’s the objective? You are after milk… We aren’t joking. In this universe, milk is the most important energy source in the universe. Milk can only be found on the ancient planet of the alien cows. You aren’t alone, you have your AI… hamilton. So go find that device. A device that is said to be able to produce infinite amounts of milk. That’s Moo Lander for you.

X35 Earthwalker Moo Lander

Fly around, dodge threats and projectiles in Moo Lander. Stay alive and fight back against the different enemies on this planet. The main problems are off course the cows. The big bad bosses are the cows. There’s apparently over 20 different types of cows. The cows also have an “advanced cow AI”. Each cow boss has it’s own attacks, patterns, special abilities and ways to deal with you. Fear the cow! 

X35 Earthwalker Moo Lander

We checked out some Moo Lander gameplay and it’s mostly what we though it would be. Feels more like controlling a ufo, especially when attacking a land based enemy. You can unlock new abilities, gain new weapons and use camouflage modules. Best of all is that Moo Lander is but for co-op. All of you on one screen facing. There’s competitive mode too. As in Lander vs Lander and even Lander vs cows. ?You can control the cows to crush your friends. The fact that we have ancient cow planet with alien cows who will seriously kill you is funny. We won’t be milking cows anymore after this. Cows fighting back. They have had enough.

Overall, Moo Lander seems like a good game. It’s said to be hand crafted concerning the visuals. That off course is a lot of work. Gather and manage your milk. Conquer the cows, get some milk and go crazy with the abilities and weapons. The developers, have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what Moo Lander makes happen. Now Moo Lander may have super alien cows bu those things are just burgers for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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