X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

Forspoken is a action adventure game developed by ‘Luminous Productions’ but they aren’t around anymore so it’s developed and published by ‘Square Enix‘. Forspoken is said to be coming out this February (This month) on the Xbox Series X. X35 Earthwalker is interested in the progress of this game. Forspoken would have done much better on Xbox. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

Forsaken is definitely a well known game. It was blasted online by playstation and pc players for multiple reasons. Things went so poorly that the developers, at the time, Luminous Productions, got shut down. Things would have been better if it came to Xbox. From what we are hearing this is the month that it happens. For the record, X35 Earthwalker never said that Forspoken was a bad game. Never. X35 Earthwalker actually liked the magic and casting it has. Most impressive for him though was the advanced movement and mobility you have in this game. No other game has what Forspoken has. Off course some things weren’t good but hopefully things have been improved and updates have bene done, preparing out for the strongest console, Xbox Series X.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

We are aware of the expansion that Forspoken got called “Forspoken in Tanta we Trust”. This brings a whole lot more to the game. First of all Frey isn’t alone anymore as she teams up with Tanta Cinta. This allows for new combat options included combination attacks and team work in the heat of battle. Not only that but Frey gets access to whole new magic and abilities for this big scale battle. This means a new experience for gamers who got comfortable in the original game. This alone is a good thing that builds more interest in Forsaken as a whole. Once you beat the game, you aren’t done as there’s more.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

So a bit more concerning “Forspoken in Tanta we Trust”. The whole settings takes place after the main game but in the past so you get to see what happened to Athia. Read this description, “After bringing peace to Athia, Frey’s journey continues as she searches for a way to permanently rid the land from the effects of the Break. Amid her search, she follows a mysterious voice that leads her into the past. When she emerges, Frey finds herself surrounded by chaos and destruction.” Talk about direct lore answers. Players get to find out what’s the deal right out the bat. No waiting for Xbox players.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

We checked out some Forspoken gameplay and it’s what we expected but a bit more as we saw some mobility options that we didn’t see before. The game is looking way more smooth and visuals look better as well. There’s more than enough time to improve thew game and work on those npcs. Forspoken is an action game so we place most of the focus on the action. In terms of action, Forspoken does that very well. Regardless of what people say, there will always be players who enjoy the game.

Overall Forspoken looks like a good game. If the weak spots have been cleaned up and the good spots got better than it will easily be a great game, especially with the additional content. The developers ‘Square Enix’ have done a good job so far and better for bringing it to Xbox. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Forspoken may be going to new places but those places are still beneath… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

Pragmata is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Pragmata is said to be coming out 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker enjoyed seeing all new IPs being made and released out there. Pragmata is out here trying to make big boom in the gaming world. With Pragmata, expect space, and hopefully a deep story. Let’s take a look.

Pragmata is set in “near-future dystopian world”… on the moon. Already Pragmata sounds unique. There’s two main characters here. A grown man in the chunkiest space suit armour. Gamers who like the chunky boy build will be happy. The other character is this little girl?… Is she human? What’s going on here. Her name is Diana. Space dude is protecting her and at times literally carrying her. These two make quite a strange combo. Make no mistake though. Diana isn’t some helpless useless ally. More on that later.

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

Remember that Pragmata is an action game. Sprint, run, thrust, clash and off course shoot your foes who are mechs and sci-fi threats. We have seen large foes try to crush you but speed and mobility is used to evade. Explosions are going off and dodging is required. so the action is definitely here and we want to see more.

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

We are glad to see that there is already some capitalisation concerning the setting. The whole being set on the moon also allows for some lovely environmental views. As you progress you also have opportunities to see the earth in the distance from where you are. Like a constant reminder. It’s a lovely view and effective. 

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

The other main part of Pragmata is the story. We keep hearing that Pragmata has a “deeply profound story and setting”. So clearly it’s a story for deeper thinking, mystery and of course the big reveal/twist. There should also be some emotional elements as well. Maybe some players will shed a tear at what will happen. We definitely have a good idea of what the story and direction is going to be. X35 Earthwalker is the smartest person in the world after all.

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

Remember Diana? What we said about her? Well she’s clearly special. It’s like she’s interacting with data and controls out of thin air. This alone should tell you about her. She is also capable in combat as the space dude asks for some help during combat. she can make some things happen and make you wonder what she is truly capable off. There’s mysteries here and Diana is the biggest visible one. 

We checked out some Pragmata gameplay and it’s pretty much what we expected. Multiple things reminds us of Vanquish. We wonder if Pragmata will match that level of speed and action. The thrust remind son that thrust ability in Halo 5 Guardians. We are seeing some good elements and mechanics here. We like the setting, we like the weapons, we like Diana even. We like the earth in the distance, we like the duo combo and more. We don’t like some of the robots as they look weak, not intimidating. We do like the weaponry though. We looking forward to more.

Overall Pragmata is looking like an excellent game. The whole moon setting and seeing earth in the distance alone is such a cool touch and impact to the game. Expect flashy moments, good combat and somewhat of a tag team system. This allows quite a lot of opportunities. Hopefully Capcom knows how to capitalise on it and take the game to a higher level. The game got delayed but sometimes that’s needed. Do what you got to do to make the game awesome. The developers Capcom have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for the game. Now Pragmata may have a deep story but it’s not impactful enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Beyond Hanwell

Beyond Hanwell is an Action Adventure Horror game developed and published by ‘Steelarts Software‘. Beyond Hanwell is said to be coming out the 18th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. The early access was earlier this year. X35 Earthwalker knows a thing or two about Westminster in London. Those brits are strange. Beyond Hanwell wants to bring some horror to these crazy streets. Let’s take a look.

Beyond Hanwell is off course the sequel to ‘Welcome to Hanwell’. Now it’s time for the players to go deeper into Hanwell. More mysteries here than last time. So yes Beyond Hanwell is set after the events of Welcome to Hanwell. Now  not only do players get to go back to Hanwell but ho beyond that. The surrounding areas but best of all Westminster in Tokyo- we mean London. There’s even a significant “enigmatic” character here known as “The Director”. What’s their stake in all this? 

X35 Earthwalker Beyond Hanwell

Now this series needs got make sure to take things to the next level. To this day we haven’t even heard of welcome to Hanwell. So this is another opportunity. We want Beyond Hanwell to bring the heat… well it’s London so maybe bring the cold. Combat for sure has got an upgrade as there’s now an all new system for it. Dual control melee. After landing a strike then combo up. Of course the survival aspects of games like this. Scarce amounts ammo and weapons. Make them work, make them last.

Creativity is needed though as environments can at times have the means to defeat anomolies. They can be crushed, set on fire off course and even electrocuted. Use everything to your advantage. Melee, shooting and environmental hazards. Oh and don’t forget the Minimal HUD design. Beyond Hanwell is out here trying to do things different and one of them is the whole immersion factor. 

X35 Earthwalker Beyond Hanwell

We checked out some Beyond Hanwell gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like the variety of areas and that they have different enemies and also boss fights. Now if you like Resident Evil then you should be fine in Beyond Hanwell. Already this is way more interesting than silent hill. Much better combat than Silent Hill 2 remake. We definitely how fast things can get and the action intensity. There’s times of slow and survival and then times of fast action. Block melee, double up, shoot etc. 

Overall Beyond Hanwell looks like a great game so far. Its fast paced moments does remind us more of Doom 3 and Doom 3: Resurrection evil. A pace for sure. We do wonder about the difficulty of the overall game but fun factor is more important. Graphics look good for the current times. Animations are good too. Impact in melee is a hard thing to master but it does look good here too. The developers ‘Steelart software’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Now Beyond Hanwell may have dark mysteries in London but it’s not mysterious enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is coming to Xbox. Genshin impact was developed by ‘miHoYo’ and published by ‘Hoyoverse‘. Genshin Impact is said to be coming out the 20th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S. X35 Earthwalker believes this is a big move for the game. Genshin Impact making its best move yet. Check this out.

Now most gamers should know what Gensghin Impact is by now. It’s basically the biggest (or one of the biggest) mobile game was classed as waifu. It’s massive. They finally making the wise move to come on Xbox as well as the players over there are more likely to play this game than some other platforms. Simply put Genshin Impact is a big world for players to explore.

X35 Earthwalker Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is a single player experience. Players are a person from another world. Like a traveller. Your goal is top find your long lost sibling. There’s also the mystery of Teyvat. Apparently the player themself is also a bit of a mystery. How you world travelling in the first place? This is a big world. So make sure to traverse this place. You see that train? Yeah, investigate it. Ascend up those mountains and see what’s up. Go for a swim in the waters… yeah, we swimming apparently. Of course you can fly through the sky too. Sort off.

X35 Earthwalker Genshin Impact

Xbox players will have a little something to help them out in Genshin Impact. It’s the pre-order bundle. Limited time only. You will receive advanced character EXP Material: 15 Hero’s Wit. Advanced Weapon Enhancement Material: 20 Mystic Enhancement Ore. Xbox players will also get Wishing Item: Acquaint Fate ×2, Currency: Mora ×150,000 and Food Item: Rainbow Macarons ×10. So Xbox players get something nice to sort off help out.

Now games like this, you know the drill. Get off the yellow brick road and actually explore. See what you can find. There are some hidden secrets for players to find and mysteries to reveal. After all there’s 7 nations and some variety of characters out there. Do not underestimate their abilities though. 

X35 Earthwalker Genshin Impact

We checked out some Genshin Impact gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s mystical, it’s colourful, definitely magical and there’s a train. What else do you want? Oh and there’s waifus. So yeah, find that sibling… or not. By thee way there is co-op. So grab a buddy.

Overall Genshin Impact looks like it’s going to be a good time. So far a great game. Well supported for sure and there’s lots of battles. Some powerful foes will require help to take down. Unless you’re good enough. The developers have done a great job so far. Took them long enough to make this move but it’s coming now. X35 Earthwalker likes to see progression. Genshin Impact may have a big magical world but it’s too small and innocent for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

RIN: The Last Child is action, adventure platformer game developed and published by ‘Space Fox Games‘. RIN: The Last Child is said to be coming to Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4 this quarter of 2024. It’s already out on PC though. X35 Earthwalker chose to give this game a chance. RIN: The Last Child seems to go all in with the mystical world theme. Let’s take a look.

RIN: The Last Child is definitely all about exploring a mystical world. Metroidvania style of course. Game like this pretty much always have  this aspect. RIN: The Last Child is called this maybe because of the main character RIN, described as “the last child of the creator”. RIN’s mission is to restore balance to a mystical enchanting world that’s a step away from chaos. 

X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

Now on a deeper dive you could argue that RIN: The Last Child pulls in some inspiration from the myth of cronus. That old battle and struggle between the new gods and old gods. Free will, authority and how much impact and weight does one’s decision really have. So this clearly means that RIN: The Last Child will have multiple endings. So replayability is there. How many endings will players get?

RIN: The Last Child, like Ori and the Will of the Wisps, focused a lot on visuals and the graphics. Games like these have to be beautiful and a treat to look at. It’s compulsory at this point. RIN: The Last Child isn’t lacking in this department. Definitely makes us want to see more. We trust that the spells and abilities also have top tier effects. There’s crafting of spells. So gather those runes and aspects. There’s said to be over 7000 variants of spell. That’s because spells can be upgraded or even enchanted. So get ready.

X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

Now RIN: The Last Child does believe in variety. There’s off course quite the range of enemies and even transformed siblings. Yeah, much is happening around here. Different styles and approaches are encouraged. So don’t be a one minded bum. Switch up the tactics from time to time.

We checked out some RIN: The Last Child gameplay and it’s what we expected. Lots of platforming, multiple environments, lots of combat and lots of projectiles and spells. The foes don’t see so intimidating though. The animations looks good. Not top tier but definitely good. Also we don’t like the look of RIN. Run doesn’t look cute, intimidating or powerful. Wanted a bit more life in the environments though, mainly the background.

Overall RIN: The Last Child does look like a good game. There’s definitely an adventure here. the strongest point of RIN: The Last Child is clearly the spells. The sheer variety os the spells with variants is good enough. Got to see them in action. The developers ‘Space Fox Games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what RIN: The Last Child does on them consoles.

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X35 Earthwalker Selfloss

Selfloss is an action adventure game developed by ‘Goodwin Games‘ and published by ‘Merge Games‘. Selfloss is said to be coming out the 12th of September 2024 for Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. Will come to PC the 5th of September same year. Selfloss definitely has a uniquer factor that could make it stand out. X35 Earthwalker has respect for such creatures. Let’s take a look.

Selfloss is set in a post apocalyptic world. Players control Kazimir, who is a “seasoned volhv”. He is on a journey. Kazimir must traverse both land and sea to find a cure for his soul. Kazimir isn’t a helpless useless being. He has a magic staff which allows him to fight the “enigmatic plague” called Miasm. This plague has ravaged the world. Now this wouldn’t be an adventure unless humanity hangs in the balance or facing extinction or whatever. Yes, in Selfloss, humanity is a factor.

X35 Earthwalker Selfloss

Selfloss looks like another indie, journey, story, little guy in a big world sort of thing. These types are normally done well and we hope the same for Selfloss as well. What’s unique and we are a fan of is how significant whales are in this game. Yes whales are revered in this world. You will see different types of whales too. Blue whale, white whale, humpback whale, sperm whale etc. We hope all are included in this game. Whales are so cool and you definitely interact with them. Respect the whales.

Off curse players will encounter multiple characters. Some described as unforgettable… we will be the judges of that.  We also saw some other creatures and beings as well. Like what looks like a big eel. We can’t trust it… but we will eat it. Cleansed and seasoned. Fresh water eel when done right can go crazy. Regardless Selfloss is looking like quite the little adventure.

X35 Earthwalker Selfloss

We checked out some Selfloss gameplay and it’s what we expected. Little guy in a big world. Easy and simple to understand and get into. Going for the chunky block graphic style. Wind direction and streams and visible. The combat is very simple but there are some dangers for sure. Whales some times roll up and just do their thing. Be careful when on the seas though. A big ol whale might just pop up from under you.  Quite a mystical world. there’s rivers, forests, buildings, sea, cliffs, islands and well it’s a nice little variety that fits the theme. It is too slow though.

Overall Selfloss seems like a good game but it’s too slow for us. The best thing about Selfloss is easily the whales and the effects in some cases. hopefully the whales play a bigger role in all this. Those who want a relaxed little adventure has something to gain from this.  The developers ‘Goodwin games’ have dome a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what results this game brings. Now Selfloss may have revered whales but they are too simple for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is a huge free update for the action adventure open world game developed by ‘Deck13‘ and published by ‘Focus Entertainment‘. Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is said to be coming out the 6th of August 2025 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker always kept an eye on Atlas Fallen and it’s excellent to see the update. Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is here to make things bigger and better. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is thew new expansion and this ain’t no small matter. This Reign of Sand expansion is massive. You might as well call it a comprehensive overhaul. We talking new enemies and enemy varieties, new quests more information concerning the atlas Fallen world and lore.

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand even did a workover concerning the progression system. Things are going to be functioning different from here on. Even the campaign got a workover too. This includes the voice acting. Expect Ben Starr on the mic. Ben who?… 

X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

New difficulty mode as well. What? The game was too easy for you? Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand has got you covered. Feast your eyes on ‘Nyaal’s Nightmare’. So those who want to suffer… you’re welcome. There’s also more Essence Stones. We hear 25.

Co-op has been improved or should we say enhanced. So test that one out to see and feel the difference.   New game + mode is a thing. Get in there, team up with others and take down these monsters and gods. They probably weak anyways.

X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

We checked out some Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand gameplay and it’s what we expected. This update truly makes it so that it’s better for players to start fresh anew in Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand instead of carry their progress over. This update is so big and changes a lot, including revamping, that for the first time ever it’s better to do a new game+ from fresh than carry over. Give it a try. 

Overall Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is looking fantastic. Tons of work went into this. The developers ‘Deck13’ heard the intelligent polite feedback (idiots get ignored as they should) and responded with action. Best of all this massive update is FREE. So there’s no excuse right now. We like what we see. Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is now in our sights. The developers have done a fantastic job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see the new things for ourselves. Now Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand may have a massive update but it’s still small compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is a stealth/action adventure game developed and published by ‘Ubisoft’. Assassin’s Creed Shadows is said to be coming out the 15th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker is looking for the assassin’s creed game that brings him back into the series. Assassin’s Creed Shadows is out here trying to be that game. Let’s take a look. [This G blog will be a different style as so much information on this game is already out]

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is set in Japan. So Assassin’s Creed fans finally get what they’ve been asking for, for years. Ubisoft had a lot of thinking to do concerning this game and what type of Assassin’s Creed game they wanted to make. What do we mean? Very simple. Assassin Creed has two types. Stealth focused and action focused. The earlier Assassin’s Creed games were clearly more stealth based. Hide, blend in, watch the movement of the enemies and make your move. Then escape after assassinating target. The action Assassin’s Creed games were mainly your character straight up facing all the foes in the open and besting them in combat with some crazy abilities. There was still stealth mechanics but most just got up in there and started swinging. 

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Here’s the problem. Most of the older Assassin’s Creed fans have been calling for a return to stealth as the the most recent Assassin’s Creed games were all action really. So bring back stealth right? Well sales and money show that the most successful Assassin’s Creed games were the action ones. More players, more fame, more attention and more money. So many fans want the original but less popular but action makes the most money… which is the aim of EVERY business… making more money. So Ubisoft said screw it, let’s do both. This is the biggest strength and factor of Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows has TWO protagonists. Primary main character is Naoe and secondary main character is Yasuke. Naoe is the assassin. So all the sneaking, hiding, stealth kills and being one with the shadows is her. Yasuke is actually a real person in history. The first black samurai in Japan. He is the all action guy. As he said, kick down the front door, just face the foes and smash them. This solves the problem. So now stealth players can pick Naoe and be all stealth as much as they want while action players can just five into the action, no hiding with Yasuke. So that should shit up all the complaining. 

In Assassin’s Creed Shadows, players can switch between both characters for the missions. So you could play through the whole game as Naoe for stealth then in your second play through got all action and vice versa. Or you can mix it up and change mission by mission basis. You can even be like Larry who played a whole mission with Naoe, failed at the very end and just switched to Yasuke for the replay and tear everyone up. It’s up to you. Players love having options. So this move ticks of multiple boxes.

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

X35 Earthwalker believes that Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be the best Assassin’s Creed game yet. The combat with Yasuke is detailed. There is dodging, the heaviest attacks ever, armour and destruction of armour pieces, special attacks, blocks and even parries. It’s a full combat system. Uasuke feels incredibly powerful and smashes through his foes. Almost unstoppable. Naoe is not just stealth but the best stealth. She can can use projectiles to take out light sources, creating more shadows and darkness for he to hide and move through. She can hide up on the ceiling with plunger like tools. She can breathe underwater thanks to a reed or similar tube that pokes up to the surface granting her air. Naoe has new mechanics. Both characters are powerful in their own unique ways and clearly effective. Don’t underestimate Naoe in a fight and don’t underestimate Yasuke’s versatility as he has more than one weapon.

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Disgusting but expected is the amount of hatred Assassin’s Creed Shadows got all because of one black person… Yasuke. Same with Angrboda in god of war ragnarok. So much racism today and it’s from the usual suspects each time. Yasuke is a real person who became a samurai in japan. Majority of historical websites including Britannica has stated that he’s a samurai as well with text and other historical evidence. Yasuke is famous in Japan and is in many Japanese media from books and stories to animations and shows. He’s even portrayed and showed as a samurai warrior in other games like Nioh. No issues with Yasuke then but the moment he’s shown in assassin’s creed shadows, all the racists suddenly became Japanese historians and posted racist memes and drawings and used hateful speech on Facebook, X and instagram. disgusting but evil is predictable. There has even been some white people exposed for pretending to be Japanese online to attack yasuke. Even the top voices of a so called Japanese petition to cancel the game were both white guys… not even Japanese. Now there’s a Japanese senator or whatever who is going against the game… for what reason besides yasuke. The hate is real. X35 Earthwalker has podcast episodes explaining and debunking these foolish things. Also a youtuber made a video where he proved with Japanese text that Yasuke is a samurai. Check those out below:

First podcast episode – https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Nm27YHAuqEg6PW22N2YjG

Second podcast episode – https://open.spotify.com/episode/2MgFNXU6SWGpDeTxlh91M4

We checked out some Assassin’s Creed Shadows gameplay and it’s what we expected. Exploring Japan, standing up for the people, marking targets and getting information on said targets. Use a horse for traversing the place. The lighting in this game is impressive. It makes the moments sneaking around with Naoe more beautiful and intense. The flames and light sources are excellently done here. As the game gets closer to release date, animations , character interactions and details will be stepped up. The gameplay Ubisoft showed is obviously not the final product. Also Assassin’s Creed Shadows is not $130. That’s a lie. The ultimate edition is $130 while the standard is $70 like many other games. So much hate towards this game. It’s sad. This is the first Assassin’s Creed game in a long time that has actually interested us. Assassin’s Creed Shadows might be the game to bring us back in.

Overall Assassin’s Creed Shadows looks like it’s going to be a fantastic game. This will be the best Assassin’s Creed game. Both Assassin’s Creed styles and even completely new mechanics. Now the biggest factor will be the huge amounts of racist who are trying so hard to lead a campaign against this game. Ignoring those fools, Assassin’s Creed Shadows is going to be successful. It has all components needed for it. The developers ‘Ubisoft’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Assassin’s Creed Shadows may have two protagonists but those two aren’t enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Creatures of Ava

Creatures of Ava is a Creature Saver Action Adventure game developed by ‘Inverge studios‘ and published by ‘11 Bit Studios‘. Creatures of Ava is said to be coming out the 7th of August 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S and also PC through Epic Store, Steam and GOG. Creatures of Ava is another Xbox exclusive. X35 Earthwalker likes seeing unique games. Creatures of Ava is coming on a special day. Let’s take a look. 

Creatures of Ava is set on a vibrant planet called Ava where these cool creatures are the fauna. They live here and do their things. There’s also other intelligent life here as well. These inhabitants are called Naam. Players control Vic. A 22 year old adventurer/friend of animals. Everything is colourful, friendly, beautiful and full of life. Of course things don’t stay like that, otherwise we wouldn’t have that much of game now would we. 

X35 Earthwalker Creatures of Ava

Ava is being poisoned and ruined by an unknown infection, called the withering, that’s spreading through the planet. This infection affects both the creatures of Ava and the environment itself. In this way does Creatures of Ava reminds us of The Gunk. When you handle and et rid of the infection, the environment is cleansed and you watch it turn back to being colourful and healthy again, just like in The Gunk. This moments are always satisfying to watch. So you can see what’s going on here. In Creatures of Ava you must save… the Creatures of Ava.

Now some people call Creatures of Ava or describe it as pokemon for Xbox which is false and just lazy clickbait titles for those extra views. There’s too many differences. Oh and it’s definitely not Palworld without guns. Pokemon is monster catching while Creatures of Ava is creature saver/taming. Creatures of Ava hasn’t got Ava balls or Creature spheres. Players, as Vic, must approach and befriend the Creatures of Ava. Gain their trust and they will help you our on your adventure using their physical traits. There also isn’t really any creature on creature battles.

X35 Earthwalker Creatures of Ava

Players must heal and save the creatures, not harm them. You get weapons that cleanse creatures to free them from the infection rather than damage and beat them down. It’s a different approach and a different way of doing things. You aren’t a trainer or tamer, you’re an adventurer. there’s no sports or champion or competition. These are just animals who live on this planet and going about their normal survival. So respect and see Creatures of Ava for what it is. 

X35 Earthwalker Creatures of Ava

Now there is combat but it’s against the infected creatures and you aren’t damaging them but instead healing /cleansing them. You have to help them not beat them up. Now we have identified 4 different ecosystems each filled with their own life. Use your flute to help tame over 20 different creatures. Remember they are still wild. Good thing Vic has the right tool for the job. A special or almost magical, in some way, flute. Play a nice tyne and see how they react.

X35 Earthwalker Creatures of Ava

We checked out some Creatures of Ava gameplay and it’s what were expected. This planet Ava has its own secrets and players have to solve them and learn what’s going on for real. Vic herself is her own person and has a past of her own. Hopefully her past doesn’t come to trouble her… right? There’s quite a blend going on. Action concerning their combat and the help of creatures in your adventure. There’s the heavy exploration checking out the planet and the distinct ecosystems. There’s also secrets and mysteries as it’s a strange world. So there should be lots to do and different things to explore.

Overall Creatures of Ava looks like a great game so far. The Xbox is getting another good treat. This game has done quite a lot well. We do have some concerns. We hope there will be a large variety ion creatures to help. even if some overlap and do similar things but with some differences. Also the character Vic seems cool but she has the typical female character generic body shape. Developers need to learn and stop being cowards and boring. Add some variety. Her hair is real cool and it’s great to see more black characters but she’s black… add a bit more curves. She literally has no booty. Fix that. Otherwise this is looking like a unique adventure. The developers ‘Inverge Studios’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are keeping an eye on this game. Now Creatures of Ava may have a vibrant and alive planet but it’s too dead for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Age of Water is an Open World Adventure Massive Multiplayer Online game developed by Three Whales Studio and published by ‘Gaijin Network‘. Age of Water is said to be coming out the 18th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker loves wonderfully done open worlds in gaming. Age of Water is said to be unforgiving… we doubt that. Let’s take a look. 

Age of Water has a simple to understand story. Ir’s post apocalyptic so you already know something big has happened and the world is in a bad state. The whole world is submerged. People live in settlements and homes they built on top of what ever is above the water. Survival is the top priority here. Platers control a sea captain. Lead your boat through a “unforgiving” world. Explore, fight, trade and mine.

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Games like Age of Water normally haver lots for players to do and a lot going on. Since Age of Water is also a MMO, we can expect co-operation with other players to help conquer the seas sort off. We hear there will be storms and off course hostile groups on the oceans. Expect to encounter people on small boats while some have warships. So players must pick their battles wisely. What we hope for though are additional threats but in the ocean itself. We truly hope there are actual dangers like sharks, maybe giant squid or depending on how real world they want the game to be, maybe something more fictional.  

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Players will get involved in trades. Sell some artifacts that you find. Maybe straight up take someone else’s boat for yourself. You can also build your own too. On the business side of things players should aim to mine the the resources found on the ocean bottom. Not only is it resources but it’s the way to learn some secrets and uncover the mysteries in Age of Water.

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

We checked out some Age of Water gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like that some people haven’t given up on the idea of finding land. There are settlements for players to engage with. Speak with the local people and even take on missions. Of course a game like Age of Water must have bases. You can construct your own base in this watery world. There is off course technology to spend points on and unlock new things, including stuff like “superstructures”.  

Overall Age of Water looks like a good game so far but nothing has truly grabbed us right now. There’s definitely a number of things going on here. We like the ocean, we like a post apocalyptic world that brings in the feeling of one. We like the style of the game as well. Lots of gamers will like this and be drawn the world. Those massive warships are currently the most impressive thing so far. We will have to see more of this game though. The developers ‘Three Whales Studio’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker might have to place a tracker on Age of Water. Now Age of Water may have a submerged world but it’s not deep enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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