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Just some nice pictures below of some gaming action. Check them out.
X35 Earthwalker: He was at one point the number 1 ranked player for a level in DOOM. It wasn’t easy. DOOM
X35 Earthwalker: This match went very well. 53 kills and 12 deaths. Even got the rampage medal. Halo 5
X35 Earthwalker: Many multi kills and killing sprees, all because of the Ghost vehicle. X35 Earthwalker’s favourite Halo 5 vehicle. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: X35 Earthwalker vs Ipoisonmortel and his clan member. This was an intense and awesome match. Check out the kills though. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: A new legend began that day. X35 Earthwalker is here to destroy. watch out fellow gamers. Halo wars 2.
X35 Earthwalker: Just a picture showing the end game results of a match back during the halo wars 2 blitz beta. Halo wars 2.
X35 Earthwalker: He’s just posing with some nice reqs for the camera. A bit vain wouldn’t you say. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: He got a killionaire medal in warzone with battle rifle and magnum only. No reqs. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: 27 kills and top of the table in king of the hill. He is a monster. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: He got 14 kills and 1 death in dodgeball. This was an impressive K/D. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: The sorceress poses next to some traps and her pet. Nice. World of van helsing: Deathtrap.
X35 Earthwalker: That is one cool looking turtle shaped island. This game has some cool designs. Trove.
X35 Earthwalker: A great kill to death ration in this match. Over 4.0. Expected from the legendary soldier. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: The towers are fighting hard against the alien horde. This battle ain’t over yet. Defense Grid 2.
X35 Earthwalker: The beam sword is an excellent weapon. Triple kill is a nice medal. Running riot is what we like to see. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: He is such an awesome leader that he never lost a mission or a soldier. Amazing. XCOM 2.
X35 Earthwalker: The one true Earthwalker slaughtered everyone in this match. Do not get in his way. Gears of war 4
X35 Earthwalker: His base is looking quite safe right now. The shield plus some turrets. Approach at risk. Halo Wars 2.
X35 Earthwalker: 51 kills and only 8 deaths in this match. That’s a K/D ratio of 6.4. Now that’s a stomping. Gears of war 3.
X35 Earthwalker: Here he is about to go and do some damage to the enemy. Looking real cool though. That camouflage. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: X35 encounters The Razored Edge. X35 wanted to be against him and take him on. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: Even though he is a legendary demon slaying soldier. He admits that these guys are cute. Slime ranch.
X35 Earthwalker: X35 was an absolute beast in this match. It was a great match but everything went well. The pistol is powerful. Destiny 2.
X35 Earthwalker: X35 was the lowest ranked but did the best. Rank doesn’t matter to him. He just does his thing and get results. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: Nothing to see here. Just some awesome medals that he earned during a war zone match. Not his heart but still great. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: Is this even possible? Did he really get that far without any deaths in Cuphead? Truly a legendary soldier. Cuphead.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier did it. He got every achievement in Cuphead. He is one of the masters of Cuphead. Truly a legend. Cuphead.
X35 Earthwalker: Nothing to see here. This guy just owed X35 some money. If he cooperated then it wouldn’t end this way. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: This spiral stairs tower area looked beautiful. It was the second most memorable thing in this game for him. Rayman HD.
X35 Earthwalker: Even legends mess around at times. He’s currently stuck in some sweet goodness. If only the honey could be eaten here. Spelunky.
X35 Earthwalker: That’s a really high score that X35 got in this match. Everything went very well Check out those dance moves. DOOM.
X35 Earthwalker: Avenger assault missions are just the best with the most action. The legendary soldier got a flawless rating in this one. XCOM 2 War of the Chosen.
X35 Earthwalker: The skirmisher looked awesome when this explosion happened. Looks like a screen saver. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen.
X35 Earthwalker: The level designs and views in this game are beautiful. Also that monster is looking a little bit tough. Skyforge.
X35 Earthwalker: You can see lots of interesting areas and creatures wandering around from a nice cliff like this. Metal Gear Survive.
X35 Earthwalker: Safir1300914 & oferrari enzo started it with the tea bagging so X35 and X7 fought back. An intense battle. Gears of war 3.
X35 Earthwalker: Only the legendary soldier himself could get in position to take such an awesome picture. Honestly that looks cool. Titanfall 2.
X35 Earthwalker: Taking on Olmec is always dangerous, so make sure to have the right equipment, right amount of health and more. Spelunky.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier unlocked Aaron griffin by getting over 750 kills in two matches. The best character in Gears of war 3. Gears of war 4.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier continues to show why he’s the best Halo 5 Guardian player. That running riot though. Halo 5
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier gets legendary scores in siege mode. The enemies put up a fight but just against the wrong one. Paladin.
X35 Earthwalker: Even the false gods like dumuzid didn’t stand a chance. He was defeated with a high score and a gold prize. Catherine.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier himself is the best Vivian player in the world. The enemy didn’t stand a chance. this isn’t even his top score. Paladins.
X35 Earthwalker: He comes back to an online match after a very long time and ended up doing very well. 27 kills and 7 deaths. Gears of war: Judgement
X35 Earthwalker: Dominating in Warzone us just a normal thing for the legendary soldier. Enemy spartans need to keep their distance. Halo 5.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier is riding slime mounts with Diamonds L45. They are also hanging out with a flying pig. Pretty cool. Terraria.
X35 Earthwalker: This was a glorious moment. The legendary soldier teamed up with other immortals and gods to take down Eternis, lord of the Sands. Skyforge.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier is the best Jenos player in the world. This is just one of his many great scores. No one has gotten better stats. Paladins.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier is becoming the champion of the arena multiple times while destroying the competition. Apex Legends.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier himself is the best Celeste player in the world. No mountain is too difficult. He did it all. Even C side. Celeste.
X35 Earthwalker: In this king of the hill match the legendary soldier got 95 eliminations. This wasn’t even his final form. Gears 5.
X35 Earthwalker: The incredibly durable santa graus was found, defeated and looted by the legendary soldier. He had goodies. Tera.
X35 Earthwalker: The legendary soldier got the S grade on Level 12 on Mania Difficulty. Not surprised. Streets of Rage 4.
X35 Earthwalker: Got 49 kills in this ranked match and completely destroyed the enemy team. Once again the ultimate strategies of the X35 prevails. Gears 5.
X35 Earthwalker: Part of the 0.47% of players who beat Cor the immortal in episode Gladiolus. Did it on the fourth try. Final Fantasy XV.
X35 Earthwalker: The best player in the world. 23 kills and 1 death. Who else got this with no invited friends, no mic. Halo Infinite.
X35 Earthwalker: 27 kills and 0 deaths in the best mode of this game. The action was crazy. X35 is the best. Crossfire X.
X35 Earthwalker: The Otta is the best character in Party animals. The cutest for sure. X35 agrees. Party animals.