X35 Earthwalker Palworld Update

This is going to be about Palworld. It’s been a while and you guys already know I made a video on it. I spoke about the updates that came in July to Palworld which added a bunch of new things. This is without doubt the biggest update that Palworld has ever received. X35 Earthwalker is easily one of the biggest supporters of Palworld. Now there’s more for us to dive into. Palworld is an Xbox exclusive.

There’s a lot that could be done as well. First of all they call this update the 0.3.3. There’s this whole new island. It brought in PvP options which is interesting because every time when people think of like these monster catching games and stuff like that, creature capture and all that, they always think of like battles and you know PvP like Nexomon, Palworld has definitely got their thing.

So first of all, you’ve got what’s known as the, it’s basically the mushroom island, the land of mushrooms. Giant mushrooms. That’s what it is. You know, the Sakurajima island. It’s also introduced new pals as well. You can see shroomers and these silly little frogs that’s got like these sticks and they, well, they want to beat you with it. They do kind of low key. Remind me of Farfetch’d. Anyway, believe it or not that the way they dress, they annoy me. Just looking at them annoys me. There’s also what they call Mimogs. They’re basically
mimics. They’re like chests, but they don’t look like the other chests you usually find. So they’re very easy to identify. I’ve seen them in like a few other places but also a volcanic place as well.

It was kind of like, what are you guys doing here? I attacked it and it dropped some, you know, coins. And was we’re thinking, oh, coins, what do you mean coins? Yeah, they’re called ‘Dog coin’. I’ve got a few of them now. And the description says the “mysterious coin apparently there are people who collect these and mimog will usually have them. But for some reason, they cannot be obtained by butchering it”. Yeah, video game logic.

X35 Earthwalker Palworld Update

There are new, you can say alternative forms of pals out there, some call them subspecies, some say alternate, you know. And you can find, for example, them in like different colours, you know, how they have the different types. So that’s for you to look out for. So those of you who are like, gotta get em all, you got more to look out for as you hunt them down. Catch everything And maybe do it fast. After all it’s the fastest way to level up in this game anyway. For example, there is a pink chillet. Pink chillet is a thing. So those of you like pinky stuff, have fun. You want to rock a pink suit. Maybe could rock with a pink chillet.

Of course, as I mentioned, the PVP arena, I’ve actually went to there myself.  It’s like to the east. It’s the east of the map. So if you were to go up to where the free pal alliance tower entrance is and you scroll across a lot, just go literally east, go straight to the right, just straight across. You will see an island. Now, if you haven’t been there, you haven’t discovered it on your map. But basically, just follow that line and you will end up reaching the arena. It’ll be marked as arena entrance when you get there. If you want another indication of where it is, do you guys remember like the desert area that’s to the northeast? When you find that menasting boss, his location on the map.
From him, go directly like southeast and you go there. It’s like, it’s off the coast. You’ve got to go across the water. So bring a serfent with you or pal that flies and go across the water. And you’ll make your way there and you see an arena entrance.

X35 Earthwalker Palworld Update

And as a place that allows you to do, 3v3 pal and player combat. Now, that’s a problem because if it says pal, that’s one thing. But if it’s pal AND player, meaning somebody’s going to be in there firing rocket launches at you. Oh, no, not about that, bro. I bet since it just came out, the balancing is probably going to be whack. In addition there’s also going to be a new tower. A new boss tower on the Sakurajima island. I haven’t gone to the tower yet, but I’ve seen it in the distance. There is off course a new major boss. Make sure to gather a good amount of fragments and go use that summoning altar. I’ve been collecting the blazamat ones. So when you use those slab fragments, put them in there and bam, you get yourself a whole new monster that you’re going to have to jump. Make it happen.

Of course, new weapons and other technology. This means new materials that I didn’t show in the video, but this plasteel and this crude oil. Crude oil extractor to get all that good but not so rich oil. Glass buildings and foundations are a thing and they do look good. 

Remember I showed you in video how the ranks have increased. You could say technology has increased. So it’s no longer 50 anymore. It’s now gone ip to 55. The level cap for Pals has increased also. So instead of just being level 50, I’m now level 55 and so are multiple Pals I have. So we are the strongest we can be. Obviously, we’ve got to use the souls to improve their stats. So that’s something people who been in this game for a long time will be grinding and doing. They’re going to have lots of these souls and they’re going to max out HP max out attack max out defense. And for those who are working hard… work speed.

Next mission for us is exploring mushroom island… you know, Sakurajima islands. We do hope that the developers make it so that players can fast travel to fast travel points from the map instead of finding a fast travel point. Make things easier for players. We already showed the meteorite event where alien Pals are present at the crash site. There’s also the supply drops as well. Palworld has gotten bigger and better than ever before. There’s more to do. Even end game players can jump back in to find more.

Overall Palworld is getting more as expected. A massive game with a lot of room for more. X35 Earthwalker will continue to explore and conquer. Palworld may have got a massive update, but it’s still too small when compared to the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

Starship Troopers: Extermination is a Co-op First Person Shooter game developed and published by ‘Offworld industries‘. Starship Troopers: Extermination is said to be coming out the 11th of October 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker has been waiting a long time for a Starship troopers game. Starship Troopers: Extermination better bring the fire. Let’s take a look. 

Starship Troopers: Extermination is what fans of the movies would expect. It’s humanity, the united citizen federation, against the bugs. Humanity must survive and win. Your leader is general Rico, voiced by Casper Van Diesel from the movies. Just get in there and destroy bugs. After all the only good bug is a dead bug.

X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

Starship Troopers: Extermination is just exterminating bugs. There’s also base building too. Players must establish strongholds in their battle against the bugs. So get some design skills and build a half decent base at least. Can you even call yourself a citizen when you can’t base build decently. Besides you’ll need the space as the game can have up to 16 players. 16 players is more than enough to defeat the bugs. Matter of fact just one citizen can defeat the bugs. Now shut up and do your part.

Starship Troopers: Extermination has players fight as part of the Deep Space Vanguard. Deep Space Vanguard has 6 different classes. Ranger, Sniper, Guardian, Medic, demolisher and Engineer. Now it should be quite obvious what each of these do. Sniper got the range and amazing firepower and cowardly hides back watching their allies die. Ranger has jet packs and close range weapons. The Demolisher makes things go boom. Simple to understand… move on. Guardian is defensive. Has the best rumour, armour plates and some scary machine guns I hear. Engineer is the base builder and loves mines with flamethrowers of course. The Medic tops everyone up, heals, saves and has a UAV medical drone.

X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

The Bugs have got an upgrade too in Starship Troopers: Extermination. Not just the troopers. There’s the Drones who are small and weak but in a pack or horde they overwhelm all in their path. The Warriors (come out an play) is the big mean ones who are mad aggressive and got speed. They will snap you up. The Gunner is al about ranged combat. Even using speed won’t protect you from them. Dakka dakka dakka! Plasma Grenadiers bring the heat… literally. Their plasma WILL burn right through you. So take them seriously. Tiger Elite is the meanest one and it demands everyones attention. Ignore this might beast at the cost of your own life. Apex predator. Do not for a minute think these bugs listed here are all you need to worry about.

Good news troopers! There’s multiple locations and things to do. Let’s check this out for a bit. Starship Troopers: Extermination has the desert planet of Valaka. Valaka also may have sandstorms which obviously obscure your vision and makes things difficult. Agni prime is quite a much and colourful place but it can be volcanic due to that big volcano. An eruption will cause fire to rain down. Take cover obviously. There’s even a horde defence mode where you must survive 10 waves of bugs. They get increasingly difficult. There’s evenness for players to invader and attempt to take down. Imagine the kind of bugs you’ll find down there. Hopefully boss bugs.

X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

You can’t fight without some weapons. Good weapons. In Starship Troopers: Extermination there’s an acceptable range. You want more? Then pay more taxes. Troopers can use the Morita mk1 assault rifle, morita xxx sniper rifle, morita mk3 saw, fu-17 flamethrower, C-32 chi-hong grenade launcher and TW-2 S.P.L.I.T. Shotgun Auto. As you can see there’s some good weapons here that will get the job done… sort off. Iy’s obvious what each one does. 

We checked out some Starship Troopers: Extermination gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. It’s looking under developed. Animations are quite poor as well. Definitely inferior to the animations in helldivers 2. Now the main point of the game is to be fun and bring the action. It certainly seems to have more depth than helldivers 2. We need to the animations to step up. The early version was released to pc and that probably explains why it does look underdeveloped. So hopefully when the official full release comes to consoles it will all be stepped up. We definitely like the action though. How bugs explode and bits of them break off is what’s expected for a game like this. We need fun. Her the top fun is appreciated also. Starship Troopers: Extermination is sop easy to get right so the developers cannot fail this. 

Overall Starship Troopers: Extermination looks like a good game but quality needs to step up especially with all the next gen games here and the power that the Xbox Series X has. The action is solid, the range of enemies are good but we hope there are more to show up. We hope for a few more weapons will be available. Developers must take notes and learn from other games. We want options. We also need more planets or locations to fight in and fight for. Having only a few places will get old quick. Starship Troopers has a big universe so we hope this game uses it. The developers ‘Offworld Industries’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Starship Troopers: Extermination may have loads of bugs to kill but it’s certainly not enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Pokémon Legends Z-A

Creature capture games are a very specific genre of gaming. When you think of creature capture most automatically think of the Pokemon. Clearly Pokemon is the king of them and sole ruler. Everyone knows Pokemon. X35 Earthwalker is the top pokemon champion in the world. They got many games and many stick to the usual formula. they don’t branch out as much but have done a few things different like Pokemon Go. More creature capture games/monster capture games, have shown up more recently and there are some truly amazing anded excellent ones. Let’s take a look.

By the way all of these creature capture games can be found on Xbox. Xbox is the best place for gaming after all. What we wanted to do here is just bring more attention and show these games off. For the imperial record, X35 Earthwalker, the greatest gamer of all time and the smartest man in the world, has played all of these games except one that hasn’t come out yet. All of them is at a bare minimum level is excellent. X35 Earthwalker has gameplay on them and podcast episodes on some. All have been livestreamed on the X35 Earthwalker Gaming twitch channel as well. So you can see this stuff for yourself also.

First up is Nexomon. Nexomon is so good it got a sequel, Nexomon: Extinction. Nexomon is the closest to Pokemon in terms of the original formula. Players see the game from above, immortal kid who doesn’t need to eat, drink or sleep, running up in people’s houses and taking their stuff, yet no one does anything about it. Fighting wild creatures in the grass and caves etc. Nexomon has the original formula but has done it better… which is expected as Nexomon is a modern new game with better design engines etc. Nexomon has its own things going on too. Nexomon has a very well one comical approach and at times broke the fourth wall. There’s far more action and interactions going on. There’s also people who are actually Nexomon god children who can transform and control the elements. Legendary Nexomon can be found in the common wild life as well. Capture them too. Nexomon has golden nexotraps which give a 100% capture rate. There’s many of those so Nexomon is more generous than Pokemon. Nexomon is a such a fun journey so far with the comedy eater grind, many colours, unique and better variety of characters. There’s multiple ethnicities as well. Even characters that show up multiple times, including an over the top beat down on a certain thief. Nexomon has some balancing issues but regardless it’s a fun adventure and worth playing.

Next up is Creatures of Ava. Creatures of Ava has not come out yet. It’s going to be an Xbox exclusive. This game changes things up as it’s not truly a creature capture but more of a Creature Saver. All the action takes place on the planet Ava and you must face off against an infection that’s corrupting the creatures and the environment itself. It’s a 3D world where you don’t harm the creatures but befriend and tame them. You don’t do creature battles. You use special equipment to cure and free the creatures. So there’s creatures and they work with you but it’s not a pokemon like game. Creatures of Ava does its own thing and it will stand out for it. Far more relaxing and calm. There’s a whole mystery going on and the native people of the planet Ava like to keep their distance but can communicate with us. The main character Vic is a young caring black lady who’s an adventurer. Nice to see a variety of characters in gaming. so obviously we will all learn more when it comes out but clearly Creatures of Ava is it’s own unique adventure.

Next is Cassette Beasts. This game is fantastic and also unique bringing twists to the original pokemon formula. Cassette Beasts takes place on a mystical island that people randomly seem to fall and end up there. There’s beasts on that island but you don’t capture them. Instead you record them and then you can become them! Using the cassette device. You do battle and level up like with pokemon. You do face leaders who give you stamps for you to collect to prove you won and get approved by the leader. Cassette Beasts is the most unique and brings a whole different new story. The setting and situation the players are in is deep and allows for some real talk and deep conversations. There’s even powerful beings referred to as arch angels who represent different things and basically like discount gods. Cassette Beasts have the unique mechanic of fusion. You can fuse two different beasts. ANY two different beats to form incredibly powerful beast who has all the moves and status effects of the two beasts. Damage and health is massively boosted as well. Cassette Beasts is one of the few games that X35 Earthwalker himself says is a 10/10. Cassette Beasts even has abilities for the player themselves. Since you can become the beasts you also get some abilities to use in the world. For example rocket boosts to zoom you around incredibly fast. There’s a vine ball which lets you temporarily climb walls. Cassette Beats even recently got a dlc which brings tricks. Lastly Cassette Beasts has you travelling with a partner all the time. So it’s mainly 2v2 battles.

Palworld is up next and doesn’t need an introduction. Palworld showed up and basically took over the gaming world. Passing 25 million players, breaking steam records and got almost all the big youtubers and streamers hopped right on the game (for views obviously like the leeches they are). Palworld is also an Xbox exclusive. Palworld changes the formula completely as well. Palworld is best described as Ark survival + Pokemon. Players can capture creatures called Pals, get them to battle and take down all foes. Also build, craft and help mine. they can do all that work and more at your base. Some Pals can also be a moot to help with traveling the world. Including flying Pals allowing players to take to the skies. There’s also proper weapons. That’s right the tamer/trainer also fights alongside the Pal. Players can level up to unlock the big weapons like an actual sword, bow & Arrow and even a glock (pistol). You can get shotguns, assault rifles, rocker launchers and more. Palworld is what most pokemon fans always wanted. A massive 3D open world with different environments you can explore with your pals and battle. discover the locations of legendary Pals and more. Palworld delivers that and more. Palworld sadly currently lacks evolutions for Pals but there’s a lot of pals and some can even get some additions if you know what we mean. For example Lamballs can mount heavy machine guns to protect your base in case of a raid. Palworld also got a recent update and now events in the world can happen like supply drops and meteorite. Palworld is amazing.

Overall as you can see there are lots of great games out there in the creature capture genre. If you like Pokemon then there’s lots more out there and some of them are better than pokemon especially when it comes to their original formula. Pokemon fans are looking forward to Pokémon Legends: Z-A. The big new pokemon game. Now there are other games too not mentioned like Temtem. Gamers just need to look for them. So get gaming, check these games out and have fun. Now these creature capture games may be excellent or even fantastic but none of them can capture like… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker EvilVEvil

EvilVEvil is a First Person Shooter game developed and published by ‘Toadman Interactive‘. EvilVEvil is said to be coming out the 16th of July 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker has mastered slaying vampires with all kinds of weapons. EvilVEvil is looking to bring fast paced vampire action. Let’s take a look.

EvilVEvil is all about vampire slaying action. It’s about going through hordes of them “without remorse”. There’s vampire characters, that’s right you are the vampires. Each one has their own style, attitude and abilities. Fight and shoot through their story. They are more closer to a vampire like Blade than let’s say Redfall and their vampire gods. These vampires have weapons and more.

X35 Earthwalker EvilVEvil

The main focus is taking down Zagreus and his followers. Some say a cult. Feed on them. shoot them ip. Blast them and more. Zagreus even has machinations. Humanity is in danger and it’s up to the vampires this time? Strange stuff going on here. By the way the name of the three we have seen are: Mashaka, Victoria, Ramirez.

Now one of the main features promoted about EvilVEvil is the co-op action. You can have up to two others join you in your battles. This allows for some crazy action. Even playing by yourself will feel powerful… more powerful. will co-op be a straight up shooting experience or is there co-op mechanics to add to it.

X35 Earthwalker EvilVEvil

So concerning the vampires you can sum them up basically with berserker, assassin and arcanist. We all know they do not fight the same way at all. Each character is enhanceable. You can improve what makes them good and more than make up for their weaknesses with some artifacts. We even see one that looked like an energy sword which destroys foes.

We checked out some EvilVEvil gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s definitely fast paced. There’s some hordes for sure and you got to blast through them. The berserker loves getting up high and dicing into a crowd with ground pounding abilities. Area of effect abilities, automatic weapons and off course the strong dingle fire revolver type weapon. It’s just all action.

Overall EvilVEvil looks like a good game. Some stuff like the animations and trajectory of some abilities need some adjustments. Regardless EvilVEvil gives exactly what it says on the front of the box. Vampire fighting, slaying, shooting action. Co-op for the friends and bite on some neck meat. Nothing deep. Just fun. The developers ‘Toadman Interactive’ have done a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are alright with seeing friendly-ish vampires helping out. Now EvilVEvil may have powerful vampires weighing artifacts and guns but they are too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is an open world simulation game developed by ‘Aesir Interactive‘ and published by ‘Astragon‘. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, PS4 and PS5. X35 Earthwalker is the only one who can make the best police force and system. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is bringing more. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is exactly what you think it is. Be a police officer and go about your daily duties. You are a police officer in the Brighton Police Department. If you’ve played Police Simulator: Patrol Officers before then you know the deal but to make it clear and simple. Gold edition basically adds “the brand-new Highway Patrol Expansion, and the Garage Bundle containing all previously published car DLCs”. So you get the main game plus everything else previously plus now more. Here’s a list below:

  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Urban Terrain Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Interstate Police Vehicle – Pre-Order Bonus
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Guardian Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Highway Patrol Expansion
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Warden Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Multipurpose Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Surveillance Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Compact Police Vehicle DLC

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Now off course Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition has you in a fictitious city. An American one. Humble beginnings is a thing here. You will start out doing the smaller tasks like citing violations and of course giving parking tickets. As you prove yourself, you can get access to even more responsibilities. Unlike so many real life police officers who don’t do this, you can get to know your neighbourhoods and be a part of the community. Obviously there is crime to fight so be careful out there. Don’t want to get shanked on your first day.

Now do what some real life police officers don’t do and actually know the law. Too many videos of that. Do things by the law and you’ll be recognised. Eventually unlocking new districts and neighbourhoods. You get to pick the neighbourhoods you want to patrol. Word on the streets is that there are 3 districts. Each district has multiple neighbourhoods. They each have their own stand out factor and style. Brickston has those historical buildings while downtown got the real tall ones. High rise style.

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Now Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition has an active world. Things will be going on whether you are moving or not. There’s even a whole traffic system in place concerning the vehicles on the road. Heck, even car accidents can happen in this place. There will be other emergency situations too. A fight might break out and it’s up to you to deal with the matter. Who knows, you might get shot while handing out a ticket. Isn’t that fun?!

We checked out some Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition gameplay and it’s what we expected. Reminds us of games like Saints Row and Gran Theft Auto but except more calm, and you are actually the police. Events and things can be happening around you. You can chase down those pesky graffiti sprayers and teach them a lesson. Some one might be selling drugs on your streets or the local park. Go bust them. Maybe a fight breaks out or someone rams a barricade. Better hop in your car quick to drive them down.

Overall Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition looks like a great game. If things are done well enough it can even be excellent. Our concern is the level of the action and the frequency of things happening. Maybe there are settings to effect and change that. What measurements are in place to help keep the player in line for let’s say breaking the law themselves? Graphics are good and the animations are good too. The developers ‘Aesir Interactive have done a great job here so far. The gold edition updates just improve and adds more to his game, which fans will love to see. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how real the action is in this game. Now Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition easy be a police simulation but it’s not real enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Age of Water is an Open World Adventure Massive Multiplayer Online game developed by Three Whales Studio and published by ‘Gaijin Network‘. Age of Water is said to be coming out the 18th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker loves wonderfully done open worlds in gaming. Age of Water is said to be unforgiving… we doubt that. Let’s take a look. 

Age of Water has a simple to understand story. Ir’s post apocalyptic so you already know something big has happened and the world is in a bad state. The whole world is submerged. People live in settlements and homes they built on top of what ever is above the water. Survival is the top priority here. Platers control a sea captain. Lead your boat through a “unforgiving” world. Explore, fight, trade and mine.

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Games like Age of Water normally haver lots for players to do and a lot going on. Since Age of Water is also a MMO, we can expect co-operation with other players to help conquer the seas sort off. We hear there will be storms and off course hostile groups on the oceans. Expect to encounter people on small boats while some have warships. So players must pick their battles wisely. What we hope for though are additional threats but in the ocean itself. We truly hope there are actual dangers like sharks, maybe giant squid or depending on how real world they want the game to be, maybe something more fictional.  

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Players will get involved in trades. Sell some artifacts that you find. Maybe straight up take someone else’s boat for yourself. You can also build your own too. On the business side of things players should aim to mine the the resources found on the ocean bottom. Not only is it resources but it’s the way to learn some secrets and uncover the mysteries in Age of Water.

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

We checked out some Age of Water gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like that some people haven’t given up on the idea of finding land. There are settlements for players to engage with. Speak with the local people and even take on missions. Of course a game like Age of Water must have bases. You can construct your own base in this watery world. There is off course technology to spend points on and unlock new things, including stuff like “superstructures”.  

Overall Age of Water looks like a good game so far but nothing has truly grabbed us right now. There’s definitely a number of things going on here. We like the ocean, we like a post apocalyptic world that brings in the feeling of one. We like the style of the game as well. Lots of gamers will like this and be drawn the world. Those massive warships are currently the most impressive thing so far. We will have to see more of this game though. The developers ‘Three Whales Studio’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker might have to place a tracker on Age of Water. Now Age of Water may have a submerged world but it’s not deep enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

Sker Ritual is a round based survival game developed and published by ‘Wales Interactive‘. Sker Ritual is said to be coming out the 18th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker will give this game a chance and examine it for a moment. Sker Ritual is looking to bring that monstrous, dark horror feeling to the action. Let’s take a look.

Sker Ritual is all about stopping that mean lady Elisabeth. She’s going to use the siren’s song. So what’s the solution? Fight, blast and shoot many things in rounds to victory. That’s how. You’re helping Elisabeth’s daughter Arianwen to stop her. Mother daughter drama possibly. At its core, Sker Ritual is just about that action. It’s a zombie horror shooter really and that’s good stage as there are players to just want to fight zombies… no story, just fight.

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

So the main threat of course are the hordes of ‘Quiet Ones’. These guys are continuous and will not stop, unless you stop them… for them. While the relentless hordes are after you, you’ve got to solve mysteries as those are your main true missions. Off course players will need to upgrade their weapons to match the dangerous threat of the quiet ones. There’s even what’s called miracles. These miracles are Celtic god powers. We hear there’s a whole load of them. What miracles do is “offers a choice of three random upgradable powers that buff or alter your shooting, melee, grenade and healing”. They have different attributes, rarity and power off course.

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

Now off course the main stars here are thews hordes of enemies. The quiet ones are here and ready to play… a bit rough. Sker Island has got some buffed up guys. The elites who each have their own abilities. They will hopefully force players to shake things up, like change location and combat approach to deal with them. No one strat carries through game. So you know about the quiet ones but we hear that there’s more threats… new ones too. Some reportedly do not even have a face!!! Regardless, kill themn you must, especially if you want to grab miracles. 

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

We checked out some Sker Ritual gameplay and it’s what we expected. Players with experience in call of duty zombies and arena battles will do well here. Gamers who played Maid of Sker will notice that Sker Ritual follows the evil ending. Miracles can be enhanced to make things truly supernatural. There’s elites and then there’s supercharged elites who will bring the pain. Those who are here to play can grind through the ‘sker pass’ and even dread levels. Strangest of all maybe… there’s Easter eggs (bunny not included). So maybe look for them. Almost best of all is that Sker Ritual is multiplayer. You can play with three friends or family online to face the hordes together… as friends and family should. No local co-op sadly & shamefully.

Overall Sker Ritual looks like it’s going to be a great game. There’s depth to it and multiple ways to play. It’s all about action and gets players right to it. Don’t worry about fighting solo as it’s been said that “the intensity of Sker Island’s hordes scale to the number of players.” Also there’s interchangeable masks for players to collect and use to “induce fear on “Sker’s inhabitants”. Look into that yourself. It’s good to see games that just focus on the action sometimes. Graphics do look good enough too. The developers ‘Wales Interactive’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open concerning this. Now Sker Ritual may have quiet ones but they are too loud for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

Predecessor is a new Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game developed and published by ‘Omeda Studios‘. Predecessor is said to be coming out the 28th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker is the leading expert in game design and knows what MOBA need to get right. Predecessor is not messing around when it comes to the action. Let’s take a look.

Predecessor isn’t just a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). It’s called a Next Generation MOBA. Just one look at Predecessor and you can see that it is. Predecessor will obviously remind players of other famous games in the same genre. The two are clearly Paladins and Overwatch. Both are great games. X35 Earthwalker prefers Paladins. Predecessor so far looks like it’s easily going to better and bigger than both of these. Next Generation doesn’t just mean visually better but also can mean mechanics and depth. Predecessor isn’t playing around here.

X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

Predecessor has numerous characters. We mean over 30 characters and these lads and ladies have loads of variety and distinct from each other. We love that. Just taking a look at the cast and you can probably see them being in different games and universes. We got Narbash who looks like a tribal nature loving ork. Gadget who is all about tech with a tech suit and gadgets. Zarus looks like a reptile tribe warrior who while old school living but powerful weapons. Sparrow is the ranger, so all about bows and arrows… let those arrows fly. Iggy & Scorch are the heroic pair. One is the small mini goblins looking thing while the other is almost like a discount two legged dragon who love fire. Riktor looks like a monster that got infused with technology like an experiment gone wrong. Sevarog looks like a dark reaper of souls from Destiny or something like that. A monster for sure. There’s much more and they look from cool to straight awesome. Also the female characters look strong and beautiful. Honestly the ladies look cool and range from friendly humble looking to, ascended dangerous or evil to rocking and cool. All character design overall is fantastic.

X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

There’s tons of abilities in Predecessor. Each character has passive, basic, alternate, primary, secondary and ultimate ability. This alone is bigger than other MOBA games. 6 abilities per character opens up variety, mechanics, combos and different situations. For example let’s look at Sevarog. Passive is ‘Reaper of Souls’ which means you gain a soul when killing with an ability. Souls grant more health and siphon damage. Basic is ‘Crush’ which is a simple melee hit. Alternate is ‘Phantom Rush’ which makes you dash forwards and through enemies. Primary is ‘siphon’ which harms all enemies in front of you with a hand and then heals Sevarog. Secondary is ‘Subjugate’ which calls down a dark energy attack which roots and later slows foes. Ultimate is ‘Colossal Blow’ which is a big swing on enemies and sending them flying. So the goal with Sevarog is to get in close and smash enemies, fish off with preferably siphon to gain health, reap souls and get more health. If team weakens a group then Colossal Blow will get a big multi kill and lots of sounds. Become super tanky and trap foes with Subjugate. Remember this is just one character with 6 abilities. There’s over 30 characters in Predecessor.

X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

The main goal here in Predecessor is to complete objectives which gets you gold. So killing minions, enemy heroes and off course towers. Use gold to buy items that affect what your heroes can do. This includes going invisible, teleport and even freeze time. Items also can improve hero attributes like health, power and speed. So players are rewarded for playing well and being active. Even minion hunting matters and allows for upgrades. This reminds us of the system in Paladins. Thee upgrades truly matter and make a difference. This off course ends to more synergies with characters and items ands then the whole team for what might lead to broken stuff.  

We checked out some Predecessor gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like how the game looks graphically. Obviously more maps will been the way and all the characters will be up and ready. Over time you know more characters will be introduced. We like how some of these attacks really look. A few attacks do look lack luster though like Line Temp for Shinbi. Games like this are incredibly hard to do right, specially when int come to balancing. they can’t be quick to do patches yet. Nergs are better to do than buffs and this needs to be done carefully and with proper data. 30+ characters doing their own thing and effects is going to be tough. Especially when counters are a factor too. We look forward to seeing how all this is handled. The 1v1s on Offlanes, the chaos open the Midlanes and the fights for camps in the Jungle.  

Overall Predecessor looks fantastic. Definitely looking Next Gen and has the mechanics expected of something Next Generation. The graphics and visuals are top tier and it shows that serious work went into this game. The special effects and the attacks are worth having a viewing gallery off. The amount of abilities and mechanics, with the combinations of match factors allows for a lot to happen and variety in the game. The developers ‘Omeda studios’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are excited to see what this game truly brings. Now Predecessor may be Next Gen but it’s still many leagues behind… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

MLB The Show 24 is a sports baseball game developed by ‘San Diego Studio’ and published by ‘MLB’. MLB The Show 24 is said to be coming out the 19th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker can swing a bat harder than anyone in history. MLB The Show 24 is really trying to come out swinging. Let’s take a look.

MLB The Show 24 is baseball season. You know what the MLB is all about. Throw the ball and the dude swings at it and then starts running. Baseball ladies and gentlemen.

X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

MLB The Show 24 is multiplatform and is also available on Xbox, Nintendo and PC. This means more players are possible. There could be a whole new league now… or maybe more trouble makers. Stick to the rules people.

There’s a storyline mode which takes players to the past. Maybe get to see some lesser known baseball legends/heroes. Education included.

X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

MLB The Show 24 gives players that good ol baseball story. Start of a minor, a low level scrub, probably living in your mothers basement. You play ball and aim for the big leagues and hopefully the world series champions. Maybe then you’ll finally be able to afford your rent.

There’s also franchise which gives you the team manager experience. Lead your team to victory and all the way to the world series. Rumour has it that there are new features.

X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

Diamond dynasty is back. MLB The Show 24 is out here letting players build their own ideal or should we say fantasy team. Pick from different times in baseball’s history. Grab those player cards and take your skills online to face other baseball bums just like yourself. Team against team. 

We checked out some MLB The Show 24 gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like the option to customise your team’s look. There’s more competition with MLB The Show 24 being cross-platform concerning all platforms. Listen to this, “cross-progression, continue your progress and earn and use content on other console platforms”.

Overall MLB The Show 24 looks like a good baseball game. The finer details will obviously be revealed later. It’s just baseball but giving more options and things for players to do by the looks of it. We aren’t happy with the graphics though. Does look weak for the year 2024. Visuals need to be upgraded but as long as the core is great. The developers ‘San Diego Studio’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how far the ball can be launched. Now MLB The Show 24 may have the big leagues but it’s all little in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Palworld

Palworld is a Palworld is a creature collector open world action game developed and published by ‘Pocketpair‘. Palworld early access is said to come out the 19th of January 2024 on Xbox Series X, Xbox One and pc. Palworld is another big Xbox exclusive game as no word at all concerning Nintendo and PlayStation. X35 Earthwalker truly enjoys good creature capture games like this and knows what makes them good. Palworld is truly getting attention and standing out. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Palworld

Palworld is set in a world where creatures called ‘Pals’ exist alongside humans. Players must capture them to use them for their goals. The most obvious one is off course battling. Use pals to help you take down other pals and capture them too. It’s a creature capture game. So if you like Cassette Beasts and pokemon then Palworld should be your thing as well. Cassette Beasts is a fantastic game, 10/10. Pokemon is a legendary thing that everyone knows. Palworld instantly grabs your attention visually. There’s more to it though.

X35 Earthwalker Palworld

Palworld has a lot going on. For example there’s poachers out here who are making some Pals endangered. You can either be like them or protect pals from them. Some pals might need help from other bigger pals. We like games with their own food chain systems and ecosystems going on. Some pals will eat other ones too. Such is nature. Some Pals have certain skills or are naturally good at certain things and so you want them for that purpose. After all one of the goals of Palworld is to build a base. Some pals are good at watering crops or even harvesting them. Some are great at sowing seeds. Some pals got hands and are strong that they can help with construction and hammer things down. No pal is useless. 

X35 Earthwalker Palworld

We are of course did not mention the biggest thing about Palworld as it’s obvious. The player/trainer fights alongside the pals. Literally. This ain’t no stand back and watch with pokemon and Digimon but also not as powerful as Cassette Beasts. Players can have bows, throwable and even guns to attack and take down pals. Grab your assault rifles and fire away while your pal gets in there and fights. You must also dodge attacks from pals or you will go down. Work together with them. You can even hold on to a flying pal and take to the skies. Ride a water pal and cross the seas. You get the idea.

X35 Earthwalker Palworld

This game, Palworld looks the part. Palworld looks like how pokemon should look. Palworld has a beautiful world that has some realistic elements to it but the pals gives off fortnite style looks. It looks amazing. The idea of fighting with your pals is excellent and something wanted for years. They combined it all with base building, skills, crafting and adventure. This is a fantastic recipe. Now off course mean poachers aside, games like this have their evil organisations or heartless group who will use Pals for their own goals for evil or whatever. They will have to show up. It’s clear that something deeper is going on in the Palworld world… yeah. We want to see more.

Now yes, Palworld is also multiplayer. Pvp and increased amount of players will come later. Read this and tell us what you think, “Work together with fellow players for shared adventures in an open-world setting. Multiplayer not only allows for cooperation but also conflict, enabling players to attack one another, steal Pals, and even steal items. Players can engage in Pal battles, pitting their Pals against each other in combat.” This is the scary part. You might get attacked and robbed by others. So prepare for some salty videos and complaints. It will make a difference to know how this mechanic actually works. 

X35 Earthwalker Palworld

We checked out some Palworld gameplay and it’s what we expected. We truly like that there’s some more mature themes here. Pals can die. Not feint but actually die. You must remember to feed your working pals or they will die. Pals will also give their life for you. Players may have to sacrifice a pal to save themselves. A tough choice maybe. What’s also strange is we saw a fox heating a pot with a chicken pal sitting in it. Chicken soup anyone? Pals can breed. The baby will inherit the characteristics of the parents. This means there’s skill in being a breeder. A wise player will use the right rare pals to make superior children. Time to get creative. Remember that we mentioned poachers? Well some endangers pals are in wildlife sanctuaries. You can try to sneak in to steal them… just don’t get caught.

Overall Palworld looks like a fantastic game already. The early access is going to be crazy and loaded. The action and weapons are great, the visuals are fantastic and it’s open world, which means there’s lots to explore and see. Cross seas, soar through the skies and crush foes. There’s going to be lots to do. Especially when you have to be aware of aggressive players who want your goods. The developers ‘Pockerpair’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to this game. A new adventure for sure. Now Palworld may have an open world with new creatures but it’s all far beneath… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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