X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

Starship Troopers: Extermination is a Co-op First Person Shooter game developed and published by ‘Offworld industries‘. Starship Troopers: Extermination is said to be coming out the 11th of October 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker has been waiting a long time for a Starship troopers game. Starship Troopers: Extermination better bring the fire. Let’s take a look. 

Starship Troopers: Extermination is what fans of the movies would expect. It’s humanity, the united citizen federation, against the bugs. Humanity must survive and win. Your leader is general Rico, voiced by Casper Van Diesel from the movies. Just get in there and destroy bugs. After all the only good bug is a dead bug.

X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

Starship Troopers: Extermination is just exterminating bugs. There’s also base building too. Players must establish strongholds in their battle against the bugs. So get some design skills and build a half decent base at least. Can you even call yourself a citizen when you can’t base build decently. Besides you’ll need the space as the game can have up to 16 players. 16 players is more than enough to defeat the bugs. Matter of fact just one citizen can defeat the bugs. Now shut up and do your part.

Starship Troopers: Extermination has players fight as part of the Deep Space Vanguard. Deep Space Vanguard has 6 different classes. Ranger, Sniper, Guardian, Medic, demolisher and Engineer. Now it should be quite obvious what each of these do. Sniper got the range and amazing firepower and cowardly hides back watching their allies die. Ranger has jet packs and close range weapons. The Demolisher makes things go boom. Simple to understand… move on. Guardian is defensive. Has the best rumour, armour plates and some scary machine guns I hear. Engineer is the base builder and loves mines with flamethrowers of course. The Medic tops everyone up, heals, saves and has a UAV medical drone.

X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

The Bugs have got an upgrade too in Starship Troopers: Extermination. Not just the troopers. There’s the Drones who are small and weak but in a pack or horde they overwhelm all in their path. The Warriors (come out an play) is the big mean ones who are mad aggressive and got speed. They will snap you up. The Gunner is al about ranged combat. Even using speed won’t protect you from them. Dakka dakka dakka! Plasma Grenadiers bring the heat… literally. Their plasma WILL burn right through you. So take them seriously. Tiger Elite is the meanest one and it demands everyones attention. Ignore this might beast at the cost of your own life. Apex predator. Do not for a minute think these bugs listed here are all you need to worry about.

Good news troopers! There’s multiple locations and things to do. Let’s check this out for a bit. Starship Troopers: Extermination has the desert planet of Valaka. Valaka also may have sandstorms which obviously obscure your vision and makes things difficult. Agni prime is quite a much and colourful place but it can be volcanic due to that big volcano. An eruption will cause fire to rain down. Take cover obviously. There’s even a horde defence mode where you must survive 10 waves of bugs. They get increasingly difficult. There’s evenness for players to invader and attempt to take down. Imagine the kind of bugs you’ll find down there. Hopefully boss bugs.

X35 Earthwalker Starship Troopers: Extermination

You can’t fight without some weapons. Good weapons. In Starship Troopers: Extermination there’s an acceptable range. You want more? Then pay more taxes. Troopers can use the Morita mk1 assault rifle, morita xxx sniper rifle, morita mk3 saw, fu-17 flamethrower, C-32 chi-hong grenade launcher and TW-2 S.P.L.I.T. Shotgun Auto. As you can see there’s some good weapons here that will get the job done… sort off. Iy’s obvious what each one does. 

We checked out some Starship Troopers: Extermination gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. It’s looking under developed. Animations are quite poor as well. Definitely inferior to the animations in helldivers 2. Now the main point of the game is to be fun and bring the action. It certainly seems to have more depth than helldivers 2. We need to the animations to step up. The early version was released to pc and that probably explains why it does look underdeveloped. So hopefully when the official full release comes to consoles it will all be stepped up. We definitely like the action though. How bugs explode and bits of them break off is what’s expected for a game like this. We need fun. Her the top fun is appreciated also. Starship Troopers: Extermination is sop easy to get right so the developers cannot fail this. 

Overall Starship Troopers: Extermination looks like a good game but quality needs to step up especially with all the next gen games here and the power that the Xbox Series X has. The action is solid, the range of enemies are good but we hope there are more to show up. We hope for a few more weapons will be available. Developers must take notes and learn from other games. We want options. We also need more planets or locations to fight in and fight for. Having only a few places will get old quick. Starship Troopers has a big universe so we hope this game uses it. The developers ‘Offworld Industries’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Starship Troopers: Extermination may have loads of bugs to kill but it’s certainly not enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker EvilVEvil

EvilVEvil is a First Person Shooter game developed and published by ‘Toadman Interactive‘. EvilVEvil is said to be coming out the 16th of July 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker has mastered slaying vampires with all kinds of weapons. EvilVEvil is looking to bring fast paced vampire action. Let’s take a look.

EvilVEvil is all about vampire slaying action. It’s about going through hordes of them “without remorse”. There’s vampire characters, that’s right you are the vampires. Each one has their own style, attitude and abilities. Fight and shoot through their story. They are more closer to a vampire like Blade than let’s say Redfall and their vampire gods. These vampires have weapons and more.

X35 Earthwalker EvilVEvil

The main focus is taking down Zagreus and his followers. Some say a cult. Feed on them. shoot them ip. Blast them and more. Zagreus even has machinations. Humanity is in danger and it’s up to the vampires this time? Strange stuff going on here. By the way the name of the three we have seen are: Mashaka, Victoria, Ramirez.

Now one of the main features promoted about EvilVEvil is the co-op action. You can have up to two others join you in your battles. This allows for some crazy action. Even playing by yourself will feel powerful… more powerful. will co-op be a straight up shooting experience or is there co-op mechanics to add to it.

X35 Earthwalker EvilVEvil

So concerning the vampires you can sum them up basically with berserker, assassin and arcanist. We all know they do not fight the same way at all. Each character is enhanceable. You can improve what makes them good and more than make up for their weaknesses with some artifacts. We even see one that looked like an energy sword which destroys foes.

We checked out some EvilVEvil gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s definitely fast paced. There’s some hordes for sure and you got to blast through them. The berserker loves getting up high and dicing into a crowd with ground pounding abilities. Area of effect abilities, automatic weapons and off course the strong dingle fire revolver type weapon. It’s just all action.

Overall EvilVEvil looks like a good game. Some stuff like the animations and trajectory of some abilities need some adjustments. Regardless EvilVEvil gives exactly what it says on the front of the box. Vampire fighting, slaying, shooting action. Co-op for the friends and bite on some neck meat. Nothing deep. Just fun. The developers ‘Toadman Interactive’ have done a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are alright with seeing friendly-ish vampires helping out. Now EvilVEvil may have powerful vampires weighing artifacts and guns but they are too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is an action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Auroch Digital‘ and published by ‘Digital Foundry‘. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker likes to see good games get expanded and supported. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is out here bringing more action to the gamers.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is back and now there’s more bang for your boltgun… or was it buck? Whatever that saying is. Now coming up is the Forges of Corruption expansion. This means players will need to grab the boltgun they stashed under the kitchen sink and pick up the chainsword they left in the garage. It’s time to destroy more heresy and chew bubble gum… and most of us is all out gum.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Word on the streets of the emperor is that Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption has a whole brand new campaign. No not a Halo campaign… a Warhammer one. There’s going to be 5 levels and are suppose to be environments of a varied kind. So expect variety. The level designs are off course based on the grimdark lore of Warhammer 40000. For example, there’s a demon forge and you know those places be active. There’s Graia battlefields and a manufactorum. Additionally we should mention that there’s even a horde mode now. So fighting endless waves of enemies and filth is a thing. Fight and blast for as long as you want. Great unclean ones and lord of changes are waiting for you as well.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption wouldn’t be a real expansion if there wasn’t new enemies and weapons. Thank the emperor there is. Or is he the false emperor?.. Why is that inquisitor looking at me all of a sudden? Anyways. Players can expect to face the Black Havoc Legion who will be launching missiles at you. There’s even helbrutes and we know those boys are big body! Don’t let them baby shake you. There’s even terminators who have lighting claws. But fear not for you can fight back with the famous Multi-Melta and even a missile launcher. Fight back space marine.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

We checked out some Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption gam play and it’s what we expected and should be what gamers expected as well. If you like Doom then you will like this. It’s as simple as that. Run around or zoom around while blowing up enemies, cutting them down, shooting them up, blasting them apart, big body some enemies or take your time and line up that shot. It’s just pure first person shooter action… but now with more stuff than before. Bring death to the heretics. There’s no shame, their souls are already lost!

Overall Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption looks like it’s going to be excellent. It’s just more of what we liked. That’s good. Keep it simple. They gave more levels, more enemies, more guns. Tick all the boxes. There’s no need to comment on the graphics and sounds as it’s an expansion so you are getting the same basically. The developers Auroch Digital have done an excellent job with this expansion. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open concerning this game. Now Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption may have some new things but they don’t make a difference when it comes too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

Sker Ritual is a round based survival game developed and published by ‘Wales Interactive‘. Sker Ritual is said to be coming out the 18th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker will give this game a chance and examine it for a moment. Sker Ritual is looking to bring that monstrous, dark horror feeling to the action. Let’s take a look.

Sker Ritual is all about stopping that mean lady Elisabeth. She’s going to use the siren’s song. So what’s the solution? Fight, blast and shoot many things in rounds to victory. That’s how. You’re helping Elisabeth’s daughter Arianwen to stop her. Mother daughter drama possibly. At its core, Sker Ritual is just about that action. It’s a zombie horror shooter really and that’s good stage as there are players to just want to fight zombies… no story, just fight.

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

So the main threat of course are the hordes of ‘Quiet Ones’. These guys are continuous and will not stop, unless you stop them… for them. While the relentless hordes are after you, you’ve got to solve mysteries as those are your main true missions. Off course players will need to upgrade their weapons to match the dangerous threat of the quiet ones. There’s even what’s called miracles. These miracles are Celtic god powers. We hear there’s a whole load of them. What miracles do is “offers a choice of three random upgradable powers that buff or alter your shooting, melee, grenade and healing”. They have different attributes, rarity and power off course.

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

Now off course the main stars here are thews hordes of enemies. The quiet ones are here and ready to play… a bit rough. Sker Island has got some buffed up guys. The elites who each have their own abilities. They will hopefully force players to shake things up, like change location and combat approach to deal with them. No one strat carries through game. So you know about the quiet ones but we hear that there’s more threats… new ones too. Some reportedly do not even have a face!!! Regardless, kill themn you must, especially if you want to grab miracles. 

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

We checked out some Sker Ritual gameplay and it’s what we expected. Players with experience in call of duty zombies and arena battles will do well here. Gamers who played Maid of Sker will notice that Sker Ritual follows the evil ending. Miracles can be enhanced to make things truly supernatural. There’s elites and then there’s supercharged elites who will bring the pain. Those who are here to play can grind through the ‘sker pass’ and even dread levels. Strangest of all maybe… there’s Easter eggs (bunny not included). So maybe look for them. Almost best of all is that Sker Ritual is multiplayer. You can play with three friends or family online to face the hordes together… as friends and family should. No local co-op sadly & shamefully.

Overall Sker Ritual looks like it’s going to be a great game. There’s depth to it and multiple ways to play. It’s all about action and gets players right to it. Don’t worry about fighting solo as it’s been said that “the intensity of Sker Island’s hordes scale to the number of players.” Also there’s interchangeable masks for players to collect and use to “induce fear on “Sker’s inhabitants”. Look into that yourself. It’s good to see games that just focus on the action sometimes. Graphics do look good enough too. The developers ‘Wales Interactive’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open concerning this. Now Sker Ritual may have quiet ones but they are too loud for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion remastered

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered is an action adventure First Person Shooter game developed and published by ‘Nightdive Studios‘. Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion is said to be coming out the 14th of November 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has many questions regarding this game. Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered out here wanting to bring back some experiences. Let’s take a look.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered is obviously a remaster. Not a remake. So players who are a fan of the Turk series should already know what to expect. Those who truly enjoyed Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion should definitely get a kick out of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered. The remaster strongly implies there’s going to be a an upgrade in the visuals and graphics. at the bare minimum there has to be.

X35 Earthwalker Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion remastered

Here’s what was said about Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered, “it now supports gameplay on contemporary devices with impressive 4K resolution at 120FPS. This title complements the esteemed remasters of Turok and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, brought to life by Nightdive Studios, Universal Games, and Digital Platforms, rounding off the trilogy. The remastered version boasts refined gameplay, sharp high-resolution textures, advanced lighting and rendering, and gamepad support.”

Other from this we hear that Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered will also have more features like anti-aliasing, ambient occlusion, bloom, dynamic shadows and motion blur. There’s also updated weapon models, “remastered environment art” and better character models. On top of all that there are new achievements. So players have new things to fight and aim for… if you care about the achievements.   

X35 Earthwalker Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion remastered

We checked out some Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered gameplay and it’s not really what we expected. We did expect the visuals to be better though. It’s easier said than done but we have seen better jobs. The performance is definitely much better though and that does matter a lot. Our main concern is the problem that almost every remaster game has which is what else do they offer. they don’t have top offer more but it definitely adds far more reason to get the remaster besides just playing it again. Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered being available on next gen and modern consoles is. big deal and added accessibility. X35 Earthwalker just always wants there to be some bonuses included.

Overall Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered does look like an alright game. Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion wasn’t out favourite Turok. We wanted more Turok evolution. That would be big move. The developers ‘Nightdive studios’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what this game does. Now Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered may have brought an upgrade but it’s too noticeable for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

Trepang2 is an action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Trepang Studios’ and published by ‘Team17’. Trepang2 is said to be coming out  the 2nd of October 2023 on the Xbox Series X and PS5. Trpang2 already came out on pc. X35 Earthwalker never heard of this game before. Time to see. Trepang2 is going for the fast and serious approach. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

Trepang2 has a simple story here for players. You are an escaped soldier who has no memories of his past life. This soldier also somehow has supernatural abilities. Your mission? Revenge! You gon roll up in there and kill everything and everyone. Why? Revenge! Trepang2 is also set in the distant future. Why? Revenge! Alright we’ll stop.

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

Trepang2 is all about the action. The story doesn’t matter much at all. It’s about the fast pace movement, the action, the shooting, the guns, the explosions and the kills. There’s lots of blood and some say gore. Enemies will explode in a glorious fountain of red… Well maybe not that but you get the picture. 

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

You fight not just for… Revenge! You also fighting to learn the truth. A group helped you escape so maybe be grateful to them. As you fight to learn more and more… you might just come face to face with a foe or problem that’s a bigger deal than you.

In Trepang2, players have supernatural abilities. We mentioned that. For example superhuman strength and speed. So smashing and charging through armed dudes is easy for you. you can slow down time so that dodging bullets is just a Tuesday for you. Your guy can even cloak. Halo active camouflage type stuff. So yeah become invisible and then grab foes for meat shields, Gears of war style, or straight up execute them… like a good ol fashion neck break.

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

We checked out some Trepang2 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. Things are quick and definitely bloody. Many guns, grenade launchers, corpses around you, stained walls, numerous enemies but off course all action. Make your way up stairs, kick enemies, throw people, stealth around and charge in. You get what it says on the front of the box.

Overall Trepang2 looks like a very good game. Of course some things need to be cleaned up like the environments and walls especially but you don’t really care too much about that. It’s about the action and this game delivers that. the developers ‘Trepang Studios’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep and eye open for this game. hopefully it brings the real heat now that it will be on console. Trepang2 may have some bloody action but it’s too family friendly for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood is a cooperative First Person shooter zombie game developed by ‘Turtle Rock Studios‘ and published by ‘Warner Bros Games‘. Back 4 Blood is an excellent game but got unfairly bashed by the ignorant gaming community. Another victim of this like the Callisto Protocol. X35 Earthwalker did a whole podcast episode talking about Back 4 Blood. So check that out as well. Back 4 Blood is definitely better than Left 4 Dead 2. Let’s take a look.

Let’s not make this long as there’s a whole podcast on this as well. For starters Left 4 Dead 2 was released in 2009. An old game like that is not beating a new game like Back 4 Blood. The huge gap in time means a gap in technology and software. So it’s obvious that Back 4 Blood has superior graphics and visuals. The levels look much better as well. The character designs are more detailed. That’s the obvious stuff.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Left 4 Dead 2 has 4 characters and only one of them is actually memorable. Back 4 Blood has 8 characters right off the bat but an additional 4 as additional content. So a total of 12 characters. So Back 4 Blood has 3 times more characters. More options. What’s also better is that Back 4 Blood’s characters have abilities. Each character has an effect for themselves and then a buff for their team. So for example a character might have a maximum stamina boost for themself but then grants faster stamina regeneration for the whole team. So yeah, remember that there’s 12 of them.

Next off course is the ridden… the zombies/infected. There’s more threats and ridden variety than what you have in Left 4 Dead 2. Left 4 Dead 2 has regular zombies, jockey, smoker, spitter, boomer, charger, hunter, tank and witch. Each of course do their own thing. For example the tank is the biggest, strongest and most dangerous. Witch only attacks with lethal strikes when started or disturbed by players. Jockey likes to hop on players to incapacitate players and render them useless. Smoker tries to kidnap players with its long tongue. Charger believes in charging you down to pin you and do big damage.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

In Back 4 Blood you have: regular ridden, snitcher, Tallboy, Reeker, Stinger, shredder, ripper, sentinel, urchin and these have variants too and ones that have armour too, making them even more. For example there’s three types of sentinels which each have different annoying attacks like an actual swarm and the other lobs like fire bombs. The Tank is like the boss enemy of Left 4 Dead 2 but not an actual boss. Back 4 Blood actually has bosses with health bars, so another step up over Left 4 Dead 2. There’s currently 3 bosses at least that you can encounter even in a level as a surprise guest. Ogre, Hag and Berserker. Each one is a major problem. Ogre is the largest thing ever and can hurl massive boulder like projectiles. Hag is basically the superior witch as when startled it chases the player down and proper chomps down on them. Than can escape by digging into the ground. The Berserker is armoured up and leaps great distances to slam and throw players around. Basically a discount Berserker from Gears of War. So way more threats and enemies in Back 4 Blood.

Next up are weapons. There’s way more weapons in Back 4 Blood. More ranged weapons, more melee weapons, more throwable weapons. M4, M16, MP5, UMP45, Ak-47, RPK and way more rifles and guns of different types too. Shotguns, snipers and rifles like the M1. So whatever is your style you can do it. Even a sawed off shotgun. There’s bow and arrows with the arrows being infinite. Melee weapons there’s spiked baseball bats, axe, machete and even wolverine claws. There’s Molotov, pipe bombs (of course), grenades, smoke grenade, flash bang and let’s just say green glow substance to attract ridden to it. There’s also support items too like a stun gun to free yourself from being incapacitated by a special ridden that grabs you. We will say that the pipe bomb in Left 4 Dead 2 has a much better explosion than Back 4 Blood.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Another big advantage Back 4 Blood has are the weapon attachments. Both have them but Back 4 Blood has much more and deeper mechanics concerning it. Nozzle, magazine/bullets, scope and stock. The one you equip will have different parts and there’s different grades to the parts from common all the way to legendary. Even the melee weapons have attachments. Giving damage resistance, increased damage, melee speed, movement speed and more. So clearly Back 4 Blood has more mechanics and deeper than Left 4 Dead 2. Back 4 Blood even has a full weapons range for basically every weapon you can find in the game. Pick em up, try em out. Every throwable and attachment is there too. So you can get a feel for them, see the difference the attachments make and see the exact damage with the targets. There’s even a flamethrower!!! And it’s mad strong. 

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

The last major factor that puts Back 4 Blood way above Left 4 Dead 2 is the card system. These cards completely change the game. Use these cards to create builds. Some builds increase your damage with a certain weapon. Some increase your health. Others gave increased damage resistance. Some are a trade like -5% health but gain 40% stamina. When you unlock the strongest cards you can make yourself ridiculously strong. X35 Earthwalker the one true Earthwalker, the legendary soldier himself has multiple builds and he is over powered. There’s a melee build where it’s basically impossible for him to die while fighting. He has a mighty shooting build where he never needs to reload and does massive damage with guns.  

Back 4 Blood has received additional content so more things have arrived. There’s lots happening and when done on some of the hardest difficulties, things can get insane and intense. Left 4 Dead 2 is very easy. Easy game. Your melee attack is over powered. Back 4 Blood is a much harder game and requires far more strategy and good gameplay to beat, instead of spamming melee. This isn’t everything that Back 4 Blood does better than Left 4 Dead 2 but it’s already really clear which game is better. X35 Earthwalker is never wrong. Back 4 Blood may be better than Left 4 Dead 2 but neither are own the level off… the ‘Earth Walk!

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X35 Earthwalker Redfall

Redfall is a great game. Had lots of fun with this game. Redfall is an Xbox exclusive and was developed by ‘Arkane studios‘ and published by ‘Bethesda‘. X35 Earthwalker wanted to do a simple review/talk about Redfall. Show why it’s very good… especially since many ignorant and foolish people have bashed and attacked this game. Mainly pc and PlayStation players. So instead hear from X35 Earthwalker who is the smartest and wisest gamer of all time. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Redfall

Redfall is quite simple to understand. You was in Redfall, which is a very lively town. Then suddenly things go very wrong. Vampires show up, they form cults who will attack and shoot anyone. You encounter a powerful vampire who is called black Sun. The sun gets blocked out making things free season for vampires. The survivors are being hunted down. so why not leave? Well somehow the vampires have raised up the sea… copying what God did with Moses, but a discounted not as good version of it. It’s solid stuff you can’t swim through and traps boats. So yeah, you can’t leave. Help the survivors and defeat the vampire so called gods.

X35 Earthwalker Redfall

Redfall is an open world game and it shows. Not the largest world at all but it’s split into two maps. The image above is the first map and where you start off. It’s also the smaller map. What’s weak though is that you can’t go back and forth between them. It’s a progression thing. Part 1 and part 2 of the game. Aside from that, the open world is probably the best thing about Redfall. The world is so excellently designed. Redfall town clearly looks like life was big here. You see the churches, the shops, markets, cinema, trailers, lighthouses and more. The ferris wheel and hotels. Our favourite thing about Redfall is after clearing out thew enemies, go for a tour and stroll around the town. You see everything. You can clearly see how life was like in this town. X35 Earthwalker will do a podcast talking about this soon-ish. It’s fun and detailed.

Speaking of detailed. Redfall has if not probably the most detailed open world in gaming. Watch the video above. The developers didn’t need to do all that. The posters on the wall are detailed and have actual information. There are job advertisements with contact information and terms. The food and items aren’t just generic brands, blank or copy and paste. Redfall has actual brands and names. From the tomato and fish tins to milk and beverages. Sweets and chocolates have names as well and eventually you’ll get to know them as you explore more corner shops and stores. It’s not just shops either but important buildings as well. The documents, writings, prints and more. Walk around ton and see for yourself.

The issues we hear from pc and playStation players. All seem to be performance issues. All of these issues were mainly on the pc. So much for pc master race… more like pc inferior race. pc has been having launch issues with new games recently. Not good but it happens. On the Xbox Series X, X35 hasn’t encountered any of those issues. So our experience has been excellent. Some say it’s 30 frames per second. Hard never been a problem. Sure it’s not as smooth as 60 obviously but it didn’t effect the gameplay for us. pc players claimed the world was empty concerning enemies. Wrong again. On the Xbox we had many enemies. We saw cultists, bellwether, vampires and vampire variants. We even witnessed cultists with vampires fighting against bellwether, multiple times. So yeah, pc and playstation players aren’t correct.

X35 Earthwalker Redfall

There’s a decent set of weapons in Redfall. Pistols, shotguns, rifles, sniper rifles, UV beams and stake launchers. There are some variety to each weapon class and you can carry 3 at a time. There’s also a blood remnant and a vampire god remnant. Both remnants need more options and have stronger effects. The weapons are all very effective. There are what’s called ‘unrivaled’ weapons. Basically legendary weapons which have the best effects and much stronger than other weapons of the same level. What they should have added is the means to level up your weapons sop they stay powerful with you.

We don’t want this to be too long. There’s many things to say about Redfall. Combat is good, there’s lots of action, many things to do like quests, lots to explore and do not underestimate the lore in Redfall. There’s loads to read and loads to learn. From authors and their pieces, to news and reports. Bill, from Bill… and bob over the radio. Documents, grave locks, recreations of the past and more. There’s lots going on, lots of tragic stuff too. So yeah, be patient and do some reading (for once in your life). Those vampire bosses, those so called gods… they suck (vampire joke). They are string and capable of killing you real quick. Each boss is very different. VERY different. Learn quickly. By the way, best character is Devinder.

Overall Redfall is a great game and worth playing. It’s not perfect and needs some more tuning up like being 60 frames per second and additional attack or ability for vampires and off course make climbing those darn rocks easier. Redfall is currently available on Xbox game pass. X35 Earthwalker finished the game. It was some good times.

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X35 Earthwalker Season 4: Infection. Halo Infinite

Season 4 for Halo Infinite is off course here. This brings the new Infection. Now many gamers have been waiting for this, including the greatest gamer X35 Earthwalker. The battle or should we say struggle between the infected and the survivors. Now Season 4 brought more than just Infection to Halo Infinite but it’s the main thing we will deal with in this G-Blog. Let’s take a look. 

Infection is simple concept. There are survivors who must survive against the infected. Both teams are human players. The round starts with two alpha infected who have abilities on top of high speed. They can use active camouflage and have Shroud Screen. This makes them a problem for sure. Every survivor they kill turns them into infected. those infected are weaker than the originals but can also infect others too. Thus it continues like zombies. Survivors have limited ammo and one chance to survive. The last survivor gets over shields for their final effort against the horde. There’s four rounds. So the player with the highest score wins.

X35 Earthwalker Season 4: Infection. Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Infection season 4 already stands out from previous Halo Infections. This also seems to be the hardest one too. Not only do the infected have upgrades, their scariest factor is their speed. They are so fast. You miss or shoot to early with the shotgun then you are done. There is no second chance. Combine their speed with the slide and you can have some effective manoeuvres. Things can get scary because of this.

The scariest thing has to be when you are just moving through a map or looking around and you suddenly see a red dot on your motion tracker. You now know someone is there. They are sprinting for you and you got to act fast. Sadly cross play is forced on, which means console players have to play against pc trash. pc players have an advantage here once again. Not only do they get the aim advantage but they also have the high turn speed. They can instantly do a 180- turn and take out in pursuer infected. Not fair. Regardless Season 4: Infection can get sort of scary at times. Maybe a jump scare or two for the weaker players. 

X35 Earthwalker Season 4: Infection. Halo Infinite

Season 4 Halo Infinite also brought about a ‘Career Rank’ system. You start off as a Recruit but can make your way to General but the highest rank of all, basically reserved for the players with no life is ‘Hero’. That requires all kinds of grinding and saying goodbye to other games. It serves no real purpose except two show basically how long a player has been grinding Halo Infinite for since the launch of Season 4. Some cans use it to brag while others can use it to shame. 

There’s new suits and armour but they are very limited off course and have not caught our attention. They need to step up their game when it comes to armour design and armour options. Heavily feels like everyone is wearing the exact same thing with the exact same effects all,ost every match. That’s pathetic at this point. Halo 5 guardians did it better. 

Back to Season 4: Infection. X35 Earthwalker who is the best Halo player of all time, who has a life, isn’t a try hard and isn’t pc scum, had his first ever match of Infection. He was at a disadvantage as he avoided all details and news concerning Infection. He didn’t know much at all. didn’t even know what the new Spartan equipment was. Had to learn as he went. Things ended up going very well. Check out the match for yourself below.

Overall Season 4 of Halo Infinite is a good upgrade. You get two new maps: Forest and Scarr. New armour, mainly the Hazmat. New game mode off course, Infection. Career rank. New equipment: Quantum Translocator and Threat Seeker. New battle pass. Samurai Yoroi armour additional are back with the Tenrai II and III. Simply put there’s a bundle here but a medium level bundle. X35 Earthwalker will dive in a little more to see what this update truly has to offer. Now Halo Infinite may have the Season 4 update but it’s easily like 100 updates too small to entertain… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Nightmare Reaper

Nightmare Reaper is a 2.5D first person shooter game developed and published by ‘Blazing Bit games‘. Nightmare Reaper is said to be coming out the 11th of May 2023 on the Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker knows a good first person shooter when he sees it. We will be the judge. So, Nightmare Reaper… What chu got? Let’s take a look.

What’s the story here? You’re this lady who’s a patient at a psychiatric ward. You are in this room with lots of writings and scribbles and whatever on the walls. There’s mysterious notes too that have information concerning experiments… ominous ones. so day time is boring but once you go to bed it’s a whole different story. A nightmare filled with loads of monsters, demons, fighting weapons and death. So yeah, load up your weapons or other means of dealing death and fight for your life.

X35 Earthwalker Nightmare Reaper

So right of the bat players might think of Ultimate Doom. We also think about Prodeus but not as much. Style too different. Nightmare Reaper is blending old school and modern gaming. You can upgrade and improve your character. Use your gold to purchase them. There’s also mini games, so do them for new abilities. Which you’ll need as we hear there’s a whole lot of enemies, loads of surprises and… and… treasure! We do like us some treasure.

We gone make this easy for you guys. If you like first person shooters then tick a box. If you like ultimate Doom, then tick another box. If you like classic old school style then tick another box. How many ticks do you have? Doesn’t matter, you will probably like this game. These nightmares have been described as “procedurally generated journeys” that “get tougher the more often you go”. So take that into account. Variety shouldn’t be a problem.

X35 Earthwalker Nightmare Reaper

We checked out some Nightmare Reaper gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. We like the modern twists thrown in here and that that’s needed in todays gaming. there’s said to be like 80 different weapons. We have seen some crazy weapons. A game like this needs over powered dumb stuff to make things fun. There’s laser blasters, orb launching from hands, machine guns, double barrel shotguns, pump action shotgun, sword, M1 Garand, strong rifles, swarm launcher and more. You love to see it.

Overall nightmare Reaper looks like a good game. Silly, fast paced but crazy fun. You get to run around and blast away monsters and demons. The graphics are ugly though and we aren’t a fan. They could easily clean that up. There’s secrets to find. There’s multiple game modes. Random events and lots of danger. There’s a place for games like this. The developers ‘Blazing Bit games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open about this game. Nightmare Reaper may have crazy weapons but none of them is effective against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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