X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is an action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Auroch Digital‘ and published by ‘Digital Foundry‘. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker likes to see good games get expanded and supported. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is out here bringing more action to the gamers.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is back and now there’s more bang for your boltgun… or was it buck? Whatever that saying is. Now coming up is the Forges of Corruption expansion. This means players will need to grab the boltgun they stashed under the kitchen sink and pick up the chainsword they left in the garage. It’s time to destroy more heresy and chew bubble gum… and most of us is all out gum.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Word on the streets of the emperor is that Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption has a whole brand new campaign. No not a Halo campaign… a Warhammer one. There’s going to be 5 levels and are suppose to be environments of a varied kind. So expect variety. The level designs are off course based on the grimdark lore of Warhammer 40000. For example, there’s a demon forge and you know those places be active. There’s Graia battlefields and a manufactorum. Additionally we should mention that there’s even a horde mode now. So fighting endless waves of enemies and filth is a thing. Fight and blast for as long as you want. Great unclean ones and lord of changes are waiting for you as well.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption wouldn’t be a real expansion if there wasn’t new enemies and weapons. Thank the emperor there is. Or is he the false emperor?.. Why is that inquisitor looking at me all of a sudden? Anyways. Players can expect to face the Black Havoc Legion who will be launching missiles at you. There’s even helbrutes and we know those boys are big body! Don’t let them baby shake you. There’s even terminators who have lighting claws. But fear not for you can fight back with the famous Multi-Melta and even a missile launcher. Fight back space marine.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

We checked out some Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption gam play and it’s what we expected and should be what gamers expected as well. If you like Doom then you will like this. It’s as simple as that. Run around or zoom around while blowing up enemies, cutting them down, shooting them up, blasting them apart, big body some enemies or take your time and line up that shot. It’s just pure first person shooter action… but now with more stuff than before. Bring death to the heretics. There’s no shame, their souls are already lost!

Overall Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption looks like it’s going to be excellent. It’s just more of what we liked. That’s good. Keep it simple. They gave more levels, more enemies, more guns. Tick all the boxes. There’s no need to comment on the graphics and sounds as it’s an expansion so you are getting the same basically. The developers Auroch Digital have done an excellent job with this expansion. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open concerning this game. Now Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption may have some new things but they don’t make a difference when it comes too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

Astor: Blade of the Monolith is an action Role Playing Game developed by C2 Game Studio and published by Versus Evil and tinyBuild games. Astor: Blade of the Monolith is said to be coming out the 30th of May 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker likes a nice big adventure set in a creative world. Astor: Blade of the Monolith is looking to bring a big mystery. Let’s take a look. 

Astor: Blade of the Monolith is set in the on the planet Gliese. Players control the character Astor. He is a Diokek. Let us explain a bit. The planet Gliese is a fully colourful and guess you can say vibrant place. An ancient race use to live there. They are gone… maybe.. but what’s certain is that their creations, the Diokek now inhabit the place. Then some time later mean creatures called the Hiltsik, were attacking and bringing destruction. Settlements destroyed. Now some clues point to something bigger at play here than just attacks. So our character Astor sets out to get to the bottom of this.

X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

Astor: Blade of the Monolith will have players on a journey across the planet Gliese. Main mission isn’t actually to fight the Hiltsik but actually to find out what happened to your creators. The ancient race that disappeared thousands of years ago. Maybe, just maybe you can find a solution to your current problem through them. Maybe the ancient race left behind weapons, technology or even an answer. One can hope. One can fight.

The main strengths of Astor: Blade of the Monolith right off the base is the visuals, the story/mystery and off course the combat. Visually is obvious and clear to see (SEE what we did there?). The combat is the main star in this action role playing game. There’s runic weapons for players to wield and use to destroy foes. You combine that combat with the abilities and mobility that Astor has and you got yourself some sweet combat. Expect to charge enemies, cause knockback, double jump, combo while in the air, bring down the hammer (literally), ground pound, summon giant fists to smash and more.

X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

Remember that this planet, Gliese, is alive and got quite a bit going on. Players may come across places where there’s others just going about their day and lives. Settlements were attacked but not all of them. Maybe say hi. Other locations include forests, ice lands, deserts, building structures, you get the point. 

X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

We checked out some Astor: Blade of the Monolith gameplay and it’s what we expected. There’s a lot going on and the combat is quite furious.  We are seeing multiple options and even semi-stylish ways to destroy foes. There’s even a creature to hop on to get a ride. Quick transportation you could say. We like the difference in combat style when you use the spear versus using the sword. Quite artistic and flowing, making it a small treat to watch. This ain’t no little project. Astor: Blade of the Monolith is looking quite serious.

Overall Astor: Blade of the Monolith is looking like an excellent game. We hearing there’s like 20+ hours worth of main story content but there’s also side missions/quests for players to get into as well. There’s bosses with health bars, special abilities, finishing moves, combos, a variety of areas and more. Will Aston be the one to save the world? What do you think? He is the main character after all. Don’t they like always win. The developers ‘C2 Game Studio’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker may keep an eye open for this game. Now Astor: Blade of the Monolith may have a whole planet and adventure but it’s far too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Xbox Game Pass

Xbox Game Pass without a fought is the best deal in gaming. The best place to game is on the Xbox. Xbox has so many games that they’re isn’t enough time to play them all sadly. Problems of the upper class gamers. Now Xbox Game Pass is once again getting even more games into the library for Xbox Game Pass subscribers to experience. X35 Earthwalker is the chief of them all. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Xbox Game Pass

We see: NHL 24, Chants of Sennaat, Hauntii, Humanity, Moving Out 2, Rolling Hills, Galacticare, Immortals of Aveum, Lords of the Fallen, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2, and Firework. That’s quite the line up of games. Once again Xbox doesn’t just have the quality and quantity of games but also the variety too. You got fun multiplayer games like Moving Out 2 where even the family and children can join in. You got sport games like NHL 24 where fans can join in the action. Then there’s dark action games like Lords of the Fallen and Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2. Take your pick.

X35 Earthwalker Xbox Game Pass

All this and more when you are subscribed to the Xbox Game Pass. Loving the games and the range. Xbox Game Pass is definitely affordable for most and is a fantastic deal. The fact that you got over 100 games including the biggest names like all the Halo games and other big names like all the Mass effect, Wolfenstein and Dead Space games. Lords of the Fallen for example is better than Dark Souls 3 and Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is looking to be easily one of the biggest things of the year concerning gaming. Jump in with us.

X35 Earthwalker Xbox Game Pass

Overall things are getting better and better for Xbox. Plus with news that Square Enix is going back to its multiplatform roots, Xbox gamers can even expect Final Fantasy to be coming back to Xbox. Maybe even Final Fantasy XVI! That’s good news. More money for Square Enid and more games for Xbox gamers to enjoy and buy. Want to know more about that? Of course you do. Then listen to our podcast episode on it right here. X35 Earthwalker himself will be checking out some of these games. Keep it up Xbox. We are glad to be on the best console all these years. Now Xbox is the best currently but they still aren’t as good as… the ‘Earth Walk!’  

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X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Age of Water is an Open World Adventure Massive Multiplayer Online game developed by Three Whales Studio and published by ‘Gaijin Network‘. Age of Water is said to be coming out the 18th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker loves wonderfully done open worlds in gaming. Age of Water is said to be unforgiving… we doubt that. Let’s take a look. 

Age of Water has a simple to understand story. Ir’s post apocalyptic so you already know something big has happened and the world is in a bad state. The whole world is submerged. People live in settlements and homes they built on top of what ever is above the water. Survival is the top priority here. Platers control a sea captain. Lead your boat through a “unforgiving” world. Explore, fight, trade and mine.

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Games like Age of Water normally haver lots for players to do and a lot going on. Since Age of Water is also a MMO, we can expect co-operation with other players to help conquer the seas sort off. We hear there will be storms and off course hostile groups on the oceans. Expect to encounter people on small boats while some have warships. So players must pick their battles wisely. What we hope for though are additional threats but in the ocean itself. We truly hope there are actual dangers like sharks, maybe giant squid or depending on how real world they want the game to be, maybe something more fictional.  

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

Players will get involved in trades. Sell some artifacts that you find. Maybe straight up take someone else’s boat for yourself. You can also build your own too. On the business side of things players should aim to mine the the resources found on the ocean bottom. Not only is it resources but it’s the way to learn some secrets and uncover the mysteries in Age of Water.

X35 Earthwalker Age of Water

We checked out some Age of Water gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like that some people haven’t given up on the idea of finding land. There are settlements for players to engage with. Speak with the local people and even take on missions. Of course a game like Age of Water must have bases. You can construct your own base in this watery world. There is off course technology to spend points on and unlock new things, including stuff like “superstructures”.  

Overall Age of Water looks like a good game so far but nothing has truly grabbed us right now. There’s definitely a number of things going on here. We like the ocean, we like a post apocalyptic world that brings in the feeling of one. We like the style of the game as well. Lots of gamers will like this and be drawn the world. Those massive warships are currently the most impressive thing so far. We will have to see more of this game though. The developers ‘Three Whales Studio’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker might have to place a tracker on Age of Water. Now Age of Water may have a submerged world but it’s not deep enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Another Crabs Treasure

Another Crab’s Treasure is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Aggro Crab‘. Another Crab’s Treasure is said to be coming out the 25th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker can confirm that crabs are tasty.  Another Crab’s Treasure is making the crustacean the main star here. Let’s take a look.

Another Crab’s Treasure has an understandable story. Players control Kril the crab… a hermit crab. Basically someone took Kril’s shell and sold it most likely. Or he was behind on rent and it got repossessed. To a hermit crab, their shell is literally their home. It’s that important. So Kril can’t just get it back. He has to buy it back. Life’s a hoe like that sometimes. Buying back your repossessed shell isn’t cheap. So the only logical thing to do is embark on an epic quest to recover treasure which can be used to get the shell back.

X35 Earthwalker Another Crabs Treasure

So Kril arms himself and gets to work. You must battle and fight your way through. dodge attacks, time your strikes and survive. Keil isn’t the only one looking for treasure. The ocean is a dangerous place. Predators exist after all. Besides, there’s bigger things happening in the ocean. The ocean is polluted. Kril may be the one to learn the dark secret behind the pollution of the ocean… no, we won’t assume it’s the works of man. After all it could be ocean denizens with a crab in a bucket mentality.

A hermit crab isn’t strong so Kril will need protection, especially since he has no shell anymore. Players must find trash which can be used as a shell instead to help tank blows from enemies. So crab a food tin, box or whatever… then stick it on you. You Ian;’t done now. Trash in the ocean can be used for more things including weapons… maybe a firearm. Don’t forget about the solution though. Trash ain’t clean. Gunk is here and we aren’t talking about that great game called The Gunk.

X35 Earthwalker Another Crabs Treasure

We checked out some Another Crab’s Treasure gameplay and it’s not really what we expected. There’s more to the combat. You’ll get the chance to learn what’s called umami techniques from the other ocean dwellers. These are strong attacks that can change the battle. For example using a bobbit worm to trap enemies or even a mantis shrimp punch. Now if you didn’t tell from the gameplay, Another Crab’s Treasure is described similar to a soulslike. So expect some difficulty. There’s assist options for players if they want to make the game easier but the same options can be used to make the game harder.

Overall Another Crab’s Treasure looks like a good game. The graphic style works for a game like this which has some comedy to it. It’s a more casual and fun atmosphere instead of everything being dead and dark. There’s jokes and some stuff to keep things light but beware… the game is said to be a challenge for sure. We doubt it though. We liking the different characters, their accents and the different foes. This just might be a fun game. The seaweed looking sort of suspicious though. The developers ‘Aggro Crab’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye open for this game. Now Another Crab’s Treasure may have a whole ocean but it’s still too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Teared

Teared is an action platformer arcade style game developed by ‘Juanmod‘ and published by ‘Jandusoft‘. Teared is said to be coming out in the first quarter of 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has played so many games and recognises many factors. Teared wants to bring some familiar arcade action. Let’s take a look.

Teared is all about the action and less of the story… just like old school games. Players control a hero apparently who is on a journey and will face all kinds of threats and foes. The trailer makes it clear that players must get the knife. Seriously, Teared reminds us of Ghost ‘N Goblins. Using the daggers. Games like this can go in real hard when done right.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

In basic arcade style, Teared has 9 levels and we hear there are 2 bonus stages as well. There’s also bosses. Said to be colossal. There’s also supposed to be a range of enemies to face like spiders, even dragons, cyclops, skeletons and more. Teared has room for precision with your attacks. Players might have to aim for some spots.

Apparently there’s 3 weapons that you have to find. Teared states that these three weapons are distinct, providing their own advantages. We can easily see how to make multiple distinct weapons in a game like this. Based on the visual style and the animations, we don’t expect much from the bosses… hopefully this games proves us wrong.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

We checked out some Teared gameplay and it’s what we expected. Teared is all about the action. You jump in and start throwing daggers at foes while progressing to the right. As a platformer there’s jumps, gaps, water, magma, elevation, bridges and more. There’s things or should we say monsters active in the background. 

Overall Teared seems like an alright game. At the base and core this is a straight up arcade style get your score for your actions. It’s combat and killing foes. See a variety of levels and beat the game. Visually and animation wise Teared doesn’t look that good. So what matters here is how good the core is. The developers ‘Juanmod’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see honest games do well. Now Teared may have arcade action but it’s not on the level of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is an adventure driving simulation game developed by ‘Saber Interactive‘ and published by ‘Focus Entertainment‘. Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is said to be coming out the 5th of March 2024 on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker is very knowledgeable in the field of science. Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is trying to create a serious and realistic adventure. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is apparently a scientific journey. Players will face nature for real… well sort of. There’s a bunch of undiscovered land and territories. You have to explore these places, set up a base of operations and collect information which is the scientific parts. The main method of exploration and traversing is your vehicle.  We got questions already and we see potential but will it go down the interesting route or be boring. 

X35 Earthwalker Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

This Expeditions: A MudRunner Game right out of the gates reminded us off another game firstly by the name alone and then by some of the vehicles. That game is smugglers run. You need a high IQ to make the connection that we made here. The biggest thing for us concerning Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is just the whole rolling across wilderness and outdoors terrain. The exploration,. seeing new things, in such good detail as well, with effective vehicles. If the world looks good, the scale is good, and the traversal is good then that alone is something good enough. Expeditions: A MudRunner Game… do not mess this up. 

X35 Earthwalker Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

Expeditions: A MudRunner Game has got forests, mountain ranges and off course deserts. These lands or should we say territories, have ancient ruins and treasures. Expeditions: A MudRunner Game is all about the research expeditions. Now this can done with the help of your vehicles. There’s a whole range of vehicles to tackle these terrains. Now of course you aren’t totally alone as players can recruit and build a whole elite team who will add their expertise to your work. 

X35 Earthwalker Expeditions: A MudRunner Game

We checked out some Expeditions: A MudRunner Game gameplay and it is not really what we expected. It has strengths but some clear missed directions as well. We definitely love the details and graphics. The dirt, soil, water even, markings and more. The environments and lands are very cool. Lots of work clearly wen into this. Sadly they went in a direction that heavily limits this game. There’s a cool variety of vehicles from heavy equipped big vehicles to heavy duty stuff and some that look chill. There’s birds in the distance doing their thing. There’s even. relaxing atmosphere to Expeditions: A MudRunner Game at times. Those who care about the details will have a lot of that.

Overall Expeditions: A MudRunner Game has a lot stuffed into it. There’s lots of gameplay to enjoy. There’s lots of equipment to attach to your vehicles and there’s even drones and scanners to get better view and collect information. There’s somewhat base building in there form of base of operations. Tents, chairs, crates and more. Hire and get people to help out or work for you. They don’t help for free though. Check their prices. The developers ‘Saber Interactive’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open concerning this game. Now Expeditions: A MudRunner Game may have research expeditions but those take too long for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000- Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter - Duty Eternal

Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal is a tactical turned based Role Playing Game developed by ‘Complex Games‘ and published by ‘Frontier Foundry‘. Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal is said to be coming out the 20th of February 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker truly enjoys a good Warhammer 40000 game and judges them. Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter  is getting DLC. Let’s take a look.

Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal is all about the Grey knights. Probably humanities greatest weapon and soldier against the demons or should we say daemons. They have powerful psyker abilities and go through horrible even torture to be mentally ready and resilient to face the horror of the warp and whatever. These guys are ready for basically everything. So if you like Grey knights, then you should like Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal. Go kill stuff we guess. Yeah.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000- Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter - Duty Eternal

Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal is the first big league DLC. This DLC brings new missions off course and even some new classes. These classes are welcome as battling nurgle is a huge problem. Yes players will be facing the forces of nurgle. Expect filth, plagues, sickness and fat bloated things.

Listen to this description, “Overcome the rampaging Technophage Outbreak by aiding the Adeptus Mechanicus and halting the scourge. In these missions you’ll unlock potent new tools, discover new ways to strategise, and battle terrifying new foes as you further your campaign across the stars.”

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000- Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter - Duty Eternal

What’s epic though is that players can now command the legendary machine of the imperial of man known as the ‘Dreadnought”. The thunderous dreadnought is basically a big walker machine that blasts things apart with heavy firepower. It can be the fifth member of your squad in the Technophage Outbreak missions. The dreadnought is actually customisable when it comes to its weapons. The Grey knights that get folded up by foes can instead be Dreadnought pilots. So put the dead to work. No rest for the dead around here… for the emporer.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000- Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter - Duty Eternal

Dreadnoughts aren’t the only new guys. Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal brings in the techmarines. “invoke the machine go” they said. They will give players more tactical options. Tech marines are machine masters. Expect combat servitors which will support battle brothers. Even bring in big area of effect bombardments and breachers breaking up armour in melee fashion.   

The Tyrtaeus sector is quite the place and a lot of war fronts. Good thing Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal brings in the Gladius Frigate. This starship allows for more war… which is what everyone wants. There’s even additional challenges from the bridge of Edict which bring in some tasty rewards. So yeah high risk, high reward kind of stuff right there.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000- Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter - Duty Eternal

We checked out some Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. New gameplay features to make things more interesting. Your powers can be upgraded thanks to the Archeotech resource. The tech priest Dominus Lunete can be deployed “on a select mission”. There’s even technophage themed warp surge events. gGrenades, throwers, melee power weapons, rushing, beasts of nurgle and off course chaos. The action looks serious. 

Overall Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal looks like an excellent game thanks to this big DLC upgrade. The graphics look very good and the environments look corrupted by nurgle for sure and done well. We hope the weapon variety and enemy variety if off a good quantity as games like this need to bring as much options and variety as possible for players. The developers ‘Complex Games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this. X35 Earthwalker himself laughs at the little power levels of even alpha plus psykers. Now Warhammer 40000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunter – Duty Eternal may have the Grey knights but even they would have a mental break down in the presence of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Go Mecha Ball

Go Mecha Ball is a twin stick shooter roguelite action game developed by ‘Whale peak games’ and published by ‘Super rare originals’. Go Mecha Ball is said to be coming out the 25th of January 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and pc. Go Mecha Ball can also be called an Xbox exclusive. X35 Earthwalker will give this a look over. Go Mecha Ball will need to be all kinds of fun. Let’s take a look.

Go Mecha Ball is pretty easy to understand. Arcade style, jump into the action and blast through levels. The players is chasing after a glitch infected rouge AI. Players better get on with it as this AI is getting worse and more glitch infected. This futuristic looking place is going to be all arcade action.

X35 Earthwalker Go Mecha Ball

Now off course an arcade twin shooter action game needs to be all about the action and keep things being new and cool for players. Go Mecha Ball has lots of enhancements, weapons and skills for players to discover. This is encouraging. You have two modes by the looks of it. Walking weapon using mech and then there’s the ball which allows for quick and fast traversing. So either blast and shoot your way through or run foes over. 

X35 Earthwalker Go Mecha Ball

Go Mecha Ball has 4 unique worlds. Each one has numerous lots of enemies. Expect destructive robots and what would each world be without a boss. What about a colossal boss? They got them apparently. Now let’s hope that they won’t be disappointing. 

Now concerning the sphere ball mode, there’s whole mechanics regarding it. Devices that you’d expect on a pinball machine are here. Zoom up slopes, bounce of rebounders and even utilise the fans. So get use to being a ball. will come in handy.

X35 Earthwalker Go Mecha Ball

We checked out some Go Mecha Ball gameplay and it’s what we expected. Players who can master the mechanics can easily make this as fast paced game where you are zooming and catapulting yourself from area to area to fight. Also to dodge projectiles, ram foes and even go up walls to come down with a mighty smash. It’s all action here. Think about it. Who else you know has a suit with weapons and then goes into a ball mode. Yep Samus Aran. A cool comparison. Let’s see what Go Mecha Ball has really got.

Overall Go Mecha Ball seems like a very good game as of now. Clear easy skill measurement for players. The levels looks very arcade and colourful. Graphics are excellent for this type of game. Gameplay definitely looks smooth and the action flows. Hopefully the differences between the 4 worlds are clear including the enemies too. The weapons and skills variety need to live up to the official description given. The developers ‘Whale peak games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Go Mecha Ball may have fast paced action but it’s still too slow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

No Rest for the Wicked is top-down action role playing game developed by ‘Moon studios‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. No Rest for the Wicked is said to be coming out… Well… Maybe we know and maybe we don’t. No Rest for the Wicked is coming to the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. We at X35 Earthwalker definitely couldn’t miss this game. We got something here. No Rest for the Wicked is clearly aiming to hit hard and massive. Let’s take a look.

No Rest for the Wicked is set in the year 841. The dude King Harol is dead. Now like many great kings in history, king harol has a son who just ain’t on his level. His son is Magnus and he’s described as arrogant and untested. This alone can ruin a whole kingdom and cause massive problems. It gets worse though. There’s scarier things going down in the hollow…

X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

On No Rest for the Wicked, there’s a pestilence described as an unholy plague. Well it’s back… crap. Hasn’t been seen in a thousand years. The pestilence is spreading fast and making its way across the land and it’s messing with everything it touches. so as you can imagine things are getting very chaotic… maybe even political. Yep, different sides and people want different things to happen and you are caught in the middle sort off. Who’s you?

Players control a Cerim. Basically part of a special mystical group of holy warriors. Cerim are wielding special powers and their sworn mission is to defeat the unholy plague, the pestilence… by any means necessary.. or at all costs. you ain’t the only thing that matters in No Rest for the Wicked. There are other significant characters in this world who are taking action. Like Madrigal Seline. She is “a ruthlessly ambitious figure in the church”. She see’s the pestilence as a chance to prove herself in the eyes of her god. Moon studios better do this character right and not disrespect religious characters like many other games do. Madrigal Seline has a plan and she about that action.

X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

The main action takes place on the backwater Isola Sacra. The provincial government is fighting rebel groups amongst the ruins. Even events like this will make your mission more messy and complicated. You’ll get caught up in affairs of people, don’t forget the political struggle we mentioned earlier. Also this land has been through some stuff so don’t expect merry and singing locals. Decisions will need to be made amongst the chaos in No Rest for the Wicked. What direction will you allow yourself to be pulled towards?

X35 Earthwalker No Rest for the Wicked

We checked out some No Rest for the Wicked gameplay and it’s not really what we expected. No Rest for the Wicked is nothing like Ori and the Will of the Wisps in terms of graphic style, design and game genre. A whole new big thing. This top down action looks clean. We also see some mystical abilities like a fire blast of some sort. There’s fast mobility like dodges and dashes. Different weapons from a bow & arrow to a sword.  This definitely looks like it about that action. Action, plus mystical, plus story is hard to produce something bad. We definitely will like to see more.

Overall No Rest for the Wicked looks like an excellent game. No Rest for the Wicked already has us excited. Ori and the Will of the Wisps is the best game ever made. We knew Moon Studios had to be up to something all this time but staying silent. Now we see what it is. Know from seeing the trailer just once we already pieced some things together. Pretty convenient that the plague shows up when king Harol dies… hmmmmmmmm. There’s definitely going to be some lore and a deeper story here. One that will make players conflicted and torn. Maybe somebody gon cry. The developers ‘Moon Studios’ have done a excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to playing this game. Now No Rest for the Wicked may be the secret project but it’s basically an open book in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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