X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield needs no introduction. This massive Role Playing Game was developed and published by ‘Bethesda’. Starfield is a Xbox exclusive. Starfield is truly an adventure in the future and space. X35 Earthwalker can confirm that Starfield is an excellent game. There is so much to do in this game. Players easily have over 100 hours in this game and it’s probably one of the easiest games to get over 100 hours in. Starfield is massive in more than one way. Let’s take a look.

Starfield is massive as in a massive success. So much of a success that in September, Starfield was the best selling game in the US. What makes this more impressive is that Starfield is on the Xbox Game pass. This is even more impressive as angry playstation fanboys attacked the game online, swarmed stores like steam with negative reviews to try and bring down its score all because things aren’t going well for playstation and their only game spider-Man 2. Listen to the X35 Earthwalker podcast episode on this matter. Even gaming media outlets and groups like ign are super biased and attack anything Xbox but glorify playstation. The hate for Starfield is so great that when it out performed Spider-man 2 and got more positive attention than it that playstation fanboys finished their exclusive game in 9 hours and went straight back to X (formerly known as twitter) to attack starfield again. Starfield is so massive and successful that over 2 months after its initial release, people are still talking about Starfield. It’s that big. Starfield even caused a surge in the number of Xbox Game Pass subscribers. Starfield elevated Xbox to a higher level. Bethesda’s best game and work yet. It will forever plague the salty playstation fanboys. Now more specifically about the game.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield is also massive as in the literal game itself. There’s so much to do. The first few hours aren’t boring. X35 Earthwalker found it interesting. You got to travel through space, engage in space ship battles and basically raid a facility filled with space pirates… no Samus Aran. How is that boring? Again just online idiot haters. What’s true though is that the game does get much better as you progress. To make this simple let’s break this down to some extent. There’s the main story missions, there’s also side missions, there’s faction missions, there’s activities and there’s constellation missions, infinite repayable missions and bounty hunting missions.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Main missions are obvious, the main story. The side missions can be found as you travel and talk to some people. They are bigger than activities and can lead to additional things. Faction missions are the full adventures you can have with the four factions. For example the UC, Crimson fleet and Freestar Collective. Actives are the small missions and they can come from almost anywhere. X35 Earthwalker found an actives mission just by standing near a group of people who are having a conversation. Normally quick stuff. Constellation normally consist of finding natural formations on certain planets in specific systems or getting a complete survey of a planet. You get far enough you can get the repayable missions like constantly fight terrormorphs to clean up the galaxy and get money and experience points. Bounty hunting is simple. Get a target, find them and fight. Space battles or in facilities.

These alone will take you over 100 hours easily. So many players in Starfield have the same situation which is they are numerous hours in and haven’t even started the second story mission yet. There’s just so much. You can face terromorphs, defend a city from an attack, travel to classified facilities to uncover a dangerous secret that many died for. Work as a space police officer, investigate a big operation, go undercover and during that undercover, go undercover. So you’re undercover going undercover. Wow. so we think you can see what we mean when we say there is so much to do in Starfield. Even the conversations with some of these characters can get out of hand, funny or straight up weird. So try talking to some with actual dialogue choices.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Players can off course build outposts, which are your bases. You can use different designs for your base and the facilities. build a watch tower which is massive and very effective. Set up turrets which will fire automatically on all enemies. build extractors to harvest certain materials and through some base building mechanics can get that stuff dumped right into your storages. You can recruit employees for your outposts or ship and their stats and strengths make a difference. You can even own homes/properties in Starfield and decorate them with furniture and other things you find. There is also off course the ship building. You can buy a ship, deconstruct it and build it up with a lot of freedom. There are many crazy design online that you can look up and see. Including a master chief head and hamburger like looking ship. It’s that crazy.

Overall Starfield is amazing and easily Bethesda’s best work and biggest game. We haven’t even talked about how big the universe is and how many systems there are and the many different planets with the different alien species and flora around. The numerous minerals and materials you can harvest and collect. We haven’t even talked about the supernatural abilities players will obtain in the future. Some call it space powers. there’s sop much that X35 Earthwalker has discovered yet as we haven’t been completed the main mission quests yet. Just started. This should tell you just how massive Starfield is. Xbox and pc players are definitely getting way more than their money worth. Spider-man 2 was completed by some fans in 9 hours while Starfield players are hounders go hours in and still got so much more to do. We knew Starfield will be great and it was more than we expected in many ways but there is still lots of room for the game to be bigger and better. Now Starfield may be a massive game with so much to do but it’s so small in comparison to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield is the massive action Role Playing Game that had so many talking about it. Developed by Bethesda and it’s an Xbox exclusive. X35 Earthwalker started his adventure in Starfield and there’s lots happening. There’s lots to say but as usual we gon try keep it on the shorter side. Let’s take a look.

Starfield is more than a good game. It’s an excellent game. Once again we don’t want to hear anything about glitches and bugs as once again that an issue of the pc inferior race. On the Xbox Series X, I haven’t experienced those issues. The most X35 Earthwalker has experienced is two crashes on the same moon when running across the moon surface but never anywhere else. That’s all. Starfield has been a mighty adventure so far. Explored a number of planets, multiple moons, facilities, outposts and more. Know that we are no where near halfway exploration or anything.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Some say that the planets are mostly not interesting which is false as most of the planets we have visited have had flora and fauna and different ones too. Some planets of course aren’t designed to have life. just like in real life. A deep freeze planet isn’t going to have dinosaurs as it’s a frozen gas planet. Sure being a fictional universe it would be nice to see ice creatures and monsters. That would make Starfield better. Those barren planets do have resources to harvest and natural formations to scan and discover and yes, it’s interesting for us. Also some of the planets they claim are empty aren’t planets… they are moons. Know the difference.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The missions are plentiful and some go deeper than initially thought. We get activities that lead to things from something as simple as hearing an npc talk. Then there’s side missions in areas for full on talking to people which can open up more. There’s then quests you find as you jump around space and near planets. You might receive a transmission which you can either respond… either directly or through your actions like landing on the planet. We was near a planet and found a farming family that had a spacers problem and then leads to repairing satellites and some spaceship battles and then a gathering of families and disputes etc. That’s not a main mission by the way. There’s missions you get for joining factions like a free star ranger or the uc vanguard. They have their own missions and they are cool and go way deeper than the initial task. Being a whole quest in themselves. There’s also missions you can get from these stations either for bounties, or tasks for the Constellation. We even got a quest for being observant and found a item that tipped us off about an activity happening in a far away place. There’s so much happening. It’s crazy.

The most annoying thing about star field though has been the weight management. We hated that in Fallout 76 and we hate it here. It’s easier to manage here but we hate all this limited weight. Spent upgrades on max weight carry for this reason and aimed for a bigger ship also for the same reason. We need something infinite or more options for storing stuff as we must collect all these resources as they are all useful for outpost building, crafting and mods. We need them and lots of them. Building the storages at the outposts costs resources too and they aren’t cheap. Those storages need to hold more to be more viable. Such a shame that the weight management is the worse thing about the game so far.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The weapons and gunplay is excellent. There’s many weapons to find and choose from. Submachine guns, single shot rifles, automatic rifles, pistols both heavy single shot and semi automatic. There’s laser weapons, ballistic weapons, particle beam weapons and electromagnetic pulses. Ballistic is basically guns as we know them. Bullets basically. Laser is energy and maybe electrical. Partical beam is a combination of physical and energy damage. Electromagnetic pulse is all about disabling your opponents. Hot them enough times and they will be incapacitated. So pick pocket away. The weapons feels and sound good. The Grendel is definitely ruthless at close range with certain mods. Let’s not forget about melee weapons. We found two awesome blade weapons and they tear the enemies up! There’s skills that upgrades melee giving more damage, damage resistance and even heal as you kill. Crazy huh.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Space ship combat has one big problem though. You turn far too slow in Starfield. It’s hard to track and keep up with certain ships when they turn around and fly off faster than you do. Hopefully the change the turn speed, especially if it’s linked to the type of ship that you have. Another thing we don’t like is how the game gives you a bounty for doing things when there’s no witnesses. There was a rude stranger in this abandoned little outpost and we had our partner wait outside some distance away. X35 Earthwalker went in, close the air lock doors and then killed him quickly. We still got a bounty somehow. There were no cameras. so how does that work. How is it recorded as a crime when no one knows… yet somehow they all know. Maybe it’s just video game logic. Similar thing with contraband. How would the scanner know what contraband is. How do they scan it through my ship and cargo. We are aware of shielded cargo but that’s not the point. We will assume this is just “how it works” in Starfield.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

We truly appreciate and enjoy that you can steal ships. That’s how we got our best ship right now. We saw it just sitting there and there was no caption or pilot around or anything. Hacked through the main door. Then explored around and couldn’t take anything as it would be marked as stealing. So went to the cockpit and was surprised that I could sit down. The option to take off was available. Was thinking the game won’t allow this. X35 Earthwalker took off into the space and just like that, the ship was mine. The ability to steal ships is a great option. didn’t spend a pence or dime.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The starting traits do affect some aspects of the game. You can have your parents living in an apartment that you can visit them and sleep in your own bed. You can get a nice house but be in debt. The adoring fan is a real thing and he does have some uses. You can literally start with a bounty and have people after you. You can play as a villain that needs to be stopped or you a good guy with a clean slate. It effects your relationships, persuasion and just the story to some extent.

We even get to see the fauna fight each other. Starfield has a whole food chain system going on. at least amongst the predators and prey. We have seen the corpses of flying fauna and see land predators by the bodies. We have see then actively chase some herding creatures down to kill them. We have seen the prey fight back. It’s good design for these things to happen. We put a video down below to see for yourself. Battles.

Overall we are having a great time in Starfield and it’s what we expected mostly from the game. There’s so much more to explore and discover. Much more missions to complete. More ships to get our hands on. More fauna to scan, fight and loot from. Weapons to get our hands on and improve. Space ship fights to awkwardly win. This game definitely ain’t boring or creatively bankrupted. This game is massive, has lots to offer and different play styles. X35 Earthwalker has many hours in Starfield and plans to spend more hours in on this big space adventure.

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X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield is the Open Universe Role Playing Game developed by ‘Bethesda Game Studios‘ and published by ‘Bethesda Softworks‘. Starfield is said to be coming out the 6th of September 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and pc. X35 Earthwalker is the number one gamer in the world and he has some thoughts on Starfield. Starfield out here trying to be the game of the decade. Let’s take a look.

Starfield is being talked about the most. For a good reason. Bethesda has the biggest job right now with lots of pressure. Everyone is watching this game. Xbox players want this game to be the best thing ever while playstation fans want it to fail so hard. There’s literally a countdown for the release of Starfield on twitter. There’s so much attention and eyes and hype that it has to be good. Starfield needs to be more than Good. It needs to be the best game currently. X35 Earthwalker wants Starfield to be excellent and we are confident it will be.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield can best be described as No Man’s Sky’ but more adventure focused, actual combat and less building… really. No Man’s Sky started off good and through patches and updates became a fantastic game and certainly one of a kind. Starfield is now the second like this. Many planets, open universe, space travel, future set, weapons and more. Games like this are easy to get right and make into fantastic adventures. Starfield is set in the year 2330 AD. So much has happened from going to mars, colonisation, space agencies, artifact, united colonies, constellation, wars and more. Quite a lot of lore already and the game isn’t out yet.

We definitely hope that Starfield has actual good combat. Relaxation exploration games do very well the atmosphere and their purpose of a chill time. Those games don’t have enemies and combat. Starfield has combat and threats. So the combat and actual good enemies matter here. That was something No Man’s Sky lacked at first. We need actual weapons and options. We need to see a variety of enemies. We need tons of aliens and in huge variety. If there’s going to be many planets then there needs to be many environments and therefore different ecosystems and therefore different enemies.s Not just reused threats. 

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The only two games we see as close to Starfield either in scale or type of game are No Man’s Sky off course and Elden Ring. Elden Ring impressed people with not only with the gameplay but the sheer size of the game and deep lore. There’s so much to do that you could argue there’s too much (we don’t argue that). Starfield has the room to be as big as No Man’s Sky and lore deep like Elden Ring. Massive space games have all the room and potential in the world. Do not mess this up. Get creative. 

We wonder how many vehicles there will be. We wonder what the forms of travel and transportations will be available in the world. A game of this size does need fast travel at least on a planetary level. Whether it’s through built or activated transporters, they need to have something. The ability to get around quick. We do like the mobility in the game thanks to the jet pack. So vertical travel and exploration is a big deal.

The gameplay definitely reminds us of Outriders with No Man’s Sky. You can sprint up and melee enemies, different weapon types and descend upon your foes. There’s nice amount of details presented about the planets. The graphical details are looking real good too. We have many thoughts about Starfield and noticed some things that the developers need to take a look at. Starfield already looks good but we are expecting more. Bethesda needs to go all out here. They would do way better if they had X35 Earthwalker on board or leading them. Now Starfield may have over 1000 planets but that universe is so small compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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