Hello fellow gamers. This is another message from X35 Earthwalker. Gaming is awesome. Gaming is entertainment and it obviously means more to some people than others but we all have to be sensible with our gaming. like seriously be sensible.

Destiny 2 has come out today and it has got many gamers and especially Destiny fans crazy. Once again some people have skipped school, college, etc. some have called in sick for work. This is ridiculous. X35 when he was younger went to school when Halo Reach came out. He didn’t skip school. He waited for school to finish and then went home to play Halo Reach. The point is that we need to set priorities. Gaming is important but at the end of the day gaming is fictional while real life is real life. Don’t be foolish. 

You aren’t going to be putting the fact that you are ranked 11 on a leader board on your CV or resume. This isn’t the only area where some gamers are acting foolish in. Some gamers for some reason think that gaming all through the night is smart or a sign of a true gamer. This is again, foolish. Gaming is not more important than your health. What these gamers need to go through the night is energy drinks. Energy drinks can be tasty but are so bad for you. Terribly bad. Some have multiple through the night and day which is terribly bad. Be sensible. Your health is important. 

Now we are gamers and X35 himself is a serious gamer all the way from the Sega to the Xbox one. he even played the Atari lynx for a bit. So we aren’t insulting gamers because we are also gamers but we have to be sensible. So stop all the foolish gaming. Your life comes first, do your job, responsibilities and everything else because video gaming is primarily and originally for entertainment, like painting. So let it have the priority of a form of entertainment. So this is a quick message to all the gamers out there to just be sensible with your gaming. Thanks for reading and feel free to contact X35 Earthwalker with your comments, thoughts and ideas.

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Planet of the Eyes is a new action-puzzle adventure game developed by ‘Cococucumber’. It will be released 12th of September for Xbox one and PS4 but already on PC.

Planet of the eyes looks real cool. Another 2D platformer action game. Players control a service robot who is stranded on a mysterious world. It’s a narrative story style so make sure to listen to fully know what’s going on. Through out the game you will find audio logs which are fully voiced. There are physics based puzzles that need solving. So you can see why Planet of the Eyes is classed as a action-puzzle adventure game.

It’s what you would expect from a 2D platformer. The controls are simple in terms of jump, move and action from what we can see. You can interact with objects like pull, push, hold onto etc. Ledges fall from above to crush you or environmental hazards like crushing ceilings and floors, pits, electrical and heat hazards. There is a lot of dangers in this world. The developers on the website made it clear that deaths are in abundance. It says, “Robot deaths galore”.

We checked out some gameplay and everything looks good. The graphics are excellent for what it is. The sounds and music are definitely high quality. The environments and many different levels in this game are of a great variety. 

Overall, Planet of the Eyes seems like a real good game. The developers ‘Cococucumber’ did a great job. This isn’t exactly our type of game but we know for a fact that some gamers will love this. This game might be worth checking out.

For more information check out the link below:

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Halo Wars 2 has been getting quite a lot of updates, patches and new content and that is great to see. Why? Well it does show that the developers do care about what’s happening with their game. Some new character leaders initially were too powerful and needed to be toned down. The developers fixed that. They brought out new characters who like Serina brings in new layers to the game like the freezing mechanic. This shakes things up and keep players thinking. Now we have a large DLC coming our way which will bring in… the Flood. Oh dear. This is both exciting and bad at the same time. Exciting because it’s an old enemy coming back but bad because anyone who played Halo 1 (we know it’s called combat evolved but we call it halo 1) knows what a horrible enemy the flood are. There are many great things but some big issues as well.

We love Serina as the whole ice thing is really cool and like we said adds another layer to the game. For example you now have to think about how to handle her if she is your opponent. You can’t stay around her hero unit for too long or risk being frozen. The Frostravens are there to freeze and destroy frozen units easily and her abilities on top of that makes it almost too risky to approach her. When you are her though you get to decide how you will toy with your enemies. Charge at them and then drop ice barriers around and behind them to start the freezing. Drop Cryo bombs to instant freeze and make troops panic with glacial storm. Then finish them off with Seismic charge. It’s cruel.

Spear breaker was an interesting mission that was of a nice length and offer some cool combat. You got to control a special ODST squad which have a lot of health and each member carries different weapons, from some laser type gun to rocket launchers. They have access to a emp ordnance support drop. This unit would be OP in multiplayer as it is. Fun to play with. The Retriever sentinel bosses were real bosses but most specifically the last one as it had moments when other sentinels made it invulnerable and healed it. It’s health was higher than normal and did more damage we believe. It’s worth playing but that’s all, the story wasn’t interesting at all.

The main bad thing and this is what put us of off online multiplayer is that the matches are now all about rushing. Rushing with hero units. Now YapYap and Serina are the two worst at the moment. Serina’a hero unit the ‘Bison’ has good health and tanks all the damage while sitting there freezing your units and buildings, while their units are attacking from behind. Now if you don’t have your hero unit then there is nothing you can really do. Really. So it becomes a game of getting your hero units out first whether for attack or defend. What’s worst is that not all hero units are made equal. For example if you have one of the original three UNSC characters leader’s heroes: The spartans, then they will die to Jerome’s mantis, Serina’s Bison or YapYap’s three grunt mechs. It isn’t fair. They are weaker. It’s almost like saying don’t bother with the original three. Almost every match has been like this. It’s not fun. So we stopped playing online. 

Overall Halo Wars 2 has been growing and doing very well but it’s not all that fun if you don’t want to play it anymore then it becomes useless to you. We honestly have been playing other games besides Halo Wars 2 and that’s taking into account that YapYap is new. We haven’t been bothered to take him on or try him out. Don’t get us wrong. It’s an excellent game with lots of work going into it but currently until something is done about that leader rush we won’t be quick to get back online. Yes we know that you can just get your hero out as well but that leads to issues in itself like what character leader to use and more. New players better beware. Now we still love Halo Wars 2 but not as much as we love… the ‘Earth Walk!’