Let them Come

Let Them Come has so far been a lot of fun. This game is simple and because it is simple you just know that there is going to be a bigger skill gap. All you have to do is aim higher or lower with the gun and fire primarily. That’s it, so you know things are going to get mixed up.

Let Them Come throws you straight into the action with Rock Gunar smoking a cigar (he will get cancer if the aliens don’t get him) but warned that the aliens are coming. he takes out the cigar, turns on some music and starts up his gun. players now take over and attempt to fend of a large group of aliens charging for him. we say “attempt” because you can’t… well not for long anyway. The combination of Grunts and Spiderlings will eventually overwhelm you. Overtime you die you get to restart the wave but first have the option to access the storage. here you can buy new items, weapons, ammo etc. So you get your first item to support you which is the knife. this is useful for cutting any enemies like spiderlings that try to jump on you. Now you stand a chance.

The missions all continue like that. You fight hard to build as much cash (or credits or whatever) as possible. Then you die (and you will die), which gives the opportunity to purchase upgrades like ‘Rapid fire’ which increases your fire rate. Then maybe get some grades as the group of aliens are coming in larger numbers at once and one grenade could solve all your problems. The problem though is what grenade should you use. There are many inn Let Them Come. There are molotov to set ground and aliens on fire, shock which electrifies an area damaging all aliens that come through or the cluster grenade which explodes into smaller fragments which also explode. This game is deeper than just pointing and shooting. It’s get crazy. Almost as crazy as Rock Gunar’s attitude. He doesn’t seem to mind that the aliens are coming, matter of fact he looks happy. As he fires the gun the excitement becomes too obvious on his face. before they come he is just casually sitting down having a cigar. Too calm.

The amount of different ammo you can purchase in Let Them Come makes things cooler. There is the regular ammo which is unlimited. Next is piercing ammo which… well… pierces through all enemies. Explosive ammo is heavy duty and the explosion ain’t weak either, it literally destroys everything. Frost ammo to slow down and freeze enemies buying you more time. All other ammo aren’t unlimited. Ammo runs out faster than players initially think. So don’t think you can just buy some ammo and then destroy everything. not going to happen. you have to manage how you use your ammo. Maybe wait until a long line of aliens come for you and then use your piecing ammo to damage all of them at the same time. So being strategic and quick thinking is essential. also learning how to properly use the gun as it is at times difficult to hit a spiderling on the floor or at an angle. Also don’t overheat your gun. Yep, over heating is a problem as well.

The aliens are the ones who make everything interesting. There are so many types of enemies that you have to adjust and think how you should handle the wave of aliens that come your way in Let Them Come. For example spiderlings force players to aim high and low at times and time when to swing your knife or bat to kill them when they jump at you which momentarily stops you from firing. Bursters force players to focus on them as they are pretty much an instant kill if they touch you but their evolved version the Whirler takes more damage and releases eggs when destroyed if pink so players have to watch multiple things and certain details. Then you have the gorger who won’t stop eating and negating your grenades meaning shooting alone and off course the Shielder which blocks all incoming fire with it’s rock hard shield arms. This sin’t even half the cast of aliens. The campaign has bosses as well which really bring the fight. The video below is X35 Earthwalker taking on the blog boss:

So when they come in combinations and numbers things get real crazy. Imagine hounds which are bigger versions of grunts charging at you protected by a shielder in front followed by some whirlers. sounds bad right? It’s a lot of fun and certainly will make players concentrate. However Let Them Come does have some serious negatives though. Firstly on the Xbox One, if you try to record a clip or take a screen shot using the game DVR the game restarts you back at the level that you started from. So if you turned on your game and continued from wave 9, played to wave 12 and did something awesome so you recorded the last 30 seconds the game will bring you back to wave 9 with the money and items that you had on wave 9. It;’s really frustrating. what’s worse is that Let Them Come got an update and for some reason X35 Earthwalker lost his in game progress which is so bad as X35 Earthwalker completed the campaign and was on the campaign plus which was more difficult. This sucks completely and it better not happen again. Lastly YouTubers beware when recording this game as the music from the music box is copyrighted so you can’t use that on YouTube so be careful. Ye were warned.

Overall Let Them Come is a great game. It’s simple meaning that anyone can play it but skills is certainly needed to get anywhere as things get real difficult real quick. The range of options for ammo and items are really good and allows you to mix things up. There is a boss challenge mode and a rampage mode but we haven’t tried that yet as our progress got erased. So we do recommend that you try Let Them Come as you will get your moneys worth and more of fun. Your progress may get reseted or erased but you can never erase… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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