X35 Earthwalker Skyforge

Sktyforge is a massive multiplayer online role playing game (mmorpg) developed by ‘Allods Team’. Skyforge is a big game and has a massive universe. X35 Earthwalker has played this game for a very long time and did multiple grinds too. So veterans we are when it comes to Skyforge. There’s good things about Skyforge but we wanted to do a quick G-blog abut a few negatives. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker has made many Skyforge videos, written about it multiple times and even did multiple livestreams. We know and can see all the good and cool stuff about Skyforge. It’s problem is that in the year 2022 with all the other mmorpgs, Skyforge look weak. Skyforge is like 90% grind and it does get boring real quick. This is such a waste as loads of potential is here.

X35 Earthwalker Skyforge

Skyforge has some of, it not the most impressive and coolest areas. Just check out the world in Skyforge and you will be amazed. When you enter the ‘divine observatory’ and then go to the park, you will be like wow. The lights, the city, the buildings and it’s so large… the view and what you can see. When you go to the port and see the sea and the massive ring like structure in the air, you have to wonder what is it. these areas and many many more make you wish you could explore these areas. 

So players need more areas and more freedom. The exploring actually has to matter. Skyforge just has levels with an A to B while Tera and Black Desert have full areas that can be basically fully explored. The classes are not balanced and some need to be reworked or much stronger. The necromancer class is trash. Hate it. Not enough damage and easy to be killed. Gunner does too little damage for what it is. It’s suppose to be a powerful big gun heavy firepower but it’s weaker than a tank class. The paladin class is so strong even though it’s suppose to be a tank, not damage. Fix the classes.

X35 Earthwalker Skyforge

The power levels need to not only be more obvious in combat but better explained. Skyforge is also known for being cryptic. Many players had to go online to learn crucial and some basic stuff about the game. Like how to get stronger. X35 Earthwalker made his return to Skyforge and aimed to increase his might. He rose by a lot actually but still feels weak in combat. Minion enemies are still doing good damage and capable of killing. Unless you go into your junior god form, you will get washed by your enemies. This includes giant rat creatures. 

X35 Earthwalker Skyforge

It’s gotten crazy. Some levels are clearly hated and boring. Get rid of them. You have no choice concerning which level or mission in the directives. The draconian enemies has that one unit who goes active camouflage Halo style and when it’s like that it can’t be targeted. It’s immune to almost all forms of damage and gets to run away from the fight. It’s not a difficult enemy but an annoying enemy. It wastes your time. Get rid of that enemy. It’s smaller stuff like that as well. Fix the whole story and campaign issue to remove confusion. There’s no real story in Skyforge. Black desert and Tera have one and it’s more fun and engaging. Skyforge still has the “welcome… now be free approach” with no information.                                    

Overall Skyforge got a lot to work on. They ned to improve visuals, frame rates do the changes we mentioned and off course more. We would say more but we are keeping it short. Currently both Tera and Black Desert are better games without question. The modern trailers for this game are cool for sure but the gameplay ain’t as clean or good as the trailer. We want Skyforge to be a much better game. Developers, either make it happen or watch the slow fade continue. Now Skyforge has junior and elder gods but they are mortal peasants compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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More information

Skyforge is a MMORPG that we have talked about before here on the G-Blog page. Skyforge was developed by ‘Allods Team‘ and published by ‘My.Games‘. Now we have played Skyforge, enjoyed Skyforge and have a lot of good things to say about Skyforge. Now we are going to talk about Skyforge concerning the end game area. Where you end up after playing it for a very long time. Whether it’s fun here or not. Let’s take a look.

Skyforge has a number of negatives but probably the biggest one is the end game. You see, when you first play Skyforge, you have multiple locations to explore like the regions and levels to fight monsters using your immortal godly powers. It does feel good. You unlock abilities and gain equipment but eventually will reach the endgame. This is where things are different.

We will say this right away. The end game is boring. We have reached a good prestige level, unlocked multiple classes like Berserker, Kinetic, Gunner, Archer, Necromancer, completed all the stories, each campaign area, region areas etc, everything to do with the main game. Right after that, you literally have nothing to do but grind forever to try and increase your prestige to be strong enough to handle the end game stuff. Your prestige is related to your power. The higher the prestige, the more power you have. 

Unless you increase your prestige you will never complete the distortion missions, beat any of the great gods avatars or unlock cooler rewards, tackle the missions on Anthea and tera. Those are all big stuff. X35 Earthwalker has been playing this game for a long time and we still aren’t at that level yet. Currently prestige rank 188 (168 + 20 bonus prestige). By the way what does the bonus prestige rank do? Yes you assume it just makes you stronger but the game makes a clear distinction between main rank and bonus rank when you try to enter certain levels or let’s call them dungeons.

Seriously, if your main prestige rank isn’t high enough you can’t even enter dungeons like Hespilon Temple on nightmare and challenge difficulty, meaning you can’t get the better awards. You do warm-up difficulty but get lame prizes that you already have, nothing new. Levelling up your prestige takes a long time though. The developers did do an update that gives additional prizes for completing that specific mission to help newer players level up faster. The rewards are related to things that help boost your prestige like bastions that grant resources to level up your stronghold, items that level up your tower of knowledge and other stuff like credits. This stuff does help you level up but when you get to a certain level, the amount of stuff you get to help you level up are drastically reduced. Things are real slow and X35 is main rank 168. That’s not much of a boost as there are players running around with a prestige level of 210+ (get a job). No but seriously how many hours and days have those people put into Skyforge to get to that level when playing for nearly a whole day even with less rewards can get you at most maybe three prestige levels up.

This slow pace means you can’t do anything but grind. Serious grinding. Well until you do, you can’t attempt the Tol-Monter avatar battle level or distortions. You can off course spend real money and get argent which can be used to get most in game currencies. Purchase powerful weapons and equipments. Basically money is a huge advantage in Skyforge, it’s the faster way to unlock characters classes too which is also a major grind. This is where everything gets boring. X35 Earthwalker has completed the same missions like 50 times over, probably more. That’s not fun.  Grinding is never fun. We even attempted those long adept events where you gather and use ‘Intelligence data’ to get pries. We got a mechanical dragon like mount thing which looks cool at least but that doesn’t help level us up faster. Speaking of Tol-Monter we dared to even enter that place at our current level and we can literally show you what happened. Just watch the quick clip down below.

As you can see X35 Earthwalker didn’t stand a chance and he’s been playing this game for a long time. Now another way to get items and goods faster is to be a part of a pantheon, basically a clan. This in fact punishes solo players. It’s like you’re being forced to join a pantheon and if not, you were at a disadvantage. That’s not fair. So when you aren’t using real money and part of a pantheon then you are in the worst possible position for Skyforge. You don’t know how bored we are with the game right now. We don’t want to play the same levels over and over again, get little rewards hope the adepts get enough faith for us to use our divine form as you practically need it for every mission now or they will take a long time. It’s a boring cycle and we have had enough. This end game of Skyforge actually brought back our interest in Tera as we have recently found more to do in Tera. Yes we compared the two and declared Skyforge overall as the winner in terms of the better MMORPG but what we didn’t use as the main factor is the end game, because it takes a while to get to the end game. The end game completely tips the scales in Tera’s favour easily. 

Overall, Skyforge is still a fun game but when you get to the end game it’s all down hill from there. We literally aren’t enjoying Skyforge anymore. We can’t do distortions which are these super big bosses with huge amounts of health, which you basically need a team for and we don’t see matchmaking for it so basically pantheon only and we can’t do great gods avatar missions like nihaz and Tol-Monter. Without beating them you can’t get an avatar trophy which you need to upgrade and gain new abilities and boosts for your divine form, which is needed for more difficult missions to get better rewards. YOU ARE STUCK! How is this fair?! So yes, we had enough and may play Skyforge a little from time to time but right now we are having some good times with Tera. We aren’t saying, don’t get the game

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Awesome Gameplay

Skyforge vs Tera

This is just an update or addition to the last Skyforge vs Tera gaming blog post which you can read here. Now off you haven’t heard off Skyforge or Tera then shame on you and quickly research them today. They are big MMORPGs. X35 Earthwalker has played both and lies both.

We went over some comparisons and what one game does better than the other. We covered graphics, story, which game makes you feel more powerful, which has better combat and all. We even talked about how Tera allows your character class to have more abilities and attacks to unlock as you level up which normally takes the whole story so continuous progression. This means you don’t max out your character quickly and then have nothing else to do. To counter this Skyforge has character classes which you can switch between meaning there are multiple to max out and each class takes very long to unlock so it also takes time but you finish the story way before you unlock all the classes. Comes down to character development choice but Tera’s system does it better as there is no great way to earn sparks of transformation to unlock new classes in Skyforge.

Skyforge vs Tera

We came across some negatives that basically made us think about our answer again. We noticed that increasing your prestige takes forever when you reach a higher level. It literally takes forever. It doesn’t help that Skyforge doesn’t explain what your prestige is, what effects it and how to raise it. Your might is a factor and we learned about this through other people. Skyforge has a horrible habit of making simple things complicated and lack of explanation. Until your might reaches a certain level you can’t get stronger equipment to raise your prestige and overall power. Without spending any real money, this takes forever. You can use the Cathedral and other locations in the capital to slowly increase might but they cost a lot of resources which takes time to build up. Either way it’s insanely slow. Those who spend money has a significant advantage. Using money in a free game like this isn’t bad, the developers need to make money from something they made for free. It’s just that eventually you get bored.

You can increase your prestige slowly through doing bastion quests but there is no variety to these quests as it’s the sam missions in the same places you have done and seen 50 times over. That does get boring. Skyforge early game and mid game is exciting and fun but later game it does get boring real fast. Tera always has you entering new areas and locations with different enemies and quests you must complete are also within those new areas. So you don’t really have to go back to past locations, except for extra quests. Tera has a better long term gaming plan. Later game Tera is definitely stronger and levelling up doesn’t take 20 years. There’s a good chance you will get your own house and car in real life before you reach prestige 150 in Skyforge, unless some dedicated PC fan who spends 12 hours a day playing Skyforge wants to tell us different. 

Skyforge vs Tera

Skyforge has the cooler plot, more powerful characters, lots more stuff to unlock, level up, train in etc but it gets boring much faster than Tera. Lastly what both games have an issue in but one more heavily than the other is the whole solo vs multiplayer issues. Both clearly have advantages for those people who play with friends, have friends or part of a clan, group or pantheon. Yes there should be bonus for groups and teams, that’s fine but there needs to be some help for solo players. For example in Tera the last dungeon areas like the Baldur dungeon require a team to access. We searched for a group but over 50mins passed and we found no one. So we couldn’t do it at all. Too difficult. This means we are stuck. We can never beat it. Tera has distortions that require a team of ten people, there isn’t even a public search for it. You go in solo and they kill you in like two hits or within 30 seconds. That’s not fun or fair. Solo players are at a huge disadvantage. They don’t even adjust the difficulty for solo players. It shouldn’t be an easy fight but a very skilled solo player should at least stand a chance without having to be prestige 230 or whatever.

Skyforge vs Tera

When playing solo in Skyforge it’s a disadvantage and levelling up takes forever, it does switch you off the game for a while. Lately we just go on Skyforge, send our adepts out, do a bastion quest or two and then go play a different game. Not having fun. Tera was fun all the way until the last dungeons of the main story quests which we can’t do which sucks (now can thanks to updates) but this happened only twice to us while Skyforge has many things we can’t do.

Overall These two big negatives has changed our final verdict for now. Both games do have their advantages over each other but currently we say Tera is the better game as it stays strong from early to late game. It doesn’t have as much strong negatives either. So Tera wins this time.

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Some gaming videos

Skyforge Battle Royale

Skyforge is a very large game and it’s got the content and game world to make a Battle Royale possible. If you didn’t know about the Skyforge Battle Royale by now, then just read our previous G-Blog about it right here. We mentioned that there is a lot of strategy in this battle Royale which sets it apart from the others like Call of Duty‘s Blackout, Fortnite and Pubg. Let’s take a look into that.

The first thing that clearly makes a difference in gameplay is the character abilities. The first three that are available from the start are the recruits. Tough, agile and accurate. Now only two of the recruits have good abilities.

Tough Recruit – is the weak link here as this character class only bonus is having 10% more health. So instead of having 100 health, the tough recruit has 110. This honestly makes almost completely no difference in combat. There are some moments when you survive a firefight and thanks to the extra 10 health you come out with only 6 health left. So it isn’t completely useless, just the least useful.

Agile Recruit – has 25% more stamina and also has faster sprint. The accurate recruit (as the name suggests) grants slightly increased accuracy with all weapons that you must fire. So with agile recruit, you can get to weapons faster than anyone else early game because obviously you are faster. You can also traverse the battle field better because of the larger stamina. This means heading from place to place to find weapons and more is something easy with this character.

Accurate recruit – When playing as the accurate recruit you should feel more confident in combat as you will always have the advantage in terms of aiming. Some weapons like the plasma thrower have bloom as you fire, meaning your shots get less accurate as you hold down the trigger. This character class will suffer less from that thanks to the slightly increased accuracy. 

Skyforge Battle Royale

Now the other nine character classes are much different with more various abilities. They must all be unlocked though, by spending in game currency called ‘Token of the king’. You earn these every time you play. Depending on what place you get after a round of Battle Royale determines how much you get. For example if you died 5th, you get like 490 while winning you get 700. It coasts 500 to ‘rent’ a character for one match. Strange but here’s how it works. You can rent for one match and then after using them, spend 500 more. If you rent a character class 50 times, you permanently unlock the character. That’s too much in our opinion but if you keep playing and have fun, you will horde up those token of the king currency and be able to purchase a character every time. Let’s look at those characters.

Morgan, the Filibuster – has a special weapon and item. The weapon is a explosive cocktail which can be thrown at enemies to light them and the ground on fire. they will take serious burn damage and reduce their accuracy. The item is a bottle of rum that when you drink restores a small amount of health over a few seconds and it also increases your melee damage. The cons of the Filibuster is that you can’t use other grenades or medkits you find in the match. A great way to use the Filibuster is in ambushes. Lead them around a corner, or wait behind a rock or tree and throw your cocktail at them, then shoot them as they panic. Then heal up after the fight. She is also the best character at the start of a match as she can drink to increase her punch damage and kill enemies who try to pick up weapons near you. Fun fact, the cocktail does so much damage that players having maximum armour shards and full health will get brought down to 60 health meaning you yourself only need to fire a few shots to finish the kill.

Dolph, the Mercenary – has a ability and perk. The Mercenary has infinite firearms ammo. So rifles, dual pistols, heavy pistol, dual sub machine guns, dual shotguns can all be used with ever having to find ammo. You still need to reload though which is a big downside. The perk is that you have 20% more health so basically 120 instead of 100. The cons for the Mercenary is that you can’t use mines, grenades, weapon scopes or gadgets. A great way to use the Mercenary is to be aggressive right from the start. grab a firearm and hunt down others early game, you will always have the advantage since you have more health and have infinite ammo while every else is running around looking for ammo. Try and find armour to make yourself tougher to kill. Fun fact, the Mercenary when he has heavy armour is the most durable character in the whole game having 50 more points of health than anyone else so the chance of the Mercenary winning a 1v1 is almost always guaranteed.

Skyforge Dolph the Mercenary

AVER RP-800, the Android – has a gadget and perks. The Android’s gadget when used allows you to detect enemies and reveal their location to you in a large radius. The perks is that the Android always shoots accurately and has infinite sprint. The cons of the Android is that this character takes increased damage from energy weapons and cannot use other gadgets like the active camouflage for example. A great way to use the Android is to be constantly on the hunt for items and weapons, traveling around the map quickly thanks to the infinite stamina. This can be done with confidence because if you approach a bullion for area with chests, then use your detect gadget and expose any enemies in the building, area or even following you, giving you the clear advantage in that fight. Fun facts, thanks to infinite sprint the Android is the one character that players, when using, have no excuse for getting killed by being outside the safe zone. Also the detect gadget doesn’t seem to detect camouflaged characters. Also having the experimental boots is most effective with the Android thanks once again to infinite sprint.

Kerr, the Devourer – has some abilities. The Devourer does 50% more damage… to monsters! So A.I monsters on the field are easier to kill. Also every time the Devourer kills either a monster or player, he gets a growing bonus to health and damage. The cons of the Devourer is that you can’t use armour or armour shards which isn’t much of a negative honestly. A great way to use this character is to grab a weapon and run away in search of monsters, forget other players. Kill as much monsters as you can find as each monster (the green coloured ones) grant 3 more health while stronger ones add more, also killed monsters drop loot. So if you killed ten weak enemies you will have 130 health instead of 100. If you happen to slay some players too you may end up with over 160 health and the amount of damage you do will be really high. It’s all about the kills. Fun fact, did you know X35 Earthwalker himself got over 200 health when playing as the Devourer killing many players and monsters.

Alecto, the Faceless – has a special ability and a perk. The Faceless has permanent active camouflage and the first attack you launch when invisible gets a 30% damage boost. The cons of the Faceless is that your camouflage gets disabled when you attack, take damage or pick up an item. You are also slightly exposed when you swap weapons too. Also you cannot use other gadgets and have 25% less heath so 75 instead of 100. A great way to play the faceless is to be patient and stalk your enemies, waiting for the best time to attack them from your invisibility. You can also sneak into locations ad loot everything quite comfortably thanks to your invisibility but be careful as you can still get spotted. Snipers and blasters are weapons work well with the Faceless. Fun fact, the Faceless is one of the most hated characters by players so it’s very funny when you stalk a character, wait for them to open a chest and then you kill them and take the prize for yourself.

Anna-Malia, the Hacker – has some abilities. The Hacker can summon a random item right in front of you. The other ability is that this character can instantly teleport forwards (off course there is cool down) and gets a speed boost right after the teleport temporarily. The cons of the Hacker is that you can’t use other gadgets or traps (like mines) and your maximum health is reduced by 20% so you have 80 instead of 100. A great way to use the Hacker is to keep creating the random item as soon as the gadget is available as you never know what you can get. Maybe something powerful or useful. Use the teleport to help you traverse the map faster and find the items you need before getting into fights. Also If someone gets the drop on you, then quickly teleport forwards and use that speed boost to get out of there. Fun fact, that ability to summon a random item can even give you a legendary weapon! Like we said, you never know what you will get so keep using it.

Ivy, the Sapper – has special traps and a ability. The Sapper can detect enemy mines from a great distance and even disarm them, meaning that you should never fall into traps. Also the Sapper always has three mines that can be thrown into desired positions (off course cool down). The cons of the Sapper is that you cannot use other mines, gadgets and grenades. A great way to use the Sapper is to always from time to time plant a mine behind you as you travel to hit following enemies or those just happening to be running past. You should also plant a mine at the entrance of a building you are looting so uninvited guests will pay the price for trespassing. You can also throw a mine near an enemy player who will then take big damage making killing them all the much easier. Fun fact, once X35 Earthwalker himself was at an elevated location near the final closing of the safe zone and three all three mines in there, the other 3 players all ran in towards the centre and all took heavy damage while he shot from the top and killed all without taking any damage.

Skyforge Battle Royale

Joe, the Engineer – has a special item. The Engineer has a portable auto turret which he can plant to have it fire at both monsters and players. The cons of the Engineer is that you cannot use mines and you have reduced stamina and your stamina recharges slower. A great way to use the Engineer is to go look for monsters and kill them with help from your turret. They not only drop loot but, for the engineer, turret parts which when enough is collected upgrades the turret making it deal more damage and more durable. Once your turret is at least level 2, make sure to plant that turret when you spot an enemy coming your way to give a nasty surprise. The engineer can do ambushes as well. Fun fact, X35 Earthwalker himself was facing one more player and the circle was getting really small, so he planted a level 3 turret. The last player jumped into the safe area but was getting hit by the turret and focused on that instead of the legendary soldier himself and was quickly defeated.

Selena, the Night Huntress – has two perks. The Night Huntress receives a 30% bonus to damage and movement speed at night time. The con of the Night Huntress is that she is 20% slower during the day time. A great way to use the Night Huntress is to literally go on the hunt when it is night time. As soon as it’s dark you really feel so much faster and not even strong monsters can defeat you. So hunt down players as it’s most likely you will win every time. Also take down some monsters for extra loot to get some ammo and powerful items to prepare for the final moments of the match. Nothing is more scary than a Night Huntress hunting you down at night, there isn’t that much you can do if she spots you. Fun fact, when the Night Huntress has the light armour at night time, she’s is the fastest thing in the game. it’s gets worse when she has the experimental boots. A floating rim reaper.

Thanks to all these different characters, the Skyforge Battle Royale has the most unpredictable and epic matches. Different strategies are being used during the same match by multiple players and some completely destroy others depending on the environments, situation, weapons and items at hand. Even though some characters are clearly stronger than others most of the time, any character can win. X35 Earthwalker has won a Skyforge Battle Royale match with each character which you will be able to see for yourself eventually on the X35 Earthwalker Youtube channel. Skyforge’s Battle Royale definitely stands out from the others like Call of Duty’s Blackout, Fortnite and Pubg and we’ve definitely had way more fun in the Skyforge Battle Royale matches. We trust that this information will be useful to players of this game. Off course we didn’t give away X35’s personal developed strategies. Now Skyforge Battle Royale may have many characters but even if they work together, they are no match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

For more information check out the link below:

Epic Skyforge gameplay

Skyforge Battle Royale


Battle royale is definitely becoming quite the trend now. Multiple popular games have battle royale or got popular because of battle royale. Everyone knows about Fortnite, Playerunknowns battlegrounds, Call of Duty’s Blackout and another new one called Realm Royale. All focus on having many many players like 100 drop into a field all look for chests, weapons and equipment to fight until one player is the last one standing. Well Skyforge has one too and it’s looking awesome. Let’s take a look.

Skyforge is a very large MMORPG featuring many monsters, many characters, a large story, many weapons, powers and abilities. So Skyforge is one of those games that is suitable for a battle royale. In fact, we never knew Sky forge had a battle royale until one day when going through our games it showed it on display. That was a shock. From when you enter battle royale mode you are instantly greeted with someone the others don’t really have. A character selection screen. This is where things get real interesting and you should take your time here.

Skyforge Battle Royale

Each character in Skyforge’s battle royale has abilities or maybe perks is the better word. For example the engineer can deploy a turret once every 40 seconds which fights for him. The downside is that the engineer has less stamina and the stamina recovers slower, also he can’t use mine items. The night huntress is stronger than anyone at night time because only at night she gains a 30% damage buff and movement speed but during the day her movement speed is reduced by 20%. The accurate recruit has no negatives but one positive which is that they get slightly increased shooting accuracy. The devourer gets a growing bonus to their health and damage every time they kill a monster on the map or another player but can’t use armour or armour shards (health only). We only mentioned four just now but remember, there are eight more each with their own special abilities, pros and cons. Off course 9 of these characters require players to rent for a match. As you play you earn resources which can be spent to rent characters for one match. If you rent and play them enough times, you permanently unlock them. So you can try them out before focusing on a main.  

Skyforge Battle Royale

If you read the last paragraph a little carefully you would have spotted two other big differences that Skyforge has. Skyforge’s battle royale has a night and day cycle. When the time of day changes the map gets affected as well. For example some plants glow and look alive at night which can draw attention, highlight certain areas and off course being night means it’s harder to see your opponents. There are more changes too. but we won’t spoil everything. Also there are monsters and enemies on the map that aren’t human players. Enemies from the main story mode are here. They normally mind their own business but get too close and they are up for a fight. Why fight them? Simple because they could be holding onto some powerful and unique items. Enemies are also colour coded. Green are weak, blue are tough and while purple are real monsters and require real fire power to defeat. Pick your battles wisely.

Skyforge Battle Royale

Players when traversing the giant map will come across stations which are also marked on your map. One of them is a healing station where you activate for free and gradually regain health. That sounds very good, there must be a catch to it right? Well honestly no but you must take into account that they are in open spaces which means while you are healing someone might come along and shoot you. It’s good, it’s free but has a small risk. There is also suppose to be a armour repair centre as well. So be on the lookout for these as they can come in handy. X35 Earthwalker, the legendary soldier himself as used the health station twice successfully. It turned the fight in his favour.

The main way to find items and weapons is in chests which again are coded by colour, green is bad, blue is good and orange is awesome. The things that players can carry with them are three types of weapons. Guns that use bullets like the rifle, energy based weapons like a blaster and explosive heavy ammo weapons like a grenade launcher. Players can also find med packs that recover health, mine type items that can be planted, gadgets that can have powerful effects and grenade type items. All items and weapons are classed by colour, green is the lowest, blue is average, purple is powerful and orange is a weapon and a half. Med kits can be use repeatedly but have a cool down. There are mine items that when planted will pull in a nearby enemy and knock them down leaving them vulnerable. There are gadgets that can even grant the players temporary active camouflage like in Halo. There are grenades that work as a flash bang to blind and even a psi field that disables enemies. Find what works for you and the situation.

Skyforge’s Battle Royale is definitely more strategic and deeper than Fortnite. For starters the different characters with different abilities means that there are favourable situations and battles for some and not for others. If you can plant a turret then maybe you should focus more on staying the closing circle, wait for others to come and set up a turret to help. The night huntress will most like travel and fight and night times while she has the advantage. The devourer will at the start of a game seek to destroy weak hon human enemies to get stronger to overpower everyone else. So players have to keep all this in mind. What’s good is that before a match starts players can run around at the starting area and see what characters other players have chosen allowing you to prepare for when they come.

Since there is quite the range of weapons and items, players need to quickly decide what they want to go with the strategy or approach in mind. Snipers are good especially if you get your hands on a gadget that grants active camoflague. A flash bang may be more useful than a explosive grenade in multiple situations. You can even find armour that increase speed or big armour that grants damage resistance. There is a gadget that allows you to jump higher than the master chief, but not as high as spider-man. There’s a powerful equipment that lets you hover and move really fast across the ground. That could go well with two handed sub machine guns for that quick travelling damage. We aren’t going to give everything away but there are multiple layers and deep strategy to this game over the other battle royal. For example in footnote it’s all about finding a shotgun and building really fast. That’s gets boring quick. In Skyforge there are many effective ways to survive and get the kill.

Skyforge Battle Royale

Already it’s perfectly clear that Skyforge’s battle royale is the best looking of them all. Look at the giant battle field. The design and visuals are beautiful. There are temples, water, stairs, underground sections, elevated areas, nice vegetation which look better at night and lots of room and places to explore and fight in. The matches are faster paced too simply because the safe zone gets smaller more frequently. You have a goof amount of time to gather and explore at the start but that ring closes quite fast forcing quick decisions, picking your fights wisely and running into others much faster. More players are catching on to Skyforge and so match start up much faster too. 

One big negative about the game so far is the lag issues at times. Which thankfully isn’t frequent but they are annoying and could ruin things for you. Also three matches now the match started but we couldn’t jump down to get into the map, a bunch of players were stuck n the starting zone which is very frustrating especially when you spend resources to use a character but now it’s wasted. We hope the developers look into this fast. 

Overall Skyforge’s battle royale is very good. We can confirm that X35 Earthwalker, the one true Earthwalker has won many matches and currently always places within the top ten (except for that one match where a glitch happened). There is a lot of variety in weapons, characters, items, monsters (sort off), strategies and more. Skyforge is without a doubt the battle royale that we have the most fun with and the matches are the most interesting and even less skilled players stand a chance. We at X35 Earthwalker recommend this game to all fans of battle royale. Now Skyforge may have the best battle royale but it still ain’t as good as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

For more information check out the link below:

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Visuals Skyforge

X35 Earthwalker has played many games of pretty much all types but hardly0 any MMORPGs. The two that we have played are Skyforge and Tera. Both are focused on action combat instead of click and select and wait your turn. In both you move your character, time their attacks and decide when to dodge. Both have been good fun but which one is better? 

First let’s make it clear that it’s only our view and opinion here. Both have interesting stories. In Skyforge players become an immortal who’s goal is to become a god and then hopefully move up to become a elder god while defending the world from many dangerous and powerful groups of aliens that invade and attack humanity (mainly mortals) like machines, fish creatures, snake like creatures, demons and more. In Tera, it’s not exactly clear from the start but basically you play a character that soon joins the federation which is a combination of the seven races who are fighting against the Argons who threaten the peace of the world. Argons use both magic and technology to reshape the world. They are a top level threat and eve working together, victory isn’t guaranateed. Both have large stories of planet scale battles and include gods (false gods) but only in Skyforge do you actually play as gods, plus there is more than one enemy and each enemy army have their own beliefs, schemes and gods of their own. Things are more interesting and a bigger story in Skyforge.


Now both are big games, really big. As in there is a lot to do, places to visit and stuff going on. Through our journeys we noticed that there is far more stuff in Skyforge than Tera. Literally you would have to play for a very long time to even become an elder god which is off course superior to regular gods. Now any gamer who actually has a life and doesn’t spend the whole day playing Skyforge will take months and even years to build all the god deeds to use to unlock all the god abilities, complete Flavius’s lab, get enough sparks to naturally unlock all the classes and much more. It’s so big that it’s actually ridiculous and we don’t plan on getting everything. That’s right, you heard us. We are busy people who have a lot of great things happening our lives and we don’t have a whole day to just play the game. So Skyforge can keep their power ups and mounts. Like seriously, who wants to be an elder god anyway. In all seriousness though both Tera and Skyforge have a lot going on. Tera has many areas to travel too, levelling up takes quite a while after a certain point where only main quests seem to really budge the leveling up. Both are big, they are MMORPGs after all but Skyforge definitely comes of as bigger and deeper.

Now both have interesting enemies. Skyforge have the Oceanids, Mantides, Demons, Reapers of death, Mechanoids, Phytonides who all are annoying by the way. Each invading army has their own unit types of Pack, Thug, Enchanter, Crusher and Boss. Pack are in groups but weak, thugs do lots of damage, enchanter create special effects like buffs, weaken or even summon others, crusher have lots of health and boss which speaks for itself. In Tera there are many types and races of enemies from different places in the world. If you go to a desert like area, you will see giant sand slug sort of like creatures that borrow through the ground. If you go to the harbour and beach, you’ll see crabs and tortoises. If you head into the mines you will find enemies with pick axes and giant preachers with sharp legs digging (sort of like Corpsers from Gears of war). Basically there isn’t separate factions really except one main antagonist group called the Argons. So in Skyforge, you have one or two of the different invading armies in the different levels. While in Tera there are different enemies in each of the areas. This creativity has allowed so many more enemies for players to face. There is fairy looking creatures, pirates, vampires, giant spiders, crab like enemies, bloated axe wielding humanoids, dwarfs, Loks, half horse half dragon and literally so much more. Skyforge may have organised armies who have giant bosses Nihaz but those bosses are not as frequent and giant bosses in Tera and you end up fighting the same enemies quite frequently. The variety in Tera is much greater and makes each different place feel unique. So tera wins this.

Skyforge Snowman

Playing through the story is different from what the story is. In Skyforge you you have to travel to the same places players already explored. The objective will be in a level and players will have to go there, fight through the level which stays the same to find the person (mainly) that you need to speak to. Then you have to head to another level or head back to the observatory to then be told to go to another same familiar level and do the same thing. We have to admit that the story mode in Skyforge is boring. We don’t get much cutscenes at all but only at crucial points. If players had to do the story first then the locations and enemies would be new and more exciting but since many did the campaign first we did all the levels, fought all the enemies and faced the same elder god boss already. It’s basically go here, talk to that person, go there, talk to that person, go here kill that thing and then talk to that person and repeat. In Tera it’s quite different. A superior gives instructions to go to a certain place and there, are many missions, side quests, enemies there. So it’s very different from Skyforge. Sure you have to go back to Valika to report to your superior and they then send you to another place but all these places are new. Never seen before so it’s fresh each time. They are not linear either. These levels allow for side quests and players can do what they want with numerous enemies around and things to find. In one area, everything is a tropical place that has a sea where players can swim, another place has a huge temple like area, another place has a giant mine filled with tracks and excavated area. They are so different, not linear and different enemies. The side missions and the main missions are of variety and each area has a dungeon which contains multiple boss enemies and a huge top boss enemy. So how you play the story is better done, more exciting and doesn’t get boring in Tera.

Both Skyforge and Tera have many items and weapons to equip and use. They basically have the same items in terms of healing items and removing negative status. There are resurrecting items, stat enhancing items. How the items are used are based on the mechanics of the game and the difficulty. For example you can use items to recover health way less frequently in Skyforge. The items all work well and feel the same except for the resurrecting consumables in Skyforge which for us don’t work. We checked online and some gave some strange guide. Why can’t it be simple. Why can’t we just stand near our dead allies, then use our item and they get up. We tried but all we did was stand there and glow for a while and when done, they were still dead. It should be clear. Tera have teleportation scrolls that allow players to teleport (duh) to different places in the world or same area. Skyforge won’t need those as there levels are smaller and linear as in you never have to really turn back. Skyforge have more reward items and boxes to open containing more items. There are items which grant sparks of transformation. Skyforge even has items like paralysing darts, fiery cocktails and more to assist you in combat. We feel there are more items in Skyforge and more rewards, especially since our bags in Skyforge get filled far more quickly (you really have to expand bag size). So Skyforge wins in items due to having much more. Now concerning the weapons, this is a no brainer. Tera is Cleary the winner. The weapons in Skyforge feel absolutely useless. Whenever we get a new weapon, they don’t add much at all. You never feel more powerful. It may say 17% damage boost but doesn’t look like it at all. We soon didn’t care about new weapons. In Tera though you can easily see the difference in power. You can even add stones to your weapon and enchant them to make them more powerful and grant new effects. They even glow. Honestly Skyforge needs to sort out it’s weapons as weapons are a huge part of games. So Tera wins for weapons.

There isn’t really any crafting in Skyforge. Some players say after you become an elder god or something but but if that’s the case, then it’s too long. In Tera players can craft from when they are level 15 which doesn’t take that long at all. You can do crafting for weapons, armour, etching and alchemy too. You find many items like rocks and crystals which we advise you don’t skip them but collect them. In sky forge you collect some items but there is practically nothing to do with them concerning crafting. So Tera wins easily.

Big MMORPGs like Skyforge and Tera have many areas, sections, activities etc etc. Obviously this will be confusing for new players… but one game is definitely more confusing than the other. Both do quite well in guiding new players in the earliest stage but Tera holds your hand more which is good. When it comes to combat things get real confusing. For a good while we never knew what moves should combo into what and what certain words mean. Like whats a pulse? Skyforge says some moves use or generate pulse but there isn’t any part in the game that explains what these are or what they do. We wrote a whole blog which goes into more depth about this in the past. While in Tera there is a section whiten skills that show the character’s combos and what leads into what. Making things simple as it should be. Tera even reminds players with the commands showing when we can use a move that directly combos into another. This gets players into the rhythm of things and eventually know what should be done without help. Our mounts wouldn’t work for a while, even when the game tells us to equip our mount (skyforge) and we tried but it never worked. We found a way but not what the game told us to do. There are many areas and things in sky forge that aren’t explained clearly, we were confused for a good while about multiple things while Tera made everything quite clear much faster. Matter of fact we were only confused about one thing unlike sky forge which didn’t even give players a heads up that you can only have a certain amount of adepts and can’t sign new ones until you dismiss another. So tera is less confusing and more new player friendly.

Now in terms of which game makes the character you control feel cool and powerful. Let’s compare two similar classes. From Tera we will use the warrior class and from Skyforge we will use the Paladin. Both are sword wielding melee classes. off course they aren’t exactly the same. When playing as the Warrior, you have many sword skills, you can poison the enemy, cut them up and slice them up. The warriors stays as a dangerous swordsman who never stops cutting. While In Skyforge you actually feel like your swordsman has actual power. The Paladin can strike with lightning as their sword connects, shoot lightning, summon shields and more. The sword class in Skyforge makes you feel much more powerful than the Warrior class in Tera. Off course this does come down to the fact that in Skyforge you play immortals and gods who are obviously more powerful than regular mortal characters in Tera. The point is that Skyforge makes players feel more powerful and cool.

Speaking of classes, there is 10 classes in Tera but in Skyforge there is at least 16. So there are more options in Skyforge; however the classes in Tera have more moves which means more progression with that character. In Skyforge you can unlock all the moves and abilities for your class actually quite quickly while it takes much longer in Tera due to it having more. So there are more options and progression of your character in Tera. The classes in Tera do feel mostly similar while Skyforge does have the variety like multiple projectile classes from pistols to big cannons, ice wielding classes and light binding. Much more variety in Skyforge.

Now both games can get difficult but one is harder than the other. In both games, players have health regeneration but it’s much faster in Skyforge but the regeneration cannot be interrupted in Tera (from our experience). Running away from fights is much harder in Skyforge, in fact, you can’t really run away as the enemies move incredibly fast if you try to leave, especially during those squad missions. Meaning they will chase you down and continue to inflict damage until you die. In Tera, the enemies chase you too but only speed up after chasing for a good while and even then you can still dodge any attacks they throw while running away. they then give up and return. So if you start a fight in sky forge, either you finish them or they finish you. While in Tera you can flee from a losing battle and live. Tera also has a much smaller cool down time for healing items, so you can heal multiple times during a fight while in Skyforge you can normally only heal once and that’s it. Bosses in Tera have an abundance of health, more than Skyforge bosses in general but Skyforges bosses hit much harder. There was a boss that killed our character in two hits but we have never met a boss in Tera that could two shot us dead. Lastly in Skyforge dying doesn’t matter, as players control immortals who are known for dying and then coming straight back. Even so Skyforge is the more difficult game.

It’s time for combat. Both have action packed combat giving players control over their character instead of click and command. In both, players decide when to attack, dodge and aim their attacks. Both have a MP system, mana point for Tera and just mana in Skyforge. Now in Skyforge, some moves trigger other moves to be instantly used again without any mana cost and some moves increase the damage of another move for a short period of time. Players in Skyforge also have the ability to instantly kill enemies with finishing moves if their health is low enough (there is a cool down for this). There is an ultimate move, divine abilities as well and even the ability to change into your god form who has increased, speed, health and damage and their own special attack. In Tera players have many moves and yes some also power up other moves and make others of instant use but there’s one big difference. There is actual real combos in Tera. Sure if you know what moves do what and what works well after another then you could do like two moves combos but Tera has actually combos and the game shows you what moves to do next to keep the damage going. There is a section in your skills tab that shows you these combos and the options you have and since their are more than one, you can almost always be chaining many moves together regardless of what you start of with making fights more focused and engaging. The combat feels more technical in Tera while in sky forge it’s more figure it out for yourself and do what suits the situation. While Tera gives more options gives moves for almost all occasions. We will say though that the poison stab ability for Warriors is terrible and needs to be more effective. if we just go by standard character and their moves then Tera is better but If we take in the whole picture Skyforge has better combat because it still does have some hidden but less combos but it has many special abilities, numerous passive and extra abilities, divine abilities, god forms, ultimate attacks and god form ultimate attacks which literally destroy everything. 

Lastly let’s look at graphics. Both have big worlds with lots of variety and many things going on. Both have great graphics but only one game made us stop and truly look around and that was Tera. There is a desert area that has many rocks, ruins, relics, sand and more. We entered that area looked around and noticed all the details on the rock and how everything looked. We then saw what looks like a giant whale like creature swimming through the sky just doing it’s thing. It looked amazing. There is also some giant star sign blue clock hand looking symbol in the sky. It’s movements are smooth, looks beautiful and reminds us of something out of Final Fantasy Xlll-2 and we know how Good Final Fantasies graphics are. Sky forge has great graphics too like in that snow area and we looked up to see a Northern lights like sky, it was wonderful but Tera does look cleaner. So better graphics go to Tera.

Both games are very large and we are sure that Tera and Skyforge pros would have tons to say about the game instead of those stupid internet trolls who have nothing intelligent to say. both games are great and we are having fun with both. Tera has a more alive world, far more enemies of variety to face, better campaign, better and more effective weapons, has better weapon crafting system, less confusing and new player friendly and less difficult. Skyforge has a bigger and more interesting story, is a bigger and deeper game, more items, bigger variety of classes, the classes are more powerful and cooler, better combat and is more difficult.  overall we would say that the better game is Tera. Now this isn’t a stomp by any stretch of the imagination. It was close and they are off course different. Skyforge is a bigger game, with a bigger story, with bigger characters and gods so yes Tera can’t compete with that but even though Tera is smaller we feel it has done it’s game mechanics and things better in more ways. Now both mmorpgs, Tera and Skyforge, are great, big games but none of them are bigger or greater than… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Visuals Skyforge

Skyforge is an awesome game without a doubt. X35 Earthwalker himself has been playing it for a long while now and it has been said before and we will say it again. It’s the only MMORPG that we enjoy playing. Skyforge isn’t perfect by the way and has a number of issues that we wanted to focus on this time.

The first annoying thing about Skyforge is that the game wasn’t very honest with you from the start. You get your three starting classes after trying them out, you obviously want to unlock and try out the others. The description says that you will unlock them as you play the campaign. This isn’t correct. The truth is that you will most likely unlock one by the time you finish the campaign. For every providence level that you complete first time, you get 500 sparks of transformation (we will call them sparks from now on). You need 25000 sparks to unlock another class with the revenant class being 35000 sparks. This means you will need to complete 50 levels (70 for revenant class) to unlock your next class. That’s a very long time indeed. It takes too long and it’s disappointing. We thought as we get to the next providence where you see the classes temples, we could enter there and face a test or challenge or fight a max level A.I of that class to unlock the class, showing we are worthy but no. It’s just a description and the cost. We are aware that their are group missions that upon first time completion give 1250 sparks and you can get some items that when used give you 100 sparks; but it’s never guaranteed and there are like only a few of those big missions that require a team on the providence levels. This whole class unlocking thing disappointed us greatly.

The next big problem that Skyforge is connected to the first problem. Lately we have been seeing a bit of a trend. Remember that we specifically mentioned the Revenant class. Isn’t it a bit strange that the Revenant class costs more that the others. We have seen more players just using the revenant for everything. PvP, group missions and whatever all the time. Matter of fact, the revenant is actually more powerful than the others from what we have seen. In a PvP match X35 Earthwalker himself was a gunner class ,who are quite tacky thanks to the natural shields they gain and personal shield ability. A revenant rushed him but was getting shot the whole time. When he got close he broke through the shields super fast and started eating away X35’s health. So off course he use the teleport ability to get out of there but as soon as he teleported away, he got pulled all the way back to where the revenant was and got killed. The revenant didn’t take as much damage as they should. The revenant is too strong, players know that because they play it all the time. The developers know that because they raised the spark price (can buy with real money). All classes weren’t created equal. The gunner class has the most epic description out of all of them. They sound so powerful but when you play the gunner, he does less damage than you you would expect. Other classes kill things faster than him. The flamethrower is too weak, it should be a area of effect attack and only sets enemies on fire for two seconds which sucks! The big bad gunner who carries a big bad gun doesn’t do big bad damage. All their are some classes that we hardly ever see or seen at all like the alchemist and witch/warlock. Something needs to change here.

Divine form in Skyforge - X35 Earthwalker

Next issue is that the progress in Skyforge is really slow. Now we get that this game was made to be played for a very long time. We can see that but not everything with this game should be at such a slow rate. We love to unlock the symbols that you get for completing bastion quests. After you unlock the second row of symbols everything gets real long there on and that’s just the second row. There are 5 rows. The third row is taking a long time and takes even longer especially when there are so many missions, tasks, invasions, story mode, directives etc. Even if you focus on bastion missions only it takes a very very long time. Just thinking about how long row 5 would take can make you not even bother some times. Slow progress is also the issue connected with unlocking other classes. It just takes too long to do it with sparks. We think progressions, especially for symbols is too long. We believe understand the angle they are coming from but just a little mercy would be great. Also let’s make it clear. Skyforge is free to play. We X35 Earthwalker do not condemn Skyforge for micro transactions and buying classes and stuff. they made a large whole game for free of great quality and it’s still a business and they need to make their money somehow. We personally think it’s right to support them after what has been done. So what’s wrong with a few skins and maybe a class or two? Nothing. Just have to make that clear.

Lastly, a big problem with Skyforge is that it’s too cryptic. This is coming from X35 Earthwalker who has even outsmarted the Riddler and batman. You see many items and terms and names and don’t know how to get them or what they are. For example with the gunner class the three attacks: full auto, pulse shot and missile salvo all trigger something called “impulse charge”. What is Impulse charge?! Seriously. We checked all the abilities, names of attacks and whatever and we don’t see a description for impulse charge anywhere. Maybe it’s revealed to PC players or something but why can’t Skyforge have a simple explanation for it. An extra slot that explains these things. Does impulse charge reduce incoming damage, do we fire faster, does it buff the damage of a certain move. What?!!! Same goes for the Necromancer. We don’t know what: Toothy grin, ritual strike, plague storm, hellfire and bared fangs do either. Maybe the ritual strike, plague storm and hellfire are the combo moves when you use the standard attack but it’s not displayed or shown like how the combos and information is showed for the paladin class. They got it right with the paladin class but gunner and necromancer doesn’t have it. This means we aren’t using gunner and necromancer to their full potential because information isn’t displayed. This is incredibly annoying and we are sure it’s just a display error but we shouldn’t have to search the wiki and websites to learn what impulse charges are. There’s more cryptic stuff that will confuse all new players.

Lastly, maybe this is because there is something we are missing or don’t know but we can’t unlock other mounts in the game. For example mounts like that jetpack looking device we can’t unlock. We have unlocked our divine form and much more and we see players with much lower health and prestige having these mounts. When the game told us to select our mount we went to the mount section and everything was still locked. We couldn’t select anything. We have the mount that we got from the Christmas season a giant ram who is very fast but all the other natural ones we can’t unlock. We checked everything and not sure. Either there’s a glitch here or we are seriously missing something and if we are, then why is it so cryptic? Why say, select your mount when everything is locked? Why not say why it’s locked? It’s not about prestige level as we have said, there are lower ranked players with the mounts. Did they buy it? We have completed the whole campaign. Makes no sense and that’s worse, when it doesn’t make sense. Now many symbols appear above the dash status and some times you don’t know what they mean. It should be clearly explained as new players will suffer from this.

That’s some major issues we have had with the game and they are all big ones because it ruins the game in our opinion at times. New players always get confused and go online for help when it should be in the game. Like we said at the start we really like Skyforge and enjoy playing it. It’s an awesome game but it’s clearly far from perfect. Some minor issues and some majors but worth playing.  

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Skyforge is a huge MMORPG game. We at X35 Earthwalker have been playing Skyforge for a while now and have a number of different thoughts about the game. Skyforge is all about the immortals and gods. In Skyforge players start of as an immortal. Well not really a true immortal because you can still die but you come back. That sounds more like regeneration and resurrecting but whatever… you are an immortal. You must begin your journey from immortal to a full fledge god. To do this, players must gain followers. The more followers you have, the more powerful you become because of them believing in you. An interesting concept. 

Off course there is way more to the game that just that. The planet is in danger and the lives of mortals are on the line. Invasions are happening and evil or dangerous creatures and forces are at work and behind it. Most of the events and situations taking place are simply to big and powerful for mere mortals (useless beings) to handle. So it’s left for the gods and immortals to handle. You can gain followers by finding and rescuing people during missions. You could gain them through having big rituals being performed at your temple to attract more people. Also gain more followers as rewards for other stuff that you do.  

Skyforge invasion - X35 Earthwalker

Now you start as what appears to be a ordinary human working with his military team to protect innocent people from a vicious attack and crush the danger. the battle was worse than you thought. You and the team put up a great fight but ultimately was defeated and battered to death. No really, it was quite brutal.You wake up again on a pile of bodies and soon learn that you are an immortal. The same can’t be said about your comrades. Too soon? You are taken to the divine observatory where you meet and will be guided by a true god. Then introduced to another god for training and lessons and then you are let loose in the world. The gods in Skyforge are very different from each other and quite cool. Off course they are nothing compared to the one true God, Jesus Christ but in a video game these gods will have to do. 

It’s then you get to select your class. Now don’t worry. you don’t have to have just one and stick with it (you would know this if you read my previous blog on this game). You can right from the start actually have three classes to use and master. Paladin, Cryomancer and Lightbinder. These three are the perfect starting classes for any player to begin with. The Paladin is the sword and shield wielding tanker who attracts all the attention from enemies, takes all the damage but give out quite a lot as well. The Cryomancer is the hit hard but bruise like a peach attacker who destroys enemies with dangerous ice abilities from a distance. The Lightbinder is the light flashing support who always buffs up their team mates by enhances their power, shielding them from harm and looking good in the process. This means new players can fulfil any needed role. Off course there are many more classes out there. Much more…

Skyforge berserker - X35 Earthwalker

The full list so far is: Cryomancer, Beserker, Lightbinder, Monk, Slayer, Archer, Kinetic, Gunner, Alchemist, Knight, Warlock/Witch, Paladin and Necromancer. These classes are mostly very different to each other. Each class as their own leader god, abilities, play style and style as in looks. Now the classes can be purchased through in game currency or you can just dip into your real life wallet and get them straight away. Same goes for cosmetic stuff as well. So it’s really up to you. The option is there so don’t get mad.We love how unique the Necromancer and Gunner are. Others like Monks and Archers don’t seem as interesting but that’s for the gamers to decide.

There is literally a ton of things to do. There are invasions to counter and defend against, the campaign which takes you through the many provinces of Aelion and each area has their own challenges and objectives. Stories to discover and explore. Events to take part in and get a prize for progress, anomalies to set straight, guilds to join or form and off course climb the ladder to becoming a full super powered god and rule the battle field and maybe the world too. So like any MMORPG there is a lot of stuff to do and get started on. Leveling up each of your classes can be long that’s why players need to decide which classes they want as one of their mains for the many things ahead. 

Skyforge paladin vs cryomancer - X35 Earthwalker

Lastly there is the PvP battles. That;’s right. You are certainly not a god if you haven’t proven your might and power against gods how immortal are you really if you haven’t go the guts to clash with other immortals? Exactly! There are straight up team battles, you can challenge someone to a 1v1 duel  and even have battles that include golems who fight alongside you. Now in these matches there may be one or two moves you have for that class that cannot be used in PvP. Skyforge warns you of this in the description and hints concerning your moves and abilities so you will know which ones aren’t available. Some moves are only for PvE and some for PvP. You must use your skills and timing effectively to win as it can get heavily strategic in a second. That annoying Cryomancer hiding in the back with long range attacks and that sneaky Paladin who suddenly drops in next to you carving their name in your back as you try to run away. Beware the battles are tough.

Now Skyforge is definitely not perfect. For starters the levels and strength of players in battle aren’t equal. Meaning you can have a player who has been playing the game non stop go up against you in a battle making things much harder and in some cases unfair. Also Skyforge can be very confusing for first timers. Seriously when X35 Earthwalker himself first played the game, there was so much things to do and could try from the start that it got a bit confusing. Like what does this mean, what are those, why is this not available, what’s the difference between ‘Story’ and ‘Campaign’? Etc. Some classes actually don’t seem that useful or as epic as the others. Everyone thinks the Gunner class is awesome and who doesn’t love a good necromancer… but who chose the Archer? We haven’t seen a single Monk. Obviously they serve their own purpose and we do like that they are there but it’s clear some sound more awesome than others. Some players due to connection are just sliding around, teleporting and it does make battles annoying at some times. The mouth syncing bad in this game… Just saying. Some dialogue you ere isn’t in the text box or at times different words. Minor stuff but still stuff. Skyforge tells us to select our first mount but yet nothing is unlocked and available. It’s frustrating. It also takes a long time to unlock your first class outside of the starting three, unless you use your real money. We just think it shouldn’t take that long to get your first actual choice of a class.

Overall Skyforge is a great game. It does what a game should do which is provide entertainment for a long time. Off course this isn’t a real proper in depth review but it’s just our views and some  opinions on different things. The graphics in Skyforge are great. The music is very good, no doubt. Some of the music is just feels perfect for the large environment. World of warcraft and some others did not make X35 Earthwalker want to play them but Skyforge is the only MMORPG which we actually want to play. Skyforge is worth giving a try. It’s easy for new players to get into the MMORPG. Skyforge just might be worth checking out.

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Skyforge is a MMORPG developed by ‘Allods Team’. It’s coming out the 29th of November for Xbox One but already out on PC and PS4. Now when it comes to MMORPG, there is much that has to be taken into consideration. Has Skyforge done it right? Let’s take a look.

The story in Skyforge is actually kind of exciting. You play an immortal warrior who will walk the path to become a mighty god (as if being immortal isn’t enough). On your path you will gain followers (who know you aren’t a god but trying to become one by the way). You must fight to protect your world. The more followers you have  Now there is a special group called the ‘order of keepers’ who are known as the most powerful and best there is. They also get to shape the fate of the world. That sounds big and sounds like quite the journey. Now the more followers you have, the more powerful you become.

Now Skyforge has been inspired by some other top action- combat games. There is animated action not just wait around and click etc. So expect everything like combos, finish moves, movement and dodging. So not point and click basically. The combat gets deeper as you can switch between your classes with one click. So if some enemies require some ranged tactics then you can switch from a close range fighter to maybe an archer. What they did right though is that you can level up and improve all your classes at the same time. Like having exp share item in pokemon.

The world is always in danger here in Skyforge. The types of dangers range from other immortals, invaders and much more. So the mortals of the world need the players to protect them. Do so well and gain followers. You can also select what type of activity you want to take part in. For example there is: group, PvE, solo, PvP, raids and more. So there is at least some options. 

There are 14 different classes each with their own powers and abilities and off course style. Some are the cryomancer, the berserker, the paladin, the gunner, the light binder, the witch, the kinetic,  and much more. The Gunners are awesome by the way. As for the players after becoming a god you become over powered but there is a higher level… the elder gods. Who take OP (over powered) to another meaning. So watch out for others gods who have a bad temper. There is lots to do in this game literally like divine forms, invasions, big raids, distortions, anomalies and much more.

We checked out some gameplay and everything looks smooth. It’s what you would expect of a MMORPG. you have your character and you are running around exploring the big world and you may see a giant spider and so you cut it up. Find quests, complete them, you know the drill. Nothing wrong with it so far but seeing it and playing are quite different. 

Overall this looks like a great game so far. The graphics are very good, the sounds are good and the different locations and environments look like they are worth exploring. Only if we play the game can we get more information. The developers ‘Allods Team’ did a very good job with this game. Skyforge is worth checking out. now the gods are pretty strong but nothing is even half as strong… as the ‘Earth Walk!’.

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